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Love Story

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By Farzana Akter Sonia Published 7 months ago 3 min read
Love Story
Photo by Nicola Fioravanti on Unsplash

The tale of Sahed and Sumaiya's love story is a testament to the remarkable journey of two souls who found each other in the digital realm of Facebook, setting in motion a love story that would defy distance, time, and adversity.

Sumaiya's arrival in Dhaka after her H.S.C. exams marked the beginning of a life-changing chapter. She had grand aspirations of preparing for university coaching, but despite her persistent efforts, the doors of the universities she dreamt of attending remained closed. It was during this challenging period that she found solace in visiting Sahed's home. Sumaiya, a reserved and shy young woman, seldom spoke, yet her presence left an indelible mark on Sahed's heart. Her modesty was evident, as was her financial struggle, and Sahed, captivated by her essence, stepped in to offer assistance when needed.

One sunny day, as they sat side by side on the rooftop of Sahed's house, Sumaiya finally opened up about her struggles in Dhaka. Her family, consisting of five siblings, relied heavily on her father's meager income, and the weight of being the eldest son weighed heavily on her shoulders. In this vulnerable moment, Sahed reached out and gently clasped her hand, offering words of comfort and assurance. Sumaiya was taken aback but deeply touched, a connection forming that would bind them together in love and support.

As time passed, Sumaiya managed to secure admission to Dhaka College, allowing their relationship to continue to flourish. They spent countless hours on the phone, not only deepening their emotional connection but also aiding each other academically. Despite their shared commitment to their studies, the expectations of their families and financial hardships sometimes caused heated arguments. Yet, these disagreements always ended with reconciliations, as Sumaiya remained Sahed's unwavering source of strength and support.

The trajectory of their love story took an unexpected turn when Sahed received the news of Sumaiya's impending departure abroad. Overwhelmed by the thought of being separated from the love of his life, Sahed was reduced to tears. Sumaiya, perceptive and understanding, reassured him that her family's well-being depended on her journey. With a heavy heart, Sahed pledged to work tirelessly to bridge the gap between them.

With just three months remaining after his S.S.C. exams, Sahed threw himself into work, tirelessly striving to make their shared future a reality. As Sumaiya embarked on her international journey, Sahed gifted her a pen set, a symbol of their unbreakable bond and love. Their farewell was bittersweet, and Sahed whispered a promise in her ear, one that remained unspoken yet deeply felt: he would wait for her.

In the days that followed, Sahed tirelessly attempted to reach Sumaiya, committing her phone number to memory and calling it repeatedly. International calls were expensive, and Sumaiya did not respond when Sahed called from his own number. Undaunted, he used alternative numbers to connect with her, cherishing the sound of her voice from afar. This ritual continued for many years, with Sahed never wavering in his conviction that Sumaiya would achieve remarkable things.

Sumaiya's journey led her to Malaysia and then to America, where she pursued her dreams with unwavering determination. Sahed remained her anchor, a constant presence in her heart, and a voice on the other end of the line. The story of Sahed and Sumaiya is a profound testament to the enduring power of love, unwavering commitment, and the belief that distance and time cannot extinguish the flame of true love.


About the Creator

Farzana Akter Sonia

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  • Khan Faruk7 months ago

    Great story 🥰

  • Alex H Mittelman 7 months ago

    What a great story! Fantastic job l!

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