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The whole world is hot, and the Google server has crashed.

Hacker technology

By Nell JonasPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Because Britain has a temperate maritime climate and the hottest monthly average temperature in the past usually did not exceed 25 degrees Celsius, many facilities here, including database cooling systems, were not designed to withstand high temperatures.

Even the airport runway has melted in this year's heat.

After the runway at a RAF base was "heated", high temperatures at London's Luden Airport also damaged the surface of the runway, forcing staff to carry out urgent repairs, resulting in delays or interruptions of several flights.

This year's abnormal ultra-high temperature is really unexpected to the British, perhaps when they talk about the weather, they will complain: Why is it so hot?

In fact, the whole of Europe has been hit by a heat wave this year, and fires have even broken out in France, Spain and Portugal because of high temperatures.

In Portugal and Spain, temperatures are as high as 47C in some areas, and at least 748 people have died as a result of high temperatures, according to USA Today.

France also set a new record for high temperatures this week, with highest temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius in many towns along the Atlantic, making firefighting more difficult.

In addition, the temperature in Switzerland, known as the "roof of Europe", was as high as 37 ℃ on July 18, local time, compared with the previous summer temperature rarely higher than 30 ℃, so many Swiss homes do not even have air conditioners.

Looking at the larger region, June was the warmest June in the world since records began in 1880, according to NASA data.

A meteorologist shared a comparison of global temperatures in 1976 and June this year, and it is not difficult to find that the world is "hot" now.

According to a paper by Science Advances, in the past two years, the high temperature and humidity in many parts of the world are approaching or even reaching the limit that human beings can bear.

This kind of high temperature is not only for human beings, but also for many servers.

A lot of servers collapsed.

In addition to the aforementioned Google and Oracle, cooling systems in many data centers in Europe have malfunctioned these days.

Some data centers in Europe now have to adopt more "primitive" methods to cool air-conditioning systems and keep them running, according to Bloomberg.

For example, manually spray water on some AC motors on the roof to cool down manually.

In fact, although the data center has a cooling system, the server operation is still vulnerable to the weather.

On the one hand, the equipment failure caused by high temperature and other reasons.

For example, the power supply of the cooling system is prone to problems, or high temperatures lead to battery deformation, etc.; in addition, cooling equipment, such as air conditioners, may also be "damaged" by high temperatures.

This has also led to problems with cloud storage and cloud services used by many companies. for example, Wordpress sites were paralyzed for a period of time after Google and Oracle servers went down.

On the other hand, the high temperature also limits some "naturally cooled" data centers.

A typical example is Google's three data centers in Europe, which use 100% natural cooling (no cooling), that is, river cooling, sea water cooling and air natural cooling.

Google's cloud website, for example, shows that they raise the indoor temperature to 80 degrees Fahrenheit and then use outdoor air to cool it.

But this year, the outdoor temperature is...

Tu Yuan Google Cloud official website

One More Thing

In this hot weather, some people will think of Willis Haviland Carrier, the father of air conditioning, and Hedy Lamarr, the mother of WiFi.

Tuyuan Weibo @ slightly drunken cheese

When he invented the first modern air conditioner, Willis Kaili was also a "beater" at Buffalo in New York and was sent to improve the printing quality of one of the company's printing plants.

After research, Kaili found that too high temperature will lead to high humidity in the factory, affecting the printing effect. So he creatively thought that water vapor could be condensed with a pipe full of cold water.

The device developed according to this principle reduces not only the indoor humidity, but also the temperature, thus giving rise to the embryonic form of modern air conditioning.

Now, air-conditioned WiFi watermelons have become the "three treasures of summer".

So, in this summer when some ice creams can't melt, are there any other tips for friends to reduce heat? (manual dog head)

Reference link:

[1] https://www.theregister.com/2022/07/19/google_oracle_cloud/

[2] https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/P9ToS1UDCl5KbCa3z7Rt0g

[3] https://www.theverge.com/2022/7/19/23270581/google-cloud-oracle-servers-outage-uk-cooling-failure

[4] https://time.com/6190496/heat-waves-summer-2022-starting-early/

[5] https://status.cloud.google.com/incidents/XVq5om2XEDSqLtJZUvcH

[6] https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-07-19/how-to-keep-cool-in-heatwave-uk-data-centers-use-hosepipes-on-roofs

[7] https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2022/07/nasa-june-2022-tied-as-earths-warmest-june-on-record/

[8] https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.aaw1838


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Nell Jonas

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