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Time is running

Time is running

By salamanPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Time is running

Time is Running is a story about a young woman named Amelia who discovers she has the ability to manipulate time. The story follows her as she tries to understand and control her powers, while also navigating the consequences of her actions.

Chapter 1: The Discovery

Amelia was just an ordinary college student, studying hard to become a doctor. One day, while sitting in her dorm room studying for a physics exam, she noticed something strange. The clock on her wall seemed to be moving backwards.

At first, she thought she was imagining things. But as she watched, the clock continued to move backwards, and she realized that time itself was moving backwards.

Amelia panicked, not knowing what was happening or what to do. But as she focused on the clock, she suddenly felt a surge of energy coursing through her body. And with that energy came an understanding of what was happening. She had the ability to manipulate time.

Over the next few days, Amelia experimented with her newfound powers, trying to understand what she could do and how to control it. She found that she could slow down time, speed it up, and even reverse it. But the more she used her powers, the more she realized that her actions had consequences.

Chapter 2: The Consequences

As Amelia continued to experiment with her powers, she found herself getting more and more reckless. She would slow down time to get more studying done or speed it up to make the day go by faster. But with each use of her powers, she began to notice small changes in the world around her.

At first, the changes were small and insignificant. But as she continued to use her powers, the changes became more and more noticeable. She would slow down time to finish a test, but then notice that her pencil had moved a few inches to the left. She would speed up time to get through a boring lecture, but then realize that she had missed an important piece of information.

Amelia began to feel guilty about the changes she was causing. She knew that manipulating time was dangerous and that her actions could have serious consequences. But she couldn't resist the temptation of having control over time.

Chapter 3: The Accident

One day, while experimenting with her powers, Amelia made a mistake. She was trying to slow down time to avoid a car accident, but she miscalculated and ended up causing the accident instead.

The accident was minor, but it was enough to make Amelia realize the gravity of her situation. She knew that she couldn't keep using her powers recklessly and that she needed to figure out how to control them.

Amelia began to research the science behind her powers, trying to understand how they worked and how to control them. She read everything she could find on time manipulation, from scientific journals to online forums. She even contacted a few experts in the field, but they were skeptical of her claims and dismissed her as a fraud.

But Amelia didn't give up. She continued to experiment with her powers, trying to find a way to control them. She practiced slowing down time for short periods, then gradually increased the duration. She practiced reversing time, then tried to reverse only small portions of it.

Chapter 4: The Choice

One day, Amelia was faced with a difficult choice. She had been asked to take part in a clinical trial for a new drug that could cure cancer. The trial would take place in a few days, and Amelia knew that she would need to study hard to pass the entrance exam.

But she also knew that the drug had the potential to save countless lives. If she passed the exam, she could be a part of something truly great. But if she failed, she would miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime.

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