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What is Cyber Security?

How to Protect Yourself from Cyber Crime?

By Shree KeshavPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Cyber Security

In this digital world, it is not enough just to protect ourselves from external attacks. Our important data is saved in our mobile and laptop, which includes our personal information from finance details.

Just think what will happen if this sensitive information reaches the hands of a criminal? You will not even know and the bank account is empty.

While another digital technology has made our life easier, its dependency has also given rise to new crime for humans. Which is called Cyber Crime.

The only way to prevent Cyber Crime is Cyber ​​Security, which works to protect you from Internet crimes.

But, what is Cyber Security? Detailed information has been shared in this article on the same subject. For convenience, this article has been divided into the following sections.

  • What is Cyber Security?
  • Why the need for cyber security?
  • How to protect yourself from cyber attack?
  • Cyber Security

    What is Cyber ​​Security?

    Cyber ​​Security is the collective name of measures that are taken to protect computers, networks, digital devices, data from theft, loss and unwanted access. It is also known as Computer Security, Information Technology Security, Digital Security.

    It acts as a shield between your important data and cyber criminals. The cases of cyber-crime are increasing every day. Criminals live every day with new methods such as social engineering, artificial intelligence to carry out their misdeeds.

    This is the reason that today a large number of investments are made on cyber security for cyber security in all sectors (schools, banks, hospitals).

    Due to the spread of the Internet, the security term is integrated with many technologies. like; Information security, network security, application security etc.

    But, happily, most of the potential cyber threats can be avoided by knowing the necessary measures in time.

    Why need Cyber Security?

    Cyber Security

    Do you know that every year the ratio of cyber-crime is increasing very fast. And the loss of money, not millions but billions, is due to misuse of company data due to cyber-crime.

    And yes, not only the company but also personally, criminals do personal attacks to get the data of common people.

    If we look around, we find that the Internet has surrounded us. We have smartphones in our hands, computers on the table, smart TVs on the wall, and how many digital devices are connected to the Internet, which we use every day.

    The more we become dependent on the Internet, the more the importance of cyber security will increase. Therefore, cyber security is becoming a primary need today.

    It acts like digital guards in the digital world. Those who are aware of this will use this guard and those who will be deprived of information will be victims of cyber-crime.

    How to Protect Yourself from Cyber Attack?

    Cyber Security

    # 1 Update Operating System

    Most digital devices rely on a software to make the hardware work. This software is called the Operating System. Such as Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Ubuntu etc. are popular operating systems in a computer. And mobile devices use Android, iOS.

    OS manufacturers periodically add new features and tools to strengthen security. Which you can get free by updating. Therefore, keep the OS up-to-date to protect your devices.

    # 2 Use Antivirus

    Viruses can enter your device in many ways like installing a software in your computer or downloading a file.

    Stopping these viruses is a challenging task. Because, we cannot see them with eyes. And it is not known that the virus can come from here.

    Therefore, Antivirus programs assist in this task. Which keeps checking your device regularly whether any virus or spam program has come in the device.

    When you run a website on the Internet, then warn you about that website that this site is not secure.

    # 3 Select Strong Password

    Often we make the biggest mistake only when we set a simple password. Which makes it easy for anyone to access our device, social media accounts. Therefore, set a password that no one can even guess.

    # 4 Do not Open Unknown Email Attachments

    The days of letter are over. Because, it is the era of electronic messaging. Dangers also come with these electronic messages. It is very important to protect yourself from them.

    Often, the useful software in our Inbox is sent by the unknown people, some viruses or malware are sent in the name of the file, which can be infected as soon as the computer is opened.

    Therefore, Never open attachments with unknown email address and also digitize such emails immediately.

    # 5 Avoid Public Wi-Fi

    Hackers have their eyes on the most public Wi-Fi networks. Because, most people use them. Therefore, instead of such unsecured network, it is better to use your own private network.

    In this article, you have learned__How to Protect Yourself from Cyber Attack?

    We hope that you will like this article and will prove useful to you.


    About the Creator

    Shree Keshav

    Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

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