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1st Chiniot Art Festival

"Embracing Creativity: Celebrating the Vibrant Spirit of Chiniot"

By Tehreem Ali MalikPublished 12 months ago 5 min read

Chiniot, the land of heritage, where history meets culture and art is a historical city located in the Punjab province of Pakistan. If you're looking for a city that's steeped in history and culture, look no further than Chiniot! Chiniot has a rich cultural heritage that can be seen in its architecture, crafts, and festivals. This beautiful city known for its intricate wood carving and furniture industry, which is a testament to the region's rich artistic heritage. From the moment you arrive in Chiniot, you'll be greeted with stunning examples of architecture, such as the Shahi Mosque, Umer Hayat Mahal and Sheesh Mahal which is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in history and design. River Chenab is also a popular destination for locals and tourists alike, who come to enjoy the river's natural beauty and recreational activities. Fishing, boating, and picnicking are all popular pastimes along the banks of the Chenab in Chiniot. And if you're a foodie, you'll be in heaven in Chiniot, where you can indulge in delicious local specialties like kunna, chinioti murgh chana, and halwa puri.


The Chiniot 1st Art Festival was a subpart of the Chiniot Spring Festival and had 18 categories of activities. This two-day extravaganza was a spectacular showcase of artistic talent and creativity, featuring 18 categories of activities that left the audience in awe. The festival was managed by Be Positive Productions, that has been behind some of the most successful projects in the region. The organization was responsible for handling two of the festival's most important categories - Painting and Theatre competitions.

The response to the festival was overwhelming, with more than 300 participants from all over the city and beyond. The Theatre competition had 18 to 19 teams, while the Painting competition saw 60 participants showcasing their artistic skills.

The festival was a visual treat for the audience, with an endless array of colours and creativity on display. The paintings were breathtakingly beautiful, with each stroke of the brush bringing the canvas to life. The Theatre performances were equally impressive, with participants showcasing their talent and dedication to the art form.

The event was attended by a large audience, and the house was always full. The atmosphere was electric, with people cheering on their favourite teams and artists, and appreciating the efforts of everyone involved in making the festival a grand success.


The festival had two esteemed judges :- Mr. Asif Hayat and Dr. Tohid Ahmad. Both have extensive experience in the theatre and performing arts field and have worked with various local and international organizations. The judges provided the participants with valuable feedback and helped in promoting the local arts community.

Mr. Asif Hayat is serving as head of the performing arts department at The Democratic School Faisalabad. He possesses a graduate degree in drama from Korea. Along with all this he possesses 17 years of experience of working on theatre, acting and direction with multiple local and international organisations.

Dr. Tohid Ahmad is serving as Assistant Professor at Govt. College University Faisalabad. He's a historian, Punjabi language activist and founder of Punjab Suleekh Mela & Kuknas. Along with all this he possesses 15 years of experience working in theatre, training, and direction with multiple local and international organizations.


Chiniot 1st Art Festival had a positive impact on the local arts community, the economy, and the city's cultural identity.

  • Promotion of local artists: The festival provided a platform for local artists to showcase their work to a wider audience. This helped to promote their art and attract potential buyers and collectors.
  • Boost to the local economy: The festival attracted large number of visitors from both within and outside the city, which provided a boost to the local economy. Visitors spent money on transportation, accommodation, food, and souvenirs, which generated revenue for local businesses.
  • Encouraged community participation: The festival encouraged community participation and engagement, with many residents of Chiniot getting involved in the event as volunteers, performers, or attendees. This helped to foster a sense of community pride and ownership in the festival.
  • Cultural exchange: The festival provided an opportunity for visitors to experience Chiniot's rich cultural heritage and artistic traditions. It also facilitated cultural exchange between Chiniot and other cities and countries, with artists and performers from outside the region participating in the festival.


Chiniot 1st Art Festival represents a significant step towards the creation of a vibrant arts and cultural scene in the city. It seeks to promote diversity, unity, and creativity, and to free the city from any political, social, or religious constraints that may have hindered its development in the past. By providing a platform for local artists to showcase their work and celebrate their cultural heritage, the festival promises to be a celebration of the unique cultural identity of Chiniot, and a source of pride for its residents.


Love Bites, a restaurant known for its delicious food and cosy ambiance, sponsored the first Chiniot Art Festival. This young and dynamic entrepreneur understands the importance of giving back to the community and supporting cultural initiatives. As part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts, they chose to support the art festival and played a significant role in making it a success.


B+ Productions Pt. Ltd. has been a pioneering force in the event management industry, bringing innovative ideas and concepts to life. With over 65 successfully executed projects across diverse fields, we have empowered over 5000 families and more than 50 schools. Our vision is to create a positive impact on society, and we have been working towards this goal by aligning our efforts with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG).


  • Our goal is to reform the society and increase the scope of our activities to have a greater impact. We are committed to promoting and supporting initiatives that foster positive change and make a real difference in people's lives.
  • Our team believes in the power of art, culture, and education, and we have seen first-hand the impact they can have on individuals and communities. As we move forward, we aim to expand our activities and reach even more people with our message of positivity and empowerment.

Contemporary Art

About the Creator

Tehreem Ali Malik

Unleash the Extraordinary Within: Join me on a transformative journey!

I'm Tehreem Ali,and I invite you to explore the depths of human potential with me.Let's embark on an extraordinary adventure together,where possibilities are limitless.

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  • hyderali malik12 months ago

    Good Work, Keep it up!

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