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Back to You Planning

Story Description

By Delaney CarlsonPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Back to You Planning
Photo by Shoeib Abolhassani on Unsplash

He was the one in charge. Elkabar they called him. Elkabar was the king of pixies, even though he was an elf. Part pixy, some say, but mostly elf. May was mistaken for the general and got sent in with him. She hid immediately. Elkabar started going over his plan, from the beginning. He spoke out loud about his whole plan. Here it is: He was, and is, in love with May and Ella’s mother. He believed Ella was his child and that she was rightfully his. He sent people to steal her one night and tested to see if this was true. It was. Ella was Elkabar’s biological daughter. He saw that she had some power, but if it wasn’t added to, it wouldn’t evolve at all. She would be powerless. So he put some of his power into her. A little too much. She was given more power than her young self could handle, and removing it would kill her. So he had to leave her, put her back. When he found out she had a sister, he wanted to do the same to her, but Ella had started making her own mind and way. She took May, but instead of leaving her where she was being forced (by magic) to, she threw her off a cliff into the raging river below. Elkabar was furious, but partially proud of his daughter for disobeying him so. He got his subjects to kidnap Ella every year after that, and put sleeping dust on her so she wouldn't remember him the next day. He would give her a little more power each year, most years too much. He did this until her 18th birthday, when he put far too much power into her. She didn’t remember him, but all the power inside of her knew where it came from, and she was forced to go to her father. When she arrives she hooks herself (unconsciously, her power does this to her) up to the power-giving crystal. She had only gotten power from Elkabar, not straight from the power crystal. This crystal had endless power, but could only be given to people who had been born with even a small piece of power. Elkabar found her just in time, and quickly removed her from the crystal, knowing too much power would kill her. She was still unconscious, her power controlled her movements. Elkabar quickly got her removed from the fortress, afraid she would awaken at any moment. Then she started transforming, he tried to stop it but couldn’t. Soon she was a phoenix, and he could do nothing but flee back into the fortress. She was more powerful than him. She flew away and he searched for her until his search team found her in the woods. He took her back here and tried to reverse the transformation. He had been having little success. He started breaking down, as he spoke to himself. May took off her helmet and walked over to him, her kindness overflowing her fear of the evil elf king. He asked who she was, she told him. He used his power to slam her back against the wall, but as his power was linked with Ella’s, he couldn’t hurt her, and she was lowered to her feet. He was confused and May tossed him the journal, told him it was something to read, from his daughter. She ran out of the room and searched through the fortress to find Ella. She did, Ella was screaming (phoenix screams are loud) the ground was also slightly vibrating. May entered through a door to find a round glass hallway that went around the bottom of a huge lab room where Ella was chained in a simple outdoors-themed habitat.


About the Creator

Delaney Carlson

I’m a cringy author uploading stories I wrote when I was like 10, so please enjoy the depressed weirdness.

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    DCWritten by Delaney Carlson

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