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In a leaf, quantum physics?

Researchers find a connection between photosynthesis and the "fifth state of matter"

By Eview NicksPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

Scientists are awed by a peculiar condition that develops when they cool atoms to almost absolute zero within a lab. Trees are collecting sunlight and turning it into new leaves just outside their window.

 These two situations would seem to have nothing in common, but a recent study from the University of Chicago suggests that these two processes are more similar than they might first appear to be.

The research, which was published in the journal PRX Energy, revealed atomic-level relationships between the process of photosynthesis and exciton condensates, a peculiar physics phenomenon that enables energy to go through materials without resistance.

 The discovery, according to the authors, may open up new avenues for electrical design in addition to being exciting from a scientific standpoint.

"As far as we know, these areas have never been connected before, so we found this to be very compelling and exciting," said Prof. David Mazziotti, a co-author of the study.

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In Mazziotti's lab, complex interactions between atoms and molecules are modeled as they exhibit many fascinating behaviors. Since it is impossible to detect these interactions with the human eye, computer modeling can help researchers understand why certain behaviors occur while also serving as a starting point for the development of new technologies.

Mazziotti and research co-authors LeeAnn Sager-Smith and Anna Schouten have modeled in detail what happens at the molecular level when photosynthesis takes place.

A specifically created molecule undergoes a transformation when a photon from the sun touches a leaf. An electron is liberated by the energy. The electron, along with the "hole" it left behind, is now free to move throughout the leaf, transporting solar energy to another location where it starts a chemical process that produces sugars for the plant.

This pair of moving electrons and holes is referred to as a "exciton." The researchers observed something peculiar when they used a bird's-eye perspective to mimic how many excitons travel about. They saw patterns in the exciton trajectories that were extremely similar.

In fact, it resembled the behavior of a substance known as a Bose-Einstein condensate, sometimes referred to as "the fifth state of matter," in a striking way. Excitons can unite in this material to form a single quantum state, similar to a collection of bells ringing harmoniously. As a result, there is no resistance created as energy moves through the material. 

Scientists are fascinated by these kinds of peculiar behaviors because they can lead to the development of ground-breaking technologies; for instance, MRI machines are built on the foundation of a state comparable to superconductivity.

Schouten, Sager-Smith, and Mazziotti's models predict that the excitons in a leaf can occasionally connect together in a manner resembling exciton condensate behavior.

This came as a tremendous shock. Only when the material is chilled much below room temperature have exciton condensates been seen. It would like seeing ice crystals develop in a hot cup of coffee.

"Photosynthetic light harvesting is taking place in a system that is at room temperature and what's more, its structure is disordered - very unlike the pristine crystallized materials and cold temperatures that you use to make exciton condensates," said Schouten.

The scientists claimed that this effect is not complete and is more analogous to "islands" of condensates developing. But Sager-Smith continued, "That's still enough to improve energy transfer in the system." In fact, according to their simulations, the efficiency may even quadruple.

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According to Mazziotti, this presents some fresh opportunities for producing synthetic materials for emerging technology. 

It's wonderful to find something that increases efficiency yet can occur in ambient circumstances since a perfect ideal exciton condensate is delicate and necessitates many particular conditions, but for pragmatic applications.

The discovery, according to Mazziotti, also fits into a wider strategy his team has been investigating for ten years.

Scientists have historically had to simplify their models in order to understand processes like photosynthesis since the interactions between atoms and molecules are very complex - difficult even for a supercomputer to manage. 

Nevertheless, according to Mazziotti, some components must remain: "We think local correlation of electrons are essential to capturing how nature actually works."

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Eview Nicks

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