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So You Want to Learn Angular?

This guide can help you learn it.

By Tobias GillotPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

The popularity of Angular has increased greatly since its initial launch by Google back in 2009. Back in the first versions of the platform, software developers could extend basic and static HTML by using Angular to convert this into dynamic content. Angular also changed the way that programmers looked at user interfaces, where simplicity in creating amazing UI created advantages that few other platforms could replicate.

With the features added to each subsequent version, the framework has become one of the most popular tools available. Its open-source nature also makes it ideal to learn and implement. If you are looking into learning Angular, this guide is the perfect place to start.

Installing Angular 7

Before installing Angular, be sure to check that the machine’s development environment includes node.js and an npm package manager. The node.js should be version 8.x or 10.x. To create projects and generate programs, the developer needs to install the Angular CLI globally, which is achieved by running this terminal command (without quotes): “npm install -g @angular.cli”

Once the program is installed, users can take advantage of the many features and characteristics that Angular has to offer. Among these is a more interactive CLI, improvements to the Component Development Kit (CDK), the use of Angular Materials, performance improvement in the production environment, and a “bundle budget” feature, among many others.

Steps for Developing an Angular App

Once programmers install the Angular CLI, they can create a workspace. In this platform, applications are developed within the context of the workspace. Such spaces may include files for one or multiple projects. Developers can create an initial application project and subsequent workspace by running the CLI command “ng new” and giving the parameter the name of the application. For example, a project called Hello-Word is created by running the following command against the CLI (without quotes): “ng new Hello-Word”

When the command is executed, the developer is then asked to provide information regarding the features that the Hello-Word app should have. The programmer can accept the default features by hitting the enter key. After the application workspace is created, programmers can launch the server by using the command “ng serve –open” within the newly created workspace. The command launches the server and rebuilds the app. The open command opens the default browser and displays the result of the application.

Several concepts are foundational to Angular, and developers need to understand these to develop better applications. The platform was built with the mobile-first mentality, and its building block is components. These components are the units that obtain input, display output, and handle events that occur based on user interaction.

When the developer creates a workspace, Angular creates the first component called the root component. Developers can open the file and make changes as needed. Based on the previously supplied example, the file ./src/app/component.ts will have a title property called Hello-Word. Additionally, other files including a CSS file will possess information on how to display elements such as the title.

Obtaining Additional Assistance

For new and experienced developers, Angular can provide a robust and comprehensive solution for the development of mobile and web apps that focus on user interface (UI) design. Nevertheless, it may be necessary to obtain in-depth Angular training to reduce the learning curve and allow for a fast approach to implementing the new toolkit.

Many major cities including New York, Chicago, and others offer courses that have a hands-on approach to learning the development environment. Angular training in Dallas, for example, provides development and corporate teams with an instructor-led program that facilitates learning. Regardless of the resource, it is important for all programmers to remain up to date with the latest technologies to ensure that they, and the companies they work for, do not become obsolete.

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