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How To Use Different Types Of Charcoal With A Coal Burner?

coal burner

By Smoke FunPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
coal burner

In the shisha industry, there are four types of hookah charcoal available. Every kind of hookah charcoal has a particular stepwise approach. Here we will discuss the most famous types of hookah charcoal in the market and how you can use them with a coal burner.

Quick Light Hookah Charcoal

This is the most convenient option of hookah charcoal. There are several brands in the market regarding the quick light variants of hookah charcoal. This charcoal works amazingly with coal burners. These charcoal are so-called due to their ability to be ignited in very little time. You do not need any unique lighter to heat these coals. If you have a coal burner, the charcoal will light in moments. Or even if you have a cigarette lighter, it will do. You may even use a candle or a few matchsticks to burn these.

The quick lighting up is facilitated by a chemical, which serves as the accelerant. This chemical is also why quick light hookah charcoal adds some odor and unpleasant texture to your shisha session. The chemical accelerant also fastens up the burn. Hence, every piece of the quick light charcoal lasts for a much shorter period than other variants.

Silver Hookah Charcoal

This charcoal variant is also quite similar to the quick light variants. It can be ignited easily with the help of a coal burner. The difference is in the type of chemicals used as the accelerant and how it serves the purpose. Quick light charcoal comes with a chemical accelerant throughout its constituents. This makes sure that there is a fast burn. Silver hookah charcoal comes with a coating of the chemical accelerant. Henceforth, the pieces light up quickly, and the charcoal burns steadily after the silver coating is burned off.

coal burner

You can ignite silver hookah charcoal with the help of a coal burner or a standard lighter. It does not have an unpleasant odor or texture to shisha flavor or smoke. Thus, it is a better option than the standard quick light coal. Silver variants last longer than quick light coal. This means you will need a small amount of them for every session.

Natural Hookah Charcoal

There are two variants of natural hookah charcoal. One is made from coconut shells, and the other is made out of wood. Both of these are healthier alternatives to quick light or silver hookah charcoal. In addition, natural hookah charcoal made from coconut shells, lemonwood, or bamboo doesn't contain any chemical accelerant.

The absence of any accelerant also means you will need a unique coal burner. Most natural hookah charcoal variants need a heating device. A typical piece of such charcoal takes around five minutes to start burning properly. You need to place the pieces on a hookah coal burner for three to four minutes for one side to heat up adequately. Then, it would be best if you flipped the pieces to let them start burning entirely. It would help if you never used partly lit hookah charcoal, irrespective of the type you choose.

How Many Hookah Charcoal Pieces Would You Need For A Smoking Session?

We recommend that two pieces of this charcoal should suffice for small to midsize bowls. If the size of the coal pieces is more significant, you may consider breaking one of them into two. However, since the charcoal, as mentioned above, other than the natural ones, burns quickly, the heat generated and imparted is also higher. Thus, you must limit its use to avoid scorching shisha tobacco.

If you have a large hookah bowl, you might need two to three quick light or silver hookah charcoal pieces. Sessions longer than thirty to forty-five minutes may require a change of charcoal. You have to rotate the charcoal pieces, replace the blacked-out ones, and reload them for longer sessions.

Natural hookah charcoal lasts pretty long. You may use two to four standard pieces for a large or mid-sized bowl. If you have more giant fingers or flats of natural hookah charcoal, then restricting the number to three or two is recommended. Of course, you can add more if required. Natural hookah charcoal has to be rotated too. Yet, a replacement may not be necessary unless you are aiming for two hours per session.

Expert's Tip To Use Hookah Coals

Natural hookah coals are one of the easiest ways to have a smooth and clean hookah session. Heating one on a coal burner will allow your shisha experience to shine! You can easily light these coals on an electric coil stove or a coal burner. However, you can also heat these coals using a gas stove. Never light natural coals on a flat top (ceramic) electric stove as they will crack your glass stovetop.

How To Light These Coals?

Place your natural coals directly on the heating element and turn the coal burner on. Flip the coals after 4 to 5 minutes. You will get to know when the coals are ready once the black surface of the coals has turned red/orange. They have to be covered entirely in gray ash. The process usually takes between 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the heat setting you use on the coal heater.

When it comes to the quick light charcoal, the process is much easier and faster, hence the name. Simply hold a piece of coal in the tongs above your coal burner. Be careful since the tongs become pretty hot! The charcoal will begin smoking and sparking when it ignites. Watch them make sure that the sparking spreads across the entire surface of the coals. After the sparking ceases, place the coal in the hookah's tray until a layer of ash covers it. Charcoal that still shows large sections of black, un-ashed coal is not quite ready to smoke. This is because it still gives off the combustion fumes that all coal gives off when heating up.

Bonus Points

Things You Shouldn't Do With Natural Hookah Charcoal

Natural hookah charcoals are the go-to for almost every serious hookah smoker worldwide. They impart minimal flavor on your bowl, burn with constant heat, and offer the best hookah session throughout. It seems like coconut coals can do no wrong, but we've pulled together a list of 3 things you should definitely not do with your natural coals.

Do Not Use Coconut Coals During Cooking

If your recipe requires shaved coconut and you are all out, what do you do? Buy some more, of course! But never try to substitute the delicious coconut with carbon-tasting natural coconut coals! That coconut shrimp recipe can wait. Better just smoke hookah instead.

Do Not Drink Natural Charcoal Water

Coconut water is all the trend these days! Experts say that drinking coconut water has many health benefits besides its great refreshing taste. As good as coconut water is for you, we do not recommend making your own coconut charcoal water. Everyone knows never to get your coals wet! We think we'll stick to the original stuff ourselves, and we'll save the coconut coals for our next bowl of hookah.

Never Moisturize Your Skin With Coconut Coal Lotion

Coconut is indeed highly beneficial for your skin. However, you should never attempt to moisturize your skin with coconut coal lotion. It could cause some severe skin damage due to its constituents.


So we have reached the end! We hope you have a basic idea of how a coal burner is beneficial for your different kinds of coal. We would also like to give this suggestion that you must get them from your trustworthy store while buying good quality coals.

coal burner

Have a safe and enjoyable smoking session!

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About the Creator

Smoke Fun

Dont just smoke but enjoy a customized hookah smoking time with Smokefun. We aim to cater to the diverse needs of smokers with our magnificent collection of quality accessories & tobacco.

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