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The Art of Art


By AbriannaPublished 5 months ago 2 min read
Sketch of girl and snake, by author Unknown

Art is commonly used for a word to describe a drawing or a sculpture. However, Art doesn’t have a certain meaning, at least to me.

Art can anything, from a video game, to a man-made lake. It’s imagination, creativity, and the ever-woven complexity of this universe.

Art doesn’t have to be perfect, or this or that. It just is.

Many people want to learn to draw, and these are the tips from me.

Don‘t try to make something just because someone else does it. Did Picasso become famous for trying to draw realistic like other artists?

"I paint items how I think them, not how I see them" - Pablo Picasso

Don‘t try. This may seem weird, but it’s actually very important. I don’t mean just scribbling without thinking, but getting in the zone.

If you try too hard, you won’t enjoy the Art of your drawing, but if you listen to some music and let your mind drift off you will draw with your memories and pleasure.

"To draw you must close your eyes and sing" - Pablo Picasso

One step at a time. I honestly practiced for a year until I got the hang of Art, and got very frustrated when it didn't come out right.

But I learned that in order to get better, I needed to make mistakes. If you're thinking "Of course, another 'practice takes patience'" Believe me, I thought that too! But if you don't practice and, for example, draw hair over the left eye, will you ever learn to make both eyes look the same? No!

"I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it" - Pablo Picasso

Saving the Art. This is my biggest regret with Art; I didn't save my drawings. I usually just crumbled up my paper and threw it into the trash. Well, that's a very big mistake I urge you not to make. When you log onto Social Media and see "Then vs Now" art videos, the Then is usually from many years ago.

But, if you don't save your artwork, you won't be able to see your progress. So next time you make a bad piece of Art, don't toss it. Save it.

"Every act of creation is first an act of destruction" - Pablo Picasso

Then vs Now, by Flo

Be judged. Judgement is usually avoided, but is highly necessary. Whenever I make Art, I grab my sibling (Who is very strict for her age) and make her tell me what's missing. Even if it might hurt, remember to keep the piece of judgement in your mind for the next artwork you make. That way, you will open the doors to improvement.

"Art is a lie that makes us realize truth" - Pablo Picasso

Finally, you might not be good at drawing. And that's OK. Drawing is one of the many, many forms of Art, and eventually you will find your right form. It's OK to be mad, just remember to keep practicing, exploring, and finding. Because, as the famous Picasso said;

"God is really another artist. He invented the giraffe, the elephant, and the cat. He has no real style, he just goes on trying other things" - Pablo Picasso


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