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How to do 'DSC Registration' in IFHRMS - ( Full Guide )

DSC Registration is one of the most important stages in the induction of any fresher into IFHRMS. It involves the completion of all the required processes that are needed for a fresher to enter IFHRMS. The process of "DSC Registration" in IFHRMS is very simple and in this video article, we will take you through all the steps involved in it.

By Md Fahad AlamPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Video Source: Youtube (@TNMATHS)

Check out the above video to learn how to do "DSC Registration" in IFHRMS (2021 Full Guide).

Visit - 👉 IFHRMS 👈 to do the IFHRMS "DSC Registration" process.

DSC stands for Direct Submission Contacts. It is a way that an individual submits their contact information to the Foreign Health Service of their country by using an electronic form 'Direct Submission Contacts' are used to create one's personal profile on the Foreign Health Service website.

Once the DSC registration process has been completed it can be used by patients, nurses, doctors or other healthcare providers when they are submitting requests for assistance from an institution abroad.

The purpose of current DSC registration is to improve the safety and quality of patient care across borders and international health service systems through Improved cooperation between countries which share medical data.

The steps involved in IFHRMS "DSC Registration" are:

1. Login to IFHRMS and go to Home Page.

2. Click on the option 'Profile' and then click on 'Foreign Health Service Registration' (This option is available in the Home and Technical sections).

3.Now, click on the 'Register Now' button which is present below the footer section of this page.

4. After clicking on the ‘Register Now’ button you will be redirected to a new page where you will get the Primary Application Form (PAF) for registration.

5. Now fill in the form as indicated by the instructions on the page and save the form after completion of filling.

6. After completing all fields on this page click on the ‘Submit’ button to submit it. This will create a password for you which you can use later on to login into your account on the Foreign Health Service website or you can set up your own email account to receive notifications from your application.

7. After submission of PAF, you will be redirected to a new page where you will notice that you have successfully registered with the IFHRMS online services, which means that the registration process has been completed and now you can log in to your account on IFHRMS Online Services by using the username & password.

IFHRMS provides a forum for global healthcare professionals and organizations to aid in the development and sharing of best practices, knowledge and research.

By following and participating in these activities and events, global healthcare professionals can develop their professional skills and gain recognition for their contributions in the area of health care.

How to overcome the failures in the IFHRMS "DSC Registration" process?

The main issue in the IFHRMS "DSC Registration" process is that many people overlook the fact that they need to be registered on this website before they can access their IFHRMS accounts, individuals can therefore miss out on valuable opportunities which are only available to those users who have previously registered themselves for this website.

Some people encounter issues with their registration on this website because they do not fill the fields as indicated on the IFHRMS website.

In case of some failures, individuals can contact us by moving on to the contact section of the site or sending an email to [email protected] to resolve these issues as soon as possible.


The registration process in IFHRMS is a means of connecting to the world community of healthcare professionals. As an individual gets registered on this website, he or she can receive new member information, communicate with other members of this organization, access an online library of healthcare professionals, share his or her experiences and knowledge on the topic of health care services globally and much more.

Once an individual has completed their registration process on IFHRMS they will be able to access some information which is only available to members of this forum.

The "DSC Registration" in IFHRMS is the stepping stone for every professional who wants to develop their ideas and share their experience related to health care systems across borders.

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About the Creator

Md Fahad Alam

When something can be read without effort, great effort has gone into its writing.

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