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Inside the World's Most Haunted Houses

"Into the Darkness: Exploring the Malevolent Mystery of Sally's House"

By Nida gul shinwariPublished 2 days ago 7 min read


legend has it that the cause of all the

mayhem at one of the most disturbing

haunted houses in america

stems from a little girl who was the

victim of a botched medical procedure

during a house call

at the turn of the century

a family who lived in the sally house in

the 1990s

documented their experience on the tv

show sightings

which talked of flying objects

unexplained voices

frequent apparitions scratches burns

and all mainly directed towards the male


former renters of the home said their

daughter would speak to sally

and they thought it was just an

imaginary friend but apparently

sally isn't some harmless ghost

theories around her malevolent presence

in the house as well as some of the

evidence of satanic rituals in the


suggest that sally is in fact

a demon disguised as a young girl


i'm with kyla we are here at the sally


and we're going to be here all night


i'm going to go upstairs it's starting

to get darker out i want to show you

guys some of the rooms

real quick this first room that i'm

going into

is sally's room and it definitely

gives me a weird vibe i want to show you

some of it

look at all of the little toys and dolls

they have

of course they have a raggedy and doll

over here they have some stuffed animals

and then down over here they have yet

some more toys so i think it'll be cool

to use these

as trigger objects later in the night

i was saying earlier i'm like wouldn't

that be awesome if i was in the middle

of the night you heard this music box

turn on

they say this is one of the rooms that

has the most activity

if we go across the hall into this

other room over here this room

they say that this rocking chair

sometimes will rock

on its own this other room here

i don't know why but this one kind of

gives me the creeps too

but then they have this closet in here

and i don't know it just gives me a

weird vibe

sally are you here

we're here to talk to you tonight

we'd really like it if you showed

yourself to us tonight

if you could talk to us maybe

give us any sign that you're here


we would really appreciate it

okay next i'm going into the basement

and this is

i don't know it's really creepy now

here's kind of spooky

we're gonna go down here though whether

i like it or not

look at that hole oh my goodness

so creepy guys i'm going back upstairs

right now because i just had the

weirdest experience

and i caught it on my live stream while

on instagram i was coming

out of this bedroom here and when i came

out i

turned off this light and then i walked

out into this hallway and i was talking

in my live stream

and this light here went out

by itself the other light here stayed on

but this one

went out and at first i thought okay


maybe it was just the light bulb like


or whatever i i got a little freaked out

so i went downstairs

silly's room and we started talking to her. We tried to make contact, hoping for some response. The atmosphere felt tense, and every creak of the old house seemed amplified in the silence. As we stood there, a chill ran down my spine, and I could sense Amanda's unease growing palpably.

"Did you hear that?" Amanda whispered, her voice barely audible. I strained to listen, but all I could hear was the faint hum of the house settling.

Then, unexpectedly, a faint giggle echoed through the room. It was soft, almost playful, yet it sent shivers down my spine. Amanda and I exchanged nervous glances, our hearts racing. Could it be Sally?

"Sally, if that's you, can you give us another sign?" I asked tentatively, trying to keep my voice steady. We waited in anticipation, the air heavy with the unknown.

Suddenly, from the corner of my eye, I saw a shadow move. It darted across the room and disappeared into the darkness of the closet. My heart skipped a beat, and I felt a surge of adrenaline. Was it our imagination, or had we just witnessed something paranormal?

"Did you see that?" Amanda gasped, her voice trembling. I nodded silently, unable to find the words. The room seemed charged with energy, and I couldn't shake the feeling that we were not alone.

As we stood there, contemplating our next move, a faint music box melody filled the air. It started softly, then grew louder, echoing through the room. I felt a chill run down my spine as realization dawned on me – it was coming from Sally's room.

We exchanged a look of disbelief before cautiously making our way towards the source of the music. The room was exactly as we had left it, the toys and dolls arranged neatly on the floor. But now, the atmosphere was different – charged with an eerie presence.

"Sally, are you playing with the music box?" I asked, my voice trembling slightly. The music continued to play, as if in response. It was a haunting tune, reminiscent of a bygone era.

Then, as suddenly as it had started, the music box abruptly stopped. The room fell silent once more, the only sound our own ragged breaths.

"We need to document this," Amanda whispered urgently, pulling out her phone to capture everything. I nodded in agreement, my mind racing with a mix of fear and fascination.

Little did we know, our night at the Sally House was far from over.

As we stood there, exchanging bewildered glances, the silence hung heavy around us. The dim light from Amanda's phone illuminated the room, casting long shadows that seemed to dance eerily across the walls. I couldn't shake the feeling that we had unlocked something beyond our comprehension – something that defied logical explanation.

"Sally, if you're here with us, can you make your presence known?" Amanda's voice quivered slightly as she spoke into the stillness. We waited in tense anticipation, unsure of what to expect next.

Suddenly, a soft whisper echoed through the room, barely audible yet undeniably there. "Help me..." The voice was faint, tinged with sadness and longing. Amanda and I exchanged startled looks, our hearts racing in our chests.

"Who's there?" Amanda called out, her voice wavering. The whisper came again, this time closer, as if someone was standing right beside us. "Help me..."

I felt a chill run down my spine as I realized the enormity of what we were experiencing. This was no ordinary haunting – there was a story here, a tragic tale waiting to be uncovered.

"Sally, can you tell us what happened?" I ventured, trying to keep my voice steady despite the rising panic inside me. The air seemed to thicken with tension, as if the very walls were listening to our conversation.

For a moment, nothing happened. Then, the temperature in the room dropped noticeably, sending a shiver through both of us. Shadows seemed to gather in the corners, twisting and morphing into indistinct shapes.

"Sally, are you trying to communicate with us?" Amanda's voice shook as she spoke, her eyes wide with a mixture of fear and curiosity.

Just then, a sudden gust of wind swept through the room, extinguishing the candles we had lit earlier. Darkness enveloped us, broken only by the faint glow of Amanda's phone screen.

"We need to get out of here," Amanda whispered urgently, her voice barely above a whisper. But before we could move, a low, guttural growl echoed from the basement below us.

I felt a wave of dread wash over me as the realization sunk in – whatever was in this house was not friendly. Sally, or whatever entity masqueraded as her, harbored malevolent intentions. The stories of scratches, burns, and voices suddenly felt all too real.

"We can't leave yet," I said, my voice trembling. "We need to find out more."

Amanda nodded reluctantly, her eyes darting nervously around the room. "Okay, but let's stick together."

With cautious steps, we descended into the basement, our senses on high alert. The air grew colder with each step, and the oppressive darkness seemed to press in around us. The faint scent of decay and must filled our nostrils, a stark contrast to the pristine dolls and toys upstairs.

As we reached the bottom of the stairs, we were greeted by a sight that chilled us to the bone. Symbols and markings covered the walls, illuminated by the beam of Amanda's flashlight. Pentagrams, cryptic runes, and faded writings in languages I couldn't recognize adorned every surface.

"This... this is something dark," Amanda muttered, her voice barely audible. "Do you think Sally is tied to this?"

Before I could respond, a loud crash echoed from the far corner of the basement. We spun around, our hearts pounding in our chests. Shadows seemed to move and swirl around us, obscuring our vision.

"We need to leave now," I said firmly, grabbing Amanda's arm. "This place is not safe."

But as we turned to ascend the stairs, a cold gust of wind slammed the basement door shut with a resounding thud. We were trapped.


About the Creator

Nida gul shinwari

just me

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    NGSWritten by Nida gul shinwari

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