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Iphone 15

New Iphone 15 Best Camera

By Omar KaYsar RAbbyPublished 8 months ago 3 min read
Iphone 15
Photo by Mockup Free on Unsplash

During the previous week, I embarked on a remarkable expedition to Yosemite National Park in California, accompanied by Apple's latest innovation, the iPhone 15 Pro Max.

As a seasoned professional in the field of photography, my annual repertoire encompasses tens of thousands of captivating images. While a significant portion of my work is conducted within the confines of my esteemed San Francisco-based photo studio, a considerable amount of my time is also dedicated to capturing moments on various outdoor locations. Although I remain loyal to my trusty DSLR, the iPhone 13 Pro is an indispensable companion that is never far from my side.

In line with contemporary trends, I, like many individuals, do not engage in the practice of upgrading my phone on an annual or biennial basis. The current state of smartphone technology has reached a level where devices proficiently fulfill daily tasks for a duration of three to four years. Moreover, the majority of phone cameras possess the capability to adequately capture and immortalize everyday special moments, be it for sharing on social media platforms or for personal exchanges with friends and acquaintances.

However, perhaps, similar to myself, you are currently inclined towards acquiring something novel and visually appealing, such as the iPhone 15 Pro Max. Consequently, I was intrigued to ascertain the comparative performance of my two-year-old iPhone 13 Pro, equipped with a 3x optical zoom, in contrast to the 15 Pro Max, boasting a new 5x optical zoom. To conduct this evaluation, I deemed it fitting to embark on an extraordinary expedition to Yosemite, a renowned gem within America's esteemed National Park System, and a revered sanctuary for enthusiasts of outdoor pursuits.

Yosemite undeniably exudes an awe-inspiring and monumental presence.

The primary camera of the iPhone 15 Pro Max, equipped with a wide angle lens, holds utmost significance among the phone's camera features. It boasts a novel and larger 48-megapixel sensor, which effortlessly served as my daily workhorse for an entire week. The increased size of the sensor enables the camera to capture a greater amount of light and accurately reproduce colors. These enhancements are readily apparent, as the photos not only appear more vibrant in well-lit conditions but also in low-light scenarios.

In the provided images, captured during sunrise at Tunnel View in Yosemite National Park, one can observe the superior fidelity, color, and contrast of the 15 Pro Max's photograph in comparison to the 13 Pro image. Notably, the foreground leaves exhibit enhanced clarity, color accuracy, and contrast, while the mountaintops in the 13 Pro image display a pronounced sharpening effect.

Furthermore, the camera of the 15 Pro Max excels in capturing intricate details in well-lit environments. It effectively captures the texture of rocky landscapes, provides greater detail in tree structures, and delivers a more refined color palette.

A novel feature of the 15 Pro Max has been introduced with the intention of satisfying the creative desires of camera enthusiasts. This feature utilizes the larger main sensor in conjunction with the A17 Pro chip to effectively transform the 24mm equivalent wide angle lens into four distinct lenses. The main camera can be seamlessly switched between 1x, 1.2x, 1.5x and 2x, which correspond to the 24mm, 28mm, 35mm and 50mm prime lens - four of the most widely used prime lens lengths. In actuality, the 15 Pro Max captures crops of the sensor and employs sophisticated processing techniques to rectify lens distortion.

While these crop options may prove useful in practice, they are unlikely to be of significant interest to the majority of users.

I find the native 1x view of the 15 Pro Max to be slightly wide and appreciate the ability to modify it to default to 1.5x magnification. To achieve this, I navigated to the Settings menu, selected Camera, then Main Camera, and adjusted the default lens to a 35mm appearance. As a result, the camera now opens at 1.5x magnification, allowing me to concentrate on framing and capturing the image without the need to zoom in.

Furthermore, I highly recommend customizing the Action button to activate the camera upon long pressing. The Action button replaces the traditional silent switch that has been present on all iPhones since the original model. By accessing the Settings app and selecting the Action button, you can program it to trigger a variety of features or shortcuts. Once the camera is open, the Action button can also function as a physical shutter button.


About the Creator

Omar KaYsar RAbby

Please read my News and enjoy.. Thank You

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  • Jimmy8 months ago

    Great Story!

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