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By Ojei DanielPublished 3 days ago 8 min read


okay so uh let's find out what you've been saying on X uh but the very first we'll deal with was this um uh arrest of efcc officers ordered by the chairman himself over unprofessional conduct we understand we can see what happened we don't know this video that's the video alright. yesterday I was just wondering to myself I'm imagining myself in a hotel with my wife and then this happens look this is disturbing on all levels very disturbing totally and this is not the first time that this has been reported well there's evidence on this one so let's take a look at what you are saying about this let's start off with this comment from @donald _shegu this is very disturbing a lot of people have found this very disturbing but @donald_shegu says the arrest and investigation should not be hidden from the public please there is a need to revamp the method of operation of efcc officers otherwise the attitude to work could lead to another Nationwide protest let people not start invading the EFCC this time so we have to be careful. I'm happy the leadership of the agency was prompt and let's make whatever comes out of that investigation public that's the only way you can win public confidence not backroom whatever let's know what happened with that guy opinionated freak that's what he calls himself we would want the identities posted with pictures and also a follow-up to the arrest it's just not to be Vuvuzela noise. Transparency would help people believe they actually held accountable I commend him for the Swift response though absolutely and I think that's the overwhelming reaction good that this was Swift. The next one is from @michael akonasu says well, this is good news henceforth these officers should always carry out their duties professionally we don't want any issues that will result to crisis in our dear country. @doo says timely response salute to the chairman but we'll be here for update make the officers learn a lesson to avoid reoccurrence okay more like teach them a lesson okay. those are some of the comments on that issue that played out very disturbing but good to see some action from the efcc of course we'll be following up on this one but the EFCC is not only involved in you know fighting cyber crimes and the rest which methods sometimes has been criticized there's also the EFCC versus Yahaya Bello big one and we understand that yesterday the former Governor yahaya bello sought to transfer his case from the nation's capital to lokoja the Kogi state capital. there a lot of questions around this case anyway but let's even deal with this one and take the first response from @oloyede with lots of figures says the request is in line with the law of the land anyway the federal High Court at Kogi State should take over the case and Nothing Stops the efcc to remain plaintiff of that case now, that doesn't in any way find him guilty and jailed. if he's actually guilty of the offense trying to figure out what you mean there but basically this is saying that's in line with the law you can always seek to move your case to maybe where the crime or alleged crime was committed you know with this yahaya Bello's case there's a lot to talk about but let's leave that for the lawyers because there's a lot to talk about because a lot of people have said why didn't the EFCC also burst into uh you know where he was just like we saw in that video efcc stood there he was inside that building they stood, his own defense system was protecting him efcc was making a point we can come and arrest but with regular citizen. things happen that's why it must not just be done, it must be seen to be done in AKA Justice okay nobody's saying it's guilty but Nigerians are wondering why the rules seem to be adjusted uh for different individuals but the lawyers would debate that not our job. Akojo Sylvester says no he should be tried anywhere a clear conscience fears no accusation he needs no where. He initially was nowhere and suddenly he submitted himself why bother about where he will be tried calm down. well Collins opara says or believes that this is maneuver a blatant maneuver actually to evade accountability it's imperative that the case remains in Abuja to ensure transparency and fairness so that's left for the judge to decide we'll see how the lawyers judge that. chukwunyere says is he considering the cost of going to Abuja might be quite heavy on him owing to the current economic realities. this sounds like sarcasm cause I think he shouldn't worry the cost will be borne or already is borne by the efcc he should just make himself available because he was supposed to, the thing is, it's a corruption charge he's supposed to come and take a ple guilty or not guilty Yaya doza Bello has not been called and with all of this back and forth between him and the lawyers and the judge and all of that it's a long story so this is Different Strokes for different folks but not the type I want to say coz the law should be clear the law should not be respecter of anyone so we'll see how the judge decides finally on this one. uh local Champion Chris Forum says uh or Chris for some fun I should say says now listen to this this will interest you throughout his governance as Kogi State Governor he spent majority of his time in Abuja this is asking why does he want to shy away from Abuja from the prosecution? uh yeah and I think we should actually have a conversation around how a lot of Governors spend a lot of time yes in the Nations capital the truth is that uh even within the system there has been complain some Governors don't stay in their states they literally live in Abuja and you're wondering what exactly why did you become a governor you know I don't understand that okay some private jet used for money laundering drug trafficking according to minister Festus giagbo and he's raining down on all of that uh he's set up a committee to take a look at all of that I think sanusi uh he's in charge of that committee but he's saying that some of these people have licenses to operate private jet the things they do are not acceptable said this is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. however uh this is coming from mayor of Ado by the way however it's not a new discovery that some private jets in Nigeria used for money laundry and drug trafficking we need uh strict enforcement and accountability to combat these crimes effectively. and I think that this next x user Echoes or re-echoes one major point that has been made about naming and shaming if these uh well Charter operators have been identified who are they so take a look at what Conscience says that's what 1981 says who owns the identified private jets why were they not arrested for committing the crime and the aircraft confisticated? Collins opara says or saying it is not enough the authorities must crack down on these illegal activities and hold the perpetrators accountable yeah I think it's our time we started doing that consistently now yes there should be the procedure if they found guilty I mean you see people they even parade suspect anyway suspect have not been tried they parade them. so why can't we have these names well let's jump to another big conversation just before we jump to that conversation it brings to the floor what we call the rule of law we still don't have a believable rule of law the much we should have. it's a perception it may not be true but perception is people's reality this rule of law this issue around when is the rich the have it's a there's a way around it when is the poor boom before you know you're in prison that is not the kind of society we want to build so that's not where we want to go. this next topic actually ties into what you just said Jeffrey and it concerns the minimum wage back and forth uh why is government sticking to 62,000 at least for now as far as we know we don't know what the finality will be from the president and they keep asking but when it comes to paying this that people in Authority there isn't any debate and all of that so the southern Governors actually came out to say that each state should be allowed to negotiate the minimum wage so is that something that you also support yayi says that's how it should be this National thing is not helping Nigeria governance starts from the grassroot. alright seyi says uh laugh out loud they don't exhibit this kind of Independence when there is federal allocation to share from revenue gained from other parts of the country okay amazing. angle Victoria says Nigeria is moving towards regionalism in reality the FG should not legislate a single minimum wage rate for all states so by extension the governor should not earn the same thing so if you are in a state that is not earning as much naturally the governor should not earn as much so it should be a reflection of what the workers are earning legislators also reflect what the workers are earning. I think that's fair that's what we're talking about a society that ties back to that yes that particular point because what about if if they cut their their own uh salaries or whatever by maybe another 60% just to have enough money to pay workers but there's a point in trying to negotiate across to how you can pay but if you leave it to some of these states when it was 30,000 or it's still 30,000 some can't even pay until they if you leave it to them you know the point. Oluwafemi says the governor salary should also be paid according to State ability took that right out of I like I like that I like that and finally joy for you everywhere I think it's actually yeah maybe makes sense cuz he's also a worker employed by the people paid by the people exactly it's good that you Southern Governors want to do a good job if you actually mean it that's this final user says but wouldn't you have more money also if you start by scrapping salaries pension packages to exGovernors so there you have it uh absolutely not the last on the conversations we'll have so we're starting off with this one and that package which the president sort of presented to Nigerians at the National Economic Council so yesterday it touched on infrastructure road infrastructure purchase of buses even distribution of food uh assorted food that's the term used uh payment of Monies to they call it grants for 3 months and the rest so what is this about why haven't we heard anything about the minimum wage that is in a few seconds so stay with us right on the Morning brief

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  • Esala Gunathilake3 days ago

    Very well written.

ODWritten by Ojei Daniel

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