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The world's top 15 elite special forces

Elite Special Forces

By AjayPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

In today's video, we'll be counting down the top 15 most elite special forces in the world. These highly trained and skilled warriors carry out high-risk missions with precision and secrecy, protecting their countries and handling some of the most dangerous operations on the planet. From well-known units like the U.S Navy SEALs to the secretive Russian Spetsnaz, each of these specialized units operates at the highest levels of skill and effectiveness.

**15. Chinese People's Liberation Army Special Operations Forces (PLA SOF)**

Established in the late 1980s, PLA SOF is a specialized unit within the Chinese military responsible for reconnaissance, sabotage, counter-terrorism, and hostage rescue. They employ advanced technology and equipment, including unmanned aerial vehicles, and are involved in various high-profile operations worldwide.

**14. Turkish Special Forces Command (OKK)**

The OKK is a secretive and specialized unit within the Turkish Armed Forces, established in 1952. It excels in high-risk missions, counter-terrorism, and has been involved in international peacekeeping missions.

**13. Indian National Security Guard (NSG)**

Formed in 1984 to counter terrorism, NSG is India's elite special forces unit responsible for high-value target protection and counter-terrorism operations. Their rigorous selection and training process ensure only the best make it into the unit.

**12. South Korean Special Warfare Command**

With North Korean threats always looming, the Special Warfare Command is a highly specialized unit of the South Korean army. They excel in various combat missions and have extensive experience in countering North Korean infiltration attempts.

**11. Polish GROM**

Established in 1990, GROM is Poland's elite special forces unit known for its anti-terrorist capabilities, direct action missions, and involvement in peacekeeping operations worldwide.

**10. Swedish Special Operations Group**

The secretive Swedish Special Operations Group specializes in covert ops, high-risk missions, and intelligence gathering. Their adaptability and expertise make them a force to be reckoned with.

**9. Norwegian Special Commando (FSK)**

FSK, established in the 1980s, is Norway's elite special forces unit, known for its cold weather and mountain warfare expertise. They conduct direct action, reconnaissance, and counter-terrorism missions.

**8. Australian SASR**

The Special Air Service Regiment (SASR) of Australia is an elite special forces unit known for its prowess in counter-terrorism and reconnaissance missions. They have been involved in high-profile operations worldwide.

**7. Canadian Joint Task Force 2 (JTF2)**

JTF2 is Canada's elite special forces unit, specializing in counter-terrorism, reconnaissance, and high-risk missions. They work closely with international allies and have been instrumental in various military operations.

**6. German GSG9**

The GSG9 is Germany's premier anti-terrorism and special operations unit, known for its success in high-risk hostage rescue missions and counter-terrorism operations.

**5. French GIGN**

GIGN is France's highly skilled special forces unit specializing in counter-terrorism, hostage rescue, and law enforcement operations. Their successful missions have earned them a reputation for precision and bravery.

**4. Israeli Sayeret Matkal**

The highly secretive Sayeret Matkal is Israel's elite special forces unit known for its intelligence gathering, reconnaissance, and counter-terrorism missions. They have executed high-profile operations with surgical precision.

**3. Russian Spetsnaz**

The term Spetsnaz refers to various Special Operation Forces units within the Russian military and security services. These units excel in unconventional warfare, reconnaissance, and counter-terrorism operations.

**2. British SAS**

The Special Air Service (SAS) of the United Kingdom is renowned for its elite status and history of successful military operations, including counter-terrorism and reconnaissance missions.

**1. United States Navy SEALs**

The United States Navy SEALs are considered the top-tier special forces unit globally, known for their highly challenging training, versatility, and effectiveness in a wide range of missions.


These top 15 elite special forces units represent the pinnacle of military training and expertise. From countering terrorism to executing high-risk missions, they are the best of the best, ensuring the security and protection of their respective nations and allies.


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