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Pen & Inktober

Part 1: Days 1-5

By Nick Cennamo-SmithPublished 8 months ago 2 min read
Turning the Inktober 2023 challenges into 100 word stories

1. Dream

I walk these halls, so familiar yet unrecognisable. Pictures of faces I can’t quite place line the walls, the paintwork crumbling away the further I go. In the distance, a pair of double doors block the path ahead, the glass smeared with paint. Each step towards them brings me further away, the endless hall stretching out beyond reach.

Ignoring the faces I run, my feet heavy and movements sluggish. I struggle to breathe, the air thick. Something is pressing me down, holding me back. What is behind those doors? I need to see, I need to reach…

I wake up.

2. Spiders

Dancing on spools of crystal silk, dew drops gathering as she weaves her tapestry of death. Concentric patterns of her own design, unique and fragile as they are beautiful. An artist of no renown, hated by most, feared by many, but loved by few.

Her work complete, she takes no time to admire the elegance of the delicate web. She skitters away to the cover and safety of a rose leaf, for she is both predator and prey, she waits. Time passes her by, nature glittering in her eyes as she rests patiently.

A gentle ripple, a meal entangled. Feast.

3. Path

An afternoon's stroll had always been the highlight of Mike’s day. After the chaos of the office, while everyone rushed to catch the next bus or train back home, the middle-aged accountant made his way towards the woods. Surrounded by nature, the rustling of leaves, and the chirping of birds, he enjoyed this time alone.

The wind whipped his coat about him, pulling him from his daydream. Staring ahead, Mike found himself in an unfamiliar part of the forest. The trees arched around him, forming a tunnel of emerald and jade. He stepped forward, not knowing where he was headed.

4. Dodge

Jakie bolted down the alley, the sound of gunfire roaring behind him. Shouts followed as he emerged into the street, running so fast he barely avoided being hit as he dodged through the traffic. Looking back he could see the goons emerge from the alley, searching all about for him. A finger pointed his way, cries of “there!” shortly followed by more gunfire.

Maybe ripping off that casino wasn’t his best idea, but he was in it now. If he could reach the docks he’d be free and clear. Rounding the corner, something hard struck him, his consciousness fading away.

5. Map

Finding a dry, flat rock to rest at, Jimmy sat down and took a breath. It had been a long walk across the fields of Snowdonia, particularly for a kid. Opening his backpack he took out his lunch box, this was the perfect view to enjoy a sandwich.

Removing his rolled up map Jimmy laid it out flat on the stone beside him, along with a book of Great British walks. The Isle of Skye looked pretty good. Placing one marker pin on the Scottish Isle and another on Snowdonia, Jimmy watched as the rippling doorway opened up before him.


About the Creator

Nick Cennamo-Smith

I'm Nick Cennamo-Smith, the author of the Mortzeel's Lost & Found series, along with a collection of short stories.

I am currently working on the continued series, hoping to expand the world and mysteries in which my story takes place.

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