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Inhouse vs Outsourced PHP Development: Which is Right for Your Business?

Inhouse vs Outsourced PHP Development

By Alice GrayPublished about a month ago 6 min read
Inhouse vs Outsourced PHP Development: Which is Right for Your Business?
Photo by Growtika on Unsplash

Being a versatile, server-side scripting language, PHP is ideal for creating a range of feature-rich, scalable applications ranging from interactive social media platforms to dynamic eCommerce platforms. This language is compatible with many databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, etc., and web frameworks including, Symfony, CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Zend, and Laravel. Being open source in nature, a largely diverse community of developers can collaborate to create frameworks and tools that reduce development costs and time significantly. No doubt why many businesses across the world count on PHP for their web development goals.

Even though there’s an expansive range of tools and frameworks available, building websites and applications using PHP is a significant undertaking. Errors in the initial phases can slow down the development process, which adversely impacts the app/website’s time-to-market and profits. While outsourcing to a dedicated PHP development company can help in getting visually appealing websites, concerns like loss of control and data security associated with outsourcing PHP development often bother the stakeholders.

Thus, a critical dilemma often arises whether launching a new platform, revamping an existing website, or developing custom applications— as stakeholders need to decide between outsourcing the PHP development project or building an internal development team. Finding the ideal solution here is important, since it significantly influences the success of your PHP development projects. On that note, here’s a breakdown of both approaches.

Considering the Pros and Cons of In-house Team


Building an internal team is often considered a holy grail as it offers a high degree of control over the entire development process. This implies that stakeholders can directly manage their team while ensuring adherence to specific coding standards and development methodologies. With a proper understanding of your company’s goals and culture, the internal team can create a product that seamlessly integrates with the existing infrastructure and workflows.

  • Intellectual Property Retention

Practicing complete control over your intellectual property is a non-negotiable advantage. Businesses can reduce potential data-security-related risks like thefts, frauds, breaches, unauthorized access, etc., by building an internal PHP development team. Since no third party can access the data, your codebase remains confidential. Additionally, all your unique ideas and innovations stay protected.

  • Cultural Alignment

In the context of cultural fit, having an internal development team makes more sense as compared to outsourcing PHP development. Becoming an integral part of your organization, the internal resources absorb its values and culture. This encourages a deeper understanding of your brand’s vision which can be translated effectively into the product. In short, the internal development team acts as a bridge between your overall vision and the developed product.

  • Direct Control and Communication

You can communicate directly with the internal development team as they are readily available. Immediate clarifications, real-time feedback, and the capacity to change growth tactics become effortless. Such close collaboration often results in a development process that is more effective and efficient.


Along with the advantages come the inherent disadvantages of building an internal PHP development team, persuading decision-makers to reconsider their choice. Some of these are listed below:

  • Upfront Investments

As obvious, building an in-house team requires significant upfront investments in terms of infrastructure setup, recruitment costs, salaries, benefits, and whatnot. This includes not only hiring qualified PHP developers, but also provisioning workstations, hardware implementation, software licenses, and ongoing training.

  • Restricted Scalability

Business needs never remain constant. Maintaining a large in-house team for fluctuating project demands can be challenging and the management might face limitations in scaling resources up or down quickly to meet project requirements.

  • Acquiring & Retaining Talent

Finding top-tier PHP developers with a niche skillset specific to your project can be a time-consuming process. And even if you find one, retaining the talent can be challenging. Furthermore, an in-house team might lack the diverse expertise that is otherwise readily available through outsourcing.

  • Time Commitment

It can take a while to find, onboard, and train competent PHP developers, causing delays in time-to-market. Additionally, keeping up with evolving technologies, frameworks, and methodologies requires continuous learning and development, which may pose challenges for in-house teams.

Supplementing the Business with an Outsourced PHP Development Team

Advantages of Outsourcing

Outsourcing PHP development projects can be an ideal solution for businesses looking to build scalable and dynamic websites and applications at cost-effective rates. Here’s what you can get by outsourcing your PHP development project:

  • Professional Excellence

Getting an internal team confines your talent pool. Whereas outsourcing opens doors to a vast pool of skilled PHP developers worldwide. You can leverage this advantage to find individuals with specific skill sets that perfectly align with their project requirements.

  • Technological Competence

Whether nearshore, onshore, or offshore, outsourcing PHP development companies already possess the tools and expertise needed to deliver such projects efficiently. They leverage the right fit functionalities and frameworks to build feature-rich and interactive websites and applications. Hence, businesses get high-quality, optimal-performing applications without having to spend dollars on technology implementation, licensing fees, and more.

  • Scalability and Flexibility

Business needs fluctuate with time, given a range of factors like economic downturns, dynamic markets, changing consumer preferences, etc. When outsourcing, you have the flexibility to scale your development team up or down as needed. This is perfect for projects with fluctuating workloads or those requiring expertise for specific phases of development.

  • Cost Savings

Cost saving is one of the major reasons that motivates businesses to invest in professional PHP development services since the upfront costs associated with creating an in-house team are eliminated. The outsourcing companies already have a vast pool of diversely skilled developers equipped with necessary tools and technologies, making it a more budget-friendly development option.

  • Faster Project Completion

Time is indeed a differentiator, especially when the website/application ideas are highly competitive. Having various tips and techniques rolled up their sleeves, the experts can accelerate the development process and deliver high-quality applications within the stipulated timeline. This faster project completion time helps in launching the product quickly.


Some of the major drawbacks of outsourcing non-core but important business tasks like PHP development that impact a company’s decision are as listed below:

  • Potential IP Concerns

Although trusted outsourcing companies prioritize data security, it is essential to have clear contractual agreements in place to protect your intellectual property. After all, ensuring data security is important for businesses of all sizes and kinds.

  • Lack of Direct Control

As obvious, a certain amount of control over the development process is naturally lost when outsourcing. To mitigate this issue, it is essential to use appropriate project management procedures and keep clear communication lines.

Finding the Right PHP Development Approach

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to PHP development. Both the options have their merits and demerits and finding the ideal approach requires a thorough consideration of multiple factors and specific business needs. Consider the following:

  1. Project Scope and Budget – Outsourcing is a viable option for smaller projects with strict budget constraints. Contrarily, large-scale projects with complex functionality call for an internal team’s long-term experience.

2. Importance of IP Control – Having an internal team undoubtedly sounds ideal when it comes to protecting data, but signing NDA with outsourcing PHP development companies can also help businesses safeguard their intellectual property.

3. Desired Skillset - Outsourcing increases the scope of your talent search and speeds up the process. So, if your project requires a specialized skill set that is not easily accessible in your area, outsourcing is the right way out.

4. Time Constraints – If you require a faster turnaround, outsourcing allows you to tap into readily available resources to meet your deadlines.

In a nutshell, careful consideration of your business needs, available resources, and objectives can help in making an informed choice. While in-house development offers direct control, outsourcing offers professional excellence, technological competence, scalability, cost-efficiency, data security and a faster turnaround time. By weighing the pros and cons of both approaches and aligning them with the business needs, stakeholders can make informed decisions that not only maximize the value and impact of PHP development, but also help them remain competitive.

Read Also- Mastering the Web Development Landscape With the Latest PHP Trends


About the Creator

Alice Gray

Alice Gray is a seasoned web developer having over 8+ years of experience in producing impactful industry. Currently, she is working with Damcogroup.com and loves to develop & design websites.

Visit:- Damco Group

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    Alice GrayWritten by Alice Gray

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