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recursion in c

fibonacci series in c

By program kingPublished 4 years ago 5 min read

Recursion in C

Recursion is the system of rehashing objects along these lines to themselves. Exactly when a program grants you to consider a limit inside a comparable limit in programming vernaculars the limit is known as a recursive call. Recursion can bring about a natural, basic, exquisite code to follow. It might likewise require the utilization of an extremely enormous measure of memory if the recursion is excessively long.

A capacity which itself calls is known as a recursive capacity. What's more, the technique is called recursion.

Recursion can not be reached out to the entirety of the issues, however for the undertakings that can be portrayed regarding comparable subtasks, it is more valuable. For instance, recursion can be applied to issue arranging, looking, and navigating.

C program encourages you to do such a capacity calling inside a particular capacity, i.e., a recursion. Anyway while presenting this meaning of recursion, you should be mindful so as to indicate an exit or end condition from this recursive capacity, or, more than likely it will prompt a vast circle, so ensure the condition is set inside your program.

Model Syntax of Recursive Function in C

void rec_prog(void) {

rec_prog();/* work calls itself */}

int main(void) {


bring 0 back;


Note: We have to depict right leave condition in a recursive capacity to forestall uncertainly recursive calling.

Case of recursive capacity in C programming: C program that utilizes emphasis to recognize the reality of the initial 6 normal numbers

#include <stdio.h>


long int certainty( int n )


on the off chance that ( n <= 1 )

bring 1 back;

else/here is recursive advance

return ( n * reality (n-1) );


int fundamental ()


int I;

for ( I = 1; I <=6; i++ )

printf("%d! = %d\n",i, fact(i) );

bring 0 back;



1! = 1

2! = 2

3! = 6

4! = 24

5! = 120

6! = 720

Fibonacci arrangement



int primary()


int n1=0,n2=1,n3,i,number;

printf("Enter the quantity of elements:");


printf("\n%d %d",n1,n2);//printing 0 and 1

for(i=2;i<number;++i)//circle begins from 2 since 0 and 1 are as of now printed



printf(" %d",n3);




bring 0 back;



Enter the quantity of components: 5


Fibonacci arrangement utilizing Recursion in C programming



void printFibonacci(int n){

static int n1=0,n2=1,n3;


n3 = n1 + n2;

n1 = n2;

n2 = n3;

printf("%d ",n3);




int main(){

int n;

printf("Enter the quantity of components: ");


printf("Fibonacci Series: ");

printf("%d %d ",0,1);

printFibonacci(n-2);//n-2 since 2 numbers are as of now printed

bring 0 back;



Enter the quantity of components: 4


As capacity call is in every case overhead, iterative arrangements are more effective than recursion. Any of the difficult that can by and large be fathomed recursively, it very well may be additionally comprehended iteratively. Aside from these realities, there are a few issues that are most appropriate to just be explained by the recursion for example: pinnacle of Hanoi, factorial discovering, Fibonacci arrangement, and so forth.

Compose a program to figure the factorial number

#include <stdio.h>

int factorial (int);

int principle()


int num,fact;

printf("Enter any number to discover factorial ");


truth = factorial(num);

printf("factorial = %d",fact);


int factorial(int num)


in the event that (num==0)


bring 0 back;


else if ( num == 1)


bring 1 back;




return num*factorial(num-1);



Yield : Enter any number to discover factorial 5

factorial = 120

What is Recursive Function

The working of a recursive capacity includes the undertakings by partitioning them by and large into the subtasks. Some particular subtask have an end condition characterized that must be fulfilled by them. In the subsequent stage, the recursion in C stops and the conclusive outcome is gotten from the capacity.

The base case is the situation at which the capacity doesn't repeat in C and there are cases where the capacity maintains calling itself in control to play out a subtask and that is known as the recursive case. Here is the accompanying arrangement where all the recursive capacities can be composed:

Case of Recursive capacity

Compose a Program to print 10 number of Fibonacci Series


int fibo(int);

void fundamental ()


int x,f;

printf("Enter estimation of n number?");


f = fibo(x);



int fibo (int x)


on the off chance that (x==0)


bring 0 back;


else if (x == 1)


bring 1 back;




return fibo(x-1)+fibo(x-2);



Yield : Enter estimation of n number? 10


how to

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