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Top 11 Clean Coding Techniques to Write Better in 2022

Best Practices to Write a Better Code

By Naren SharmaPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Software engineering is more than just picking up a language and writing some code. Software developers are expected to write clean code.

So, What is Clean Coding, and When do we call a Code Clean Code?

The quality of software can be determined by reading a sample of the project's code. If the code is simple to understand and modify, it is undoubtedly good software, and engineers enjoy working on it.

Know that even a terrible code is capable of functioning. However, if the code is not clean, it can put a development organization to a halt. Countless hours and significant resources are wasted each year due to bad code writing.

Nobody likes to work on a project with bad or chaotic code. However, engineers occasionally skip following clean code principles due to deadline constraints. They rush to go quicker and end up moving slower. It introduces extra bugs, which they must fix later when they revisit the code.

This, in turn, consumes far more time than the time spent writing the code. It makes no difference whether you are a new or seasoned programmer; you should always follow clean coding practices to be a competent programmer. Know that you are accountable for the quality of your code; thus, writing clean coding is a MUST.

Here in this post, we shall discuss the techniques of clean coding. Before we delve into the art of producing clean and better code, let's have a look at some of its qualities...

So, what are the characteristics of the Clean Code?

Easy to Read: A well-written program should be readable. If someone is reading your code, they must enjoy reading it.

Simple to Comprehend: Clean code should be easy to comprehend. It should adhere to the notion of single accountability (SRP). A good code is always simple to comprehend, modify, and maintain.

In a nutshell, a clean code is one that passes all the tests without much effort.

Let’s now take a look at the best clean coding techniques.

Best Clean Coding Techniques

1. Maintain Simplicity

First things first, keep your code as straightforward and understandable as possible. Avoid becoming ostentatious until absolutely necessary. More often than not, software developers overcomplicate things; you don't need to do that.

Using clean code architecture, you can keep things simple, produce higher-quality code, solve problems faster, collaborate more effectively with other developers, and have a more adaptable code base.

2. Comprehend Your Code

Even if you're a complete beginner writing simple code using an 'if else' statement, start by visualizing the code on a piece of paper. Once you comprehend the concept underlying the code, the algorithm and the entire compiler process will become more meaningful.

Even seasoned programmers break down an algorithm into sub-parts to construct a solution for each and write clean code. Once you begin internalizing the code and resolving issues, your confidence will quickly grow.

3. Avoid Imprudent Naming

You'll be writing a lot of variables, functions, classes, arguments, modules, packages, and directory names. Clean coding practices necessitate naming your variables meaningfully in your code. The name you give your code should be self-explanatory.

It should contain information on the purpose of a variable, function, or method. Undoubtedly, choosing meaningful names takes time; however, it results in much cleaner and easier-to-read code for both developers and yourself. Also, keep the names to three or four words.

4. Follow DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) Concept

"Don't Repeat Yourself" or a DRY concept is a popular software development philosophy aimed at preventing the recurrence of program patterns through abstractions or by avoiding redundancy through data standardization.

Software developers use functions, classes, and instances to avoid retyping code that has already been written once.

The DRY concept is one of the best clean code principles that enables developers to avoid duplication and write significantly cleaner code.

The art of writing clean code is what distinguishes a brilliant coder from an average one.

5. Use Indentations To Separate Your Code

Indentation is one of the critical aspects of clean coding. It refers to the spaces at the start of a code line. It is mostly used for code included within looping statements, control structures, and functions, among other things. It improves the readability of the code.

Here is how Indentation helps write clean code:

Imagine you're in Shoppers Stop to buy sportswear, and there you see no regularity in the arrangement of the merchandise. You reach the sports section, but you see kid's merchandise instead; how chaotic will it be?

For a smooth shopping experience, stores are organized into different sections so that shoppers can reach straight to their choice of section.

Similarly, Indentation helps programmers organize their codes. When your code is indented, it becomes more understandable and easier to locate specific sections.

6. Learn, Learn, Learn

The only way out to become a master of any art is to keep learning. And software programming is no less than an art. When you're into software programming, it's crucial to stay updated and learn clean code principles as much as possible.

There are plenty of online courses to learn and master clean coding practices. Remember, the more you code, the more proficient you become in clean coding.

7. Get Creative

As said earlier, writing code is an art that you develop with experience. Remember, there is no shortcut to becoming an excellent coder. Rather than merely copying and pasting code from Google or any other source, develop the ability to think for yourself.

You can utilize already written codes to understand or optimize your code. However, you must learn to write code and solve problems independently.

8. Include Comments In Your Code

This is one of the most fundamental clean coding practices; however, most coders just ignore following it. Remember, if you wish to become the master of clean coding, make the comment section your best friend.

Including comments in your code is a best practice that applies to all programming languages. It simplifies and expedites upgrading, debugging analysis, and other post-programming processes.

Additionally, if you're working in a team, including comments in the code makes it easier for your teammates to comprehend your vision for the code.

9. Organize Your Task

Unquestionably, writing clean code is a task. A lot of files and directories are created and deleted in software development, making it difficult for other developers to comprehend and work on the project.

So, it's advised to create a proper file structure from the start. Having a well-structured folder will help you and other developers to comprehend the entire project.

10. Avoid Implementing Excessively Lengthy Procedures

You must avoid writing lengthy functions. While you may be able to comprehend long procedures, how about the rest of the team's developers?

Frequently, it becomes impossible to comprehend, alter, or reuse such codes. Additionally, it is imported for the purpose of ensuring code coherence. Procedures should be succinct (preferably around ten lines). It should serve a single purpose and accomplish a single objective.

11. Trial Runs

Last but not least, take trial runs. The browser unable to deliver the content is a significant turnoff for users. And dissatisfied users is the last thing that you would want. As a developer, you must inspect how your website shows on various devices and across different browsers and make necessary adjustments.

Closing Thought

Clean coding is not an overnight skill. You need to put in a lot of effort and follow clean coding practices to master the art.

Following these tips can help you write clean code and become a seasoned coder.

Enjoy coding… :)

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About the Creator

Naren Sharma

I'm an SEO analyst at Annexlogics System Pvt Ltd. I love to share my thoughts about programming for SEOs', digital marketing, social media, analytics etc.

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