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story of the day

riddle and more

By musa mukhtarPublished 10 days ago 3 min read
story of the day
Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in the whimsical kingdom of Lunalot, where the rivers ran with lemonade and the trees bore candy apples, there lived a quirky king named Fizzleberry. King Fizzleberry was known far and wide for his love of riddles and laughter. His castle was a place where jokes flew faster than arrows and riddles were the currency of the realm.

One sunny morning, King Fizzleberry decided to host a grand contest to find the kingdom's best riddler. He sent his trusty messenger, Sir Giggles-a-Lot, to spread the word. Soon, word reached every nook and cranny of Lunalot, from the Cotton Candy Mountains to the Fizzy Soda Sea.

Contestants flocked to the castle, each eager to test their wits. Among them were three friends: Elara, a clever elf with a knack for wordplay; Bramble, a mischievous gnome who could make anyone laugh; and Grumble, a grumpy yet lovable troll with a surprisingly sharp mind.

The contest began in the castle's grand hall, decorated with banners of rainbow hues and balloons shaped like dragons. King Fizzleberry, wearing a crown made of gummy bears, addressed the crowd, "Welcome, one and all! Let the riddles commence!"

The first riddle was presented by the king himself. He cleared his throat dramatically and said:

"I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I?"

Elara, always quick on her feet, raised her hand and answered, "An echo!"

"Correct!" shouted King Fizzleberry, and the crowd cheered. Elara did a little victory dance, which looked quite impressive given her tiny elf stature.

Next up was Bramble, who loved a good laugh. King Fizzleberry posed another riddle:

"I have keys but open no locks. I have space but no room. You can enter, but you can't go outside. What am I?"

Bramble scratched his head and then snapped his fingers. "A keyboard!"

"Spot on!" King Fizzleberry laughed, clapping his hands in delight. Bramble took a bow, his hat flopping over his eyes.

Finally, it was Grumble's turn. The crowd quieted down as King Fizzleberry asked:

"The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?"

Grumble, despite his grumpy demeanor, had been pondering this riddle deeply. After a moment, he grunted, "Footsteps."

"Absolutely right!" King Fizzleberry exclaimed. Grumble's face cracked into a rare smile as the audience erupted in applause.

The riddling continued, with each round more challenging and entertaining than the last. Elara dazzled with her quick thinking, Bramble charmed everyone with his humor, and Grumble impressed with his surprising wisdom.

After many rounds of laughter and brain-teasing fun, King Fizzleberry declared a tie between the three friends. "You have all proven to be the best riddlers in Lunalot," he said, "and so, I shall reward you all equally."

The friends were given the finest treasures of the kingdom: a golden riddle book that never ran out of riddles, a magical joke book that made everyone laugh, and a sparkling crown made of the finest gummy bears.

As they left the castle, Elara, Bramble, and Grumble were met with cheers from the townsfolk. They had not only proven their wit but had also brought joy and laughter to the entire kingdom. And so, in the delightful land of Lunalot, laughter and riddles reigned supreme, and the three friends became the legendary Riddle Masters of the realm.

From that day on, whenever anyone in Lunalot felt down or puzzled, they knew just who to call. And so, with laughter echoing through the candy-coated hills and riddles flying through the fizzy air, the kingdom of Lunalot remained a place of endless fun and merriment.


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musa mukhtar

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    musa mukhtarWritten by musa mukhtar

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