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The Domestication of Cats

From Wild Hunters to Lazy Companions

By Finhas AssadPublished about a year ago 3 min read
A House Cat

Cats are one of the most popular pets in the world, with millions of households welcoming them into their homes. However, these creatures were not always so friendly and docile. In fact, cats were once wild predators, and it took thousands of years for them to become the beloved pets we know today. In this article, we will explore the history of the domestication of cats.

The Origins of Cats:

Cats are believed to have originated in the Middle East around 10,000 years ago. They evolved from wildcats, which were skilled hunters that lived in the deserts and grasslands of the region. These wildcats were often seen around human settlements, where they preyed on rodents and other pests.

Early Domestication:

Cats were not initially domesticated for their companionship. Instead, they were valued for their hunting skills and their ability to control vermin. Early humans would have recognized the benefits of having cats around their settlements, as they helped to protect their food stores from pests.

As humans began to settle down and form permanent settlements, cats began to form close relationships with humans. The first evidence of cat domestication comes from the island of Cyprus, where a cat was buried alongside a human over 9,000 years ago.

Selective Breeding:

Unlike dogs, cats were not selectively bred for specific traits until much later in history. Instead, cats were allowed to mate freely, and their offspring were allowed to roam free. Over time, different types of cats began to emerge, each with their own unique characteristics.

One of the most famous breeds of cat is the Siamese, which originated in Thailand. These cats are known for their striking blue eyes and their talkative nature. Other breeds of cat, such as the Persian and the Maine Coon, have also become popular pets.

Cats in Ancient Civilizations:

Cats played an important role in many ancient civilizations. In ancient Egypt, cats were revered as sacred animals and were often depicted in art and literature. They were believed to have divine powers and were often mummified alongside their owners. In fact, killing a cat in ancient Egypt was punishable by death.

In ancient Rome, cats were also valued for their hunting skills. They were often kept as pets, and were even used in gladiator games.

Cats in the Middle Ages:

During the Middle Ages, cats fell out of favor in many parts of Europe. They were associated with witchcraft and other forms of black magic, and were often killed in large numbers. This led to a rise in the rat population, which in turn contributed to the spread of disease.

The Black Death, which swept through Europe in the 14th century, is thought to have been caused in part by the lack of cats to control the rat population. It wasn't until the 16th century that cats were once again valued for their pest-control abilities.

Modern Cats:

Today, cats are one of the most popular pets in the world. They are valued for their companionship, their hunting abilities, and their ability to control vermin. Cats are often kept as indoor pets, and are fed a diet of commercial cat food.

Cats have also been used for scientific research, particularly in the field of genetics. The domestication of cats has led to a wide range of genetic variations, which have been studied extensively in recent years.

Training and Care:

Training and caring for a cat is an important responsibility. Cats require a balanced diet, regular grooming, and proper medical care. Training is also important, particularly for indoor cats, as it helps to prevent behavioral problems.

In conclusion, cats have come a long way since their days as wild predators. They have been domesticated for thousands of years, and have become

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About the Creator

Finhas Assad

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