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New Media Trends to Keep Up With

With today's rapidly changing technology, keeping up on the current media trends can seem impossible. There are so many new social media platforms, streaming services, and news outlets cropping up everywhere that it seems like the second you've learned how to use one, another arrives. However, most of these new ways to consume media fall into one of a few categories, and knowing the purpose of some of these categories can help you keep up with new media trends.

By KevinPublished 4 years ago 2 min read

Personalized News

Using the power of artificial intelligence technology, many companies can now create individually curated newsfeeds for each of their users. These programs are an example of a news aggregator, and they look at news stories that you have taken an interest in and use that information to decide which news stories from all over the internet are most likely to interest you. One benefit of using one of these programs is that you are more likely to be interested in every article that comes up. Even people who aren't interested in mainstream news about politics, sports, etc. can enjoy using one of these programs. For example, if you show interest in a particular television show or movie, then content related to those things will show up in your feed.

Individual Content Creation

The most popular forms of entertainment are moving away from television and onto the internet. Most people know that it is now possible to make a living off of creating YouTube videos. People, especially young people, want to watch their favorite personalities create content on a faster schedule with more accessibility. However, YouTube is not the only website where people can make a living off of creating content. There are websites dedicated to live streaming, with Twitch being one of the most popular examples. Twitch is a website dedicated solely to live streaming video games, but creators live stream all sorts of things, such as video games, podcasts, or even just themselves interacting with their audience. Audience interaction is one of the main appeals of online creators. Getting to interact with the people you go to for entertainment creates a more personal feel that you don't get with television.

Social Media

Social media platforms are now a staple of everyday life for a majority of people. A majority of people have either Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, if not all three. There is a social media platform for almost anything you could want to post, share, or talk about. Discord is for video games, Quora is for questions of all varieties, DeviantArt is for artists to share their work, and there are dozens more. Once again, young people are at the forefront of most social media platforms, but that doesn't mean that older people haven't found their niche in social media. Facebook is more popular among older adults than any other age group, and there are also websites such as LinkedIn that help build professional relationships and connections, as opposed to sharing memes and posting status updates.

Augmented Reality

Perhaps the most popular example of augmented reality is Pokémon Go. In Pokémon Go, players look at their phone's screen to find creatures to capture and battle. However, the twist is that using your phone's camera, you can see these creatures in the real world. Augmented reality aims to merge the digital world with the real world. Since the game's release, other companies have been putting out their own augmented reality games, but video games are not the only use for augmented reality. For example, IKEA released an app that allows users to see what a piece of furniture would look like in their house before buying it, and other companies have followed suit with similar ideas.

The world is constantly evolving with the technology that companies put out, and it can be difficult to always be changing. However, with these technological advancements comes more modern conveniences, more efficient and fun lifestyles, and some cool, futuristic advancements that most people never thought would exist in the modern era.

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