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Mastering the art of MVC architecture in Ruby on Rails and Spree

Let's understand understand how to be expert in MVC architecture in Ruby on Rails and Spree together.

By Hemangi JoshiPublished about a year ago 3 min read

MVC is a commonly known architecture as a Model View Controller for building any sort of web application which commonly uses Ruby on rails and spree framework as a core. As the name says MVC separates the web application into three interconnected parts such as Model, Video, and controller- here each components has a specific tasks to complete in a responsible manner. Each has set of own responsibilities and need to interact with other components to fulfill the expected result.

Here if we talk about Ruby on Rails then it commonly uses an MVC architecture which results in building a web development process much easier, smoother and faster manner. While spree on the other hand is top most Ruby on Rails based framework most commonly known for building feature rich and robust e-commerce web applications.

Let’s talk in this article we are going to talk about MVC architecture in depth and how to be an expert in Ruby on Rails and spree commerce.


Here Model is the first component which mainly responsible for the data management and storing it effectively. If we talk about ROR then Ruby on rails developers and Spree commerce developers needs to deal with Active record which is a simply an object related mapping library. Here basically ruby on rails developers needs to use activerecord for serving simple and easy interface to interact with the database. It simply helps in designing, reading, updating and deleting the records using Ruby syntax.


View is the second component which is mainly focusing for the data presentation to the given format for user to understand and use effectively. Here Ruby on Rails and Spree gets showcased by HTML templates an these templates are written in a Embedded ruby language which helps rails developers to get embed in HTML a ruby code. Also these templates are used in displaying the data, collecting the user inputs and also get the most dynamic content.


Controller is the third and the last component which is mainly responsible to handle the user request and also application flow gets controlled too. Both rails as well as spree framework uses controller to represent the ruby class from action controller and also it is responsible for definition actions for the URL and once the action gets a request to interact with model to fetch data and render data to the users.

So as we discussed Ruby on rails and Spree plays an important role for mastering the MVC architecture in Ruby on Rails. It also invoved the components we discussed above to complete to know how they interact with each other and builda final application.

Now let’s talk about some of the best tips to be a Master the MVC architecture with Ruby on Rails and Spree.

Tips to Master the MVC architecture with Ruby on Rails and Spree:

  • The helper can format data:

Also, take help from helpers to format the data and display it in a clear and effective manner rather than just putting a code model simply.

  • Use Thin model:

It is advisable to keep the model thin and only it should store data along with the business logic. Putting presentations or any user interface related code should be avoided.

  • Make use of reusable templates:
    • To avoid the use of duplicate code you should make use of common HTML components which are used in various other templates too.

  • Getting used to RESTful routes:
  • Using a RESTful routes will allow developers an easy way to understand URL and also a consistency to the structure of your based application model. It will also deliver a readable and maintainable web application.

  • Slim controller:

As discussed above that spree commerce developers and Ruby on rails developers are in charge of handling the requests and also to control the presentation flow. So it will be better to keep the controller thin and not using any business logic for database related code.

So this is it !

We all can say here that if you are having thought to be a Master the MVC architecture then as mentioned above it asks ruby on rails developers and spree commerce developers to be well versed and effective in all three mentioned components of MVC. we are sure that if you follow mentioned practices then the time is not far when you can be a complete “Master in MVC architecture” and build the most scalable and effective web applications with Ruby on rails and Spree.


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