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What is Ultimate Beneficial Ownership?

Know why UBO verification is required to every business

By Adam MendasPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Having information about a company's Ultimate Beneficial Owner is important for a number of reasons. It is an especially critical piece of information in the context of risk management, KYC procedures and anti-money laundering regulations. It is not always easy to uncover the identity of the people who ultimately control a company and have the ability to impact its activities.

Knowing who these people are is crucial to understanding and mitigating risk associated with operating within any given country or jurisdiction, as well as meeting Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements. If you operate a business, whether for personal profit or non-profit purposes, knowing who the UBO of your business is important for financial, legal and tax reasons. This guide explains what Ultimate Beneficial Ownership (UBO) means and why it is so important to know who has control over your company.

What is Ultimate Beneficial Ownership?

The ultimate beneficial owner (UBO) of a company is the person who ultimately controls the company, regardless of their title or position within the company. These people will have the power to impact the operations of the company, and therefore it is critical to know who the UBO is. The ultimate beneficial owner is not necessarily the owner of the shares of a company in the legal sense.

There may be a difference between the legal and beneficial owners. The beneficial owner is the person who has the right to make decisions about the company, such as the right to receive profits and the right to vote on major company decisions. Ultimate beneficial ownership is important in financial, legal and tax contexts.

For example, a person who invests in a company needs to know who the ultimate beneficial owners are because they have to comply with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network rules. The ultimate beneficial owners may need to be verified by due diligence, which could include a variety of means.

Benefits of Knowing the UBO

Knowing the UBO of a company is important for several reasons. Perhaps most critically, knowing the UBO can help regulators and investigators identify people who might be involved in illicit activities, including corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing. Knowing the UBO is also important from a financial perspective.

Every company has shareholders, and in the case of a publicly traded company, there are also investors. A company’s shareholders and investors need to be informed about who the ultimate beneficial owners are.

Investors may have the right to vote on important issues that impact the company, including executive and board member elections, mergers and acquisitions and the amount of dividends that are paid to shareholders.

The shareholders of a company may be required to report certain information to regulators, including the UBO.

Shareholders are also required to report any changes to the identity of the UBO. Knowing the UBO can help shareholders to comply with these rules.

Why is Knowing the UBO so Important?

Knowing the UBO of a company can help you to manage a range of risks, including reputational, financial, and regulatory risks. If you want to expand your business to another country, or if you want to expand into a new sector of the economy, you will likely need to establish a new company.

In this case, you need to know the UBO of that company so that you can conduct due diligence to determine if the owners have any relevant issues in their background. Knowing the UBO can help you to mitigate reputational risks. For example, suppose that the UBO of a company is one of your competitors, and that competitor is known for engaging in anti-competitive practices that have resulted in investigations and fines from regulators. If you fail to disclose the identity of your ultimate beneficial owners, you could be accused of facilitating or enabling such anti-competitive practices.

How to Find the UBO of a Company?

If you want to know who the UBO of a company is, you first have to find the company in question. There are several ways to do this, including searching online databases, searching public records and obtaining information from the company itself. Depending on where the company is incorporated, you will have access to different databases.

For example, if a company is incorporated in the United States, its information will be available on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s EDGAR database. If a company is incorporated in the United Kingdom, its information will be available on Companies House. If the company is incorporated in a different jurisdiction, you can search the International Financial Corporation’s Financial Disclosure database.


Knowing the UBO of a company is important for a number of reasons. The identity of the UBO may help you to manage risk, as well as comply with financial regulations, such as the FATF standard. If you want to expand your business or invest in a new company, you will need to know the identity of the UBO. You can find this information by searching online databases or obtaining information directly from the company.


About the Creator

Adam Mendas

DIRO's document verification technology is built to mitigate risks of financial fraud, reduce manual team costs and reduce friction on AML and KYC compliance. DIRO’s technology, Banks, and FinTechs can use the technology for these features.

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AMWritten by Adam Mendas

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