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6 Keys to Being a Successful Voiceover Actor

Becoming a successful voice actor

By Evie MillsPublished 8 months ago 3 min read
6 Keys to Being a Successful Voiceover Actor
Photo by JK Sloan on Unsplash

Great writing is the foundation for great commercials, trailers, informational videos, and more. To bring life to the words on the page, takes a talented voice actor.

Voice acting is fun and exciting that can be challenging to get into.

Luckily, we’ve come up with the 5 important keys to becoming a successful voice actor.

1. Take an Acting Class

Taking a voiceover or acting class has more benefits than you might think. Of course, learning the ropes of voice acting is key and trained professionals such as those teaching the course can take you far.

Taking a class on the subject can offer you great networking opportunities. Voice over acting is made up of a tight-knit group of actors so breaking in can be tough. This class can be your way of meeting people already in the business that can help you.

2. Get familiar with the script

This one seems a tad obvious, but it’s probably the most overlooked.

Many times I receive a voice over file with several takes – it’s obvious when the first take, is the talent reading the script for the first time. Stumbling through a read is wasting everyone’s time. Casting directors, producers and directors will remember that for the next project.

When you get a script, you need to feel comfortable saying every single word. Whether it’s a 30 second commercial or a 25-minute instructional video, know the script like the back of your hand. Spell any names or interesting words phonetically to avoid problems when reading.

3. Set up your equipment

The equipment and software you’ll have at home will vary by your needs, preferences, and budget. Great news, though. In recent years, many of the pieces you’ll need (i.e., microphone, headphones, etc.) have become very competitively priced. You can set up a podcasting studio for less than $200, and a professional recording studio could cost over $20,000.

4. Find your voice

Take some time when you’re first starting out, as well as before each project, to find your voice. Do some vocal warm up exercises, get your body limber, breathe…your voice and body are an “instrument”. Take time to “tune” it before you “play”.

5. Get comfortable

Lastly, just before you’re finally ready to record, get comfortable. This means getting comfortable with the script, making sure your area is set up properly, and treating your voice kindly. Avoid dairy, chocolate, any anything else that makes you salivate when voice acting. Warm water with honey and lemon will help keep your throat lubricated. Don’t drink anything cold – that constricts your throat.

Standing is often considered preferable to sitting when recording. It allows you to breathe and speak more easily and also facilitates body movement. Feel free to use hand gestures and get your body into the acting. The inflection that causes in your voice will be audible and that’s a good thing!

6. Work with a Voiceover agent

Referrals are very powerful- especially if its someone who uses the agent’s people, like a casting director or Head of TV at an ad agency.

Voiceover agents rock!

If you want a good one you better start relating to them. Because depending on how talented and expert you are, it would probably take a couple of years to connect with the right one.

Although several of voiceover students are getting work without representation and I myself have more than enough regular clients to maintain a career without an agent - I would never consider NOT having one. As someone who runs a business I understand the massive value that a VO agent offers for a fraction of what it would cost to have that service in a regular business.

The hidden benefits are obviously the relationship itself, access to expertise, management of your production, quoting, negotiating, invoicing, pursuing bad debt, etc.

In the end, what matters is you take the leap. Keeping these few bits of advice in mind, you’ll be able to build the foundation for a solid, enjoyable, and lasting voiceover career.


About the Creator

Evie Mills

Designing, Blogging, Relationships, Social Media, Lifestyle.

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