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How to Prevent Horrific Cricket Injuries

By John Ndar

By John NdarPublished about a year ago 3 min read
How to Prevent Horrific Cricket Injuries
Photo by michael weir on Unsplash

November 14th 2014, remains one of the darkest days in world cricket history.

On that day, famous Australian cricketer Phillip Hughes suffered a terrible head knock by a bouncer of Sean Abbott.

Tragically, Philip sustained a fatal skull injury and died.

The incident shocked and jolted the world cricket fraternity; it was unbelievable such a fun game could result in such a tragedy.

Other Horrific Cricket Accidents

There are other recorded freak cricket accidents.

Earlier on, in February 1998, legendary Indian cricketer Raman Lamba’s death was just as shocking.

The team captain had asked Raman to wear his helmet; unfortunately, the player ignored this advice. Raman went on to field at forward short leg, barely metres from the batsman.

He was hit by the bat, suffering a fatal head injury. Tragically, Raman Lamba died.

A year later, in 1999, there was another awful incident involving India and Sri Lanka during a competitive Test match. In this case, Jason Gillespie and Steve Waugh, two robust cricket players, collided in a run to take a catch.

Jason snapped a leg tibia while Steve Waugh’s nose was broken.

Oh yes, the list of casualties is virtually endless.

How can cricket players be protected against such incidents? What can be done to help injured players?

Putting the Finger on Common Cricket Injuries

What are some typical cricket injuries?

Common cricket game injuries include:

Mallet Finger Injury

  • Such injury occurs when the cricket ball knocks the fingertip, injuring the tendon. Consult a doctor immediately if your finger appears displaced.

The doctor might brace the finger and advise when you can resume playing.

  • Medial elbow sprains
  • Ankle sprains
  • Lower back pain
  • Impingement syndrome (shoulder blade injuries)
  • Upper limbs injuries
  • Sprained wrist
  • Lower limbs injuries
  • Non-limb injuries

A Pre and Post- Match Tip

Right before and after a match, vigorously stretch your muscles and warm up your body. Thus, you reduce the likelihood of injuries, and muscle pulls while on the 22-yard pitch.

Perfect Your Cricket Skills

Strive to perfect your batting, fielding and bowling skills. Learn the best techniques. You considerably reduce the possibility of injuries in this way. Of course, it calls for commitment to accomplish it.

Wear Safety Gear

All cricketers must wear appropriate clothing and safety gear whenever they take to the pitch. This includes wearing custom cricket shoes, arm guards, shin pads and gloves.

As a rule, all players must wear a head and face protection helmet.

This is especially crucial for wicketkeepers, fielders or batters since they're typically positioned near the ball.

Seek Competent Treatment

Certified cricket medics should conduct an urgent assessment whenever a player is injured. This offers essential information on the necessary intervention measures to alleviate the situation.

Other interventions include:

  • Refer the patient to a competent medical facility for further action
  • Consult an injury specialist or physiotherapist who should recommend an appropriate treatment regime. Generally, the specialist might initiate cricket rehabilitation measures for full recovery

Parting Shot

While cricket remains popular, there’s a threat players can sustain grievous injuries- this is an ever-present phenomenon. Yes, while the human body can achieve amazing feats, it’s prone to injury.

There are various ways to prevent and treat common cricket injuries. In recognizing this, players and managers should strive to employ preventive techniques to deal with the menace.

Players and cricket managers should master simple methods to forestall the likelihood of accidents on and off the pitch. Would you doubt this is a life and death matter?

Try these tips to ensure every cricket player is safe from horrific accidents that have occurred in the recent past.


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    JNWritten by John Ndar

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