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Laravel vs Symfony: Which PHP Framework is Best?

The verdict is here on a heated debate on PHP frameworks Laravel Vs Symfony. Compared for performance, popularity, modularity, scalability, database, & flexibility.

By BacancyPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Entrepreneurs prefer PHP frameworks to develop cross-platform applications because these frameworks are popular. Symfony vs Laravel 2021 is always a topic of discussion and has been keeping the leading positions in PHP custom web development for several years. They help web developers to speed things up and make their codes leaner.

In laravel and symptoms, you can build apps that fully meet all the business requirements to adapt to any future changes quickly.

Their coding style is different; they are reliable and follow the best practices. Before we continue the debate on Laravel vs Symfony 2021, let's understand what Laravel is and Symfony.

What is Laravel?

Laravel is an open-source PHP framework that was created as the choice of CodeIgniter. Laravel has a broader set of tools compared to codelgniter and also has a solid and active community.

Pros of laravel


Automated testing

Pre-built tools

Templating engine blade

Automation with artisan CLI

Cons of Laravel

Unreliable third-party libraries

Challenging to find a reliable library due to the vast community size

Backend congestion

What is Symfony?

Like Laravel, Symfony is a PHP framework that you can use on various computing platforms with a wide variety of open-source frameworks. Symfony relies on MVC pattern.

Pros of Symfony


Biggest community

Popular platforms use Symfony

Cons of Symfony

Development time is slow

It has a steep learning curve making it difficult to learn in the beginning as compared to other frameworks.

Slow development time

Popularity: Laravel vs Symfony

Laravel PHP framework is the most popular framework because its developers find support from Laravel SitePoint, treehouse, documentation, codebright, and Laravel forum. Whereas Symfony stands after Laravel, which consists of 60000 developers

Laravel vs Symfony: Monitoring

Laravel delivers high-speed performance development that gives faster results with only a few coding efforts from the developer's side than Symfony, which is slower for complex web projects. The Symfony framework provides optimal performance, and it is easily extensible.

Templating Engine: Laravel vs Symfony

The templating engine used by Laravel is blade as it has so much more to offer than what the PHP templating engine offers, whereas the templating engine used by Symfony is twig as it is faster and more flexible. You can add more security layers and features like sections, inheritance, and output escaping in twig.

Modularity and scalability of Laravel vs Symfony

The modular structure of Laravel is built with MVC architecture which has a lot of dependencies in it, and so due to that, the laravel framework becomes less flexible. Whereas Symfony makes the use of reusable components, and due to that, unlike Laravel, Symfony is more robust and modular. Symfony has a bundled modular structure that can share features that help developers organize the application code better.

Laravel Vs Symfony: Database support

The database support that Laravel uses is eloquent used for object-relational mapping manually. Following databases are used by Laravel

  • MySQL
  • SQLite
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLServer
  • The database migrations of Symfony are handled automatically, but ORM is dealt with by Doctrine in Symfony. Database support available in Symfony are:

  • MySQL
  • SQLite
  • SQLServer
  • Oracle
  • SAP Sybase
  • The learning curve in Laravel vs Symfony

    Developers can learn everything about laravel because this framework is quite lenient. It provides all the things, which include documentation, tutorials, support, and videos. But Symfony is quite hard to learn than Laravel because you do not get proper community support in Symfony as you get in Laravel.


    In the debate Laravel vs Symfony, Laravel is a clear winner after examining all the aspects of selecting the proper framework. But ultimately, your choice of framework depends upon your project's requirements, so you should choose the right development company that can give you proper guidance and helps achieve all your business goals.


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      BacancyWritten by Bacancy

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