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How to create a business website: Guide for everyone

Simple guide - powerful result.

By Hayden MccoyPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

If you came here, that means you wonder how all these entrepreneurs made their websites. And I can tell you, that you can set up your own easily too. There is no need to have programming or designing skills to create a website for your business. Read the article to find answers to all your questions.

Choose the platform for creating a website

Well, the first thing that you have to know is that websites can be made with the help of website builders. There are plenty of makers, just choose the one the most convenient for you, which can offer you a wide range of functional options.

I will show you how to create websites on Taplink. The website maker is a good solution for businesses of all sizes.

It’s the best solution for:

  • people without experience in the web field;
  • making a website on a phone or a computer;
  • for any business niche.

It’s possible to make your own website by applying your designing skills and fantasy, or the easiest way is to use designs and ready-made templates. This way, you need only a couple of minutes to build your website, as the only thing you have to do is add your data. These templates were made by marketers and designers. They took into account all the specifics of each niche.

When you choose the suitable template, you can edit it, add new details or remove them, change colors, move elements, and so on.

Look at the examples made on the Basic plan for free.

And these are examples of Taplink pages made on paid plans.

The main advantage of Taplink over other website builders is that Taplink is a mobile-friendly service. That means that pages load fast. And it’s the biggest difference between WordPress and Wix, which are made specifically for computers.

According to Similarweb, users surf the Internet more often using mobile data. For instance, in April 2022, the global mobile traffic was two times higher than the Desktop one.

Create your first web page

Now, it’s time to make your page on Taplink. I will guide you through all the steps and show you how to work with its elements.

  1. Add your email.
  2. Hit Continue.
  3. Create a password, and add and confirm it in the fields.
  4. Hit Continue.

After that, you will see the page with premade templates. Look at the Lite Website section. Here, you can find more than 60 templates divided into 20 categories. These templates help you to create a stunning page within a couple of minutes. Near this section, you can find the Bio link tab. There are design options for pages with multiple links. As a rule, they’re used for leading followers from one social network to other links.

Use the search to find the perfect template for your business. Merely add a word related to your field, and you will get templates that can be suitable for you.

How to start using a template:

  1. Opt for a template.
  2. Tap Choose.

I have to mention that all the features are available on the paid plan. To show you each function, I use the Business plan.

Make your website suitable for your business

Okay, it’s only one page of your future website. You can call it the main or home. As we’ve said before, you can do whatever you want - from adding new elements to removing them.

Edit your main page

No doubt, there will be a need to add your own photos or videos, change text, and place your own avatar.

What exactly you can do with blocks:

Shift elements. If you think that one of the elements doesn’t look good there, you can move it to another place. Just tap and hold the gray rectangle in the left part of the page, and drag it to another place on this page. That’s it.

Adapt elements. It’s possible to edit elements:

  1. Select a block that you want to change.
  2. Add new information and hit Save changes.

As you can note, there are exclamation marks on some blocks. That means you need to edit them obligatory. For instance, add your contacts, links to social, or your phone number.

There can be semi-transparent blocks as well. This way, you need to upgrade your rate plan to get access to these features. Tap any of such blocks to see which plan you need - PRO or BUSINESS. If you think that you don’t need this block, you can just delete it.

Delete elements. You need to do only two steps to delete a block:

  1. Tap the Action menu.
  2. Select Delete.

Add new elements. Contrary to deleting, you can add new elements too. A bit later, I show you which of them you need to start a business.

How to add a new block:

  1. Tap Add block.
  2. Select the suitable block.
  3. Add information to the fields.
  4. Hit Save changes.

Shift the timer to the appropriate place for you. You’ve already known how to do that.

Website isn’t about only one page

It’s possible to make as many pages for your websites as you wish and then redirect your website’s visitors to them via links.

How to add links to your main pages:

  1. Hit Add block.
  2. Select Page.
  3. Add a name.

When you make more than just one additional page, you can choose the right one in the first line under the Open page.

4. Hit Save changes.

You will see a new button on your home page. It’s the link to the internal one. Hit the arrow on the right to edit it.

Now, it’s time to look at examples of how pages with multiple links can be used.

Just imagine, you’re a designer. You work with commercial buildings, flats, and private houses. No doubt, you can create a separate page for each of them. But that means you need to waste more effort, or even money if you decide to ask programmers to help you. But with a website with multiple pages, you can cope with this issue on your own. This way, merely create internal pages, add examples, price lists, the working process of each type of building, and maybe some special offers. Thus, potential clients will choose the appropriate page to see your project examples.

Opt for your personal domain and hosting

When you’re ready to show your stunning website to others, just hit Publish. If you see that it’s gray, that means you forgot to edit some blocks.

Each website has to have its own domain and hosting. As a rule, website owners need to pay for them. But Taplink users are exceptions. It’s possible to create your site using a web address for free. And it doesn’t matter what tariff you have - BASIC, PRO, or BUSINESS.

Come up with any word that can be related to your niche. It will be completed with “taplink.cc” or “taplink.ws”.

This way, that’s how your free domain may look like this:




But if you don’t want to see “taplink” in your domain, you can add your own domain. For that, you need to be a user of the BUSINESS plan.

I will show you how to create a free domain.

  1. Select the type.
  2. Complete the link in the field.
  3. Continue by Connect.

When you publish your website, look at the instructions on how to add it to your socials. Hit the cross to terminate creating your business website.

Tap your URL to check your site.

What can you add to your business website?

The main goal of creating a website is to tell about the business and make people become your clients through marketing tools. Therefore, use as many blocks as you can. Of course, all of them have to be about your business. There is no sense to add a link to Twitter if you don’t have it.

What blocks to use

Now, I will tell you a bit more about blocks and show you how it’s possible to use them.

Media and texts. This block is good for lists, checklists, timetables, reviews, sales, items, menus, principles, and values of your company.

Examples of the Media block

FAQ. To save your and your clients' time, use this block. This way, there is no need for them to ask you for some information, they can find it on your page.

Examples of the FAQ block

Price lists. Add a list with the full range of your items or services, and their prices.

Examples of the Price list block

Form and payments. Users can buy your services or goods, and make orders directly on your website. Thus, they don’t need to call, write to you, or go to another website for that.

Examples of the Form block

Timer. If you want clients don’t miss the start of sales, add a timer and set it up to the sale’s end.

Examples of the Timer block

What about marketing tools?

As we’ve already told you, marketing tools help you to build and promote your business. Use Add-ons to connect them to your website.

Here is how you can find the full list of Add-ons.

  1. Hit the three lines.
  2. Tap Add-ons.
How to find the Add-ons

Choose a marketing tool that you need and follow steps to set it up.

What to use:

Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel. Use them to see your site’s statistics. It can show you how many users visit your website.

GetResponse and Mailchimp. Manage your mailing list to keep customers informed about your latest features and offers. You can categorize your audience according to various criteria to increase the effectiveness of your mailing list.

Is it reasonable to use a paid plan of the website builders?

It’s possible to create a website without wasting money at all. Taplink offers you a wide range of free features. But to make your business page completely full, our tip for you is to switch to a paid plan.

Let’s recap

There are plenty of website builders on the Internet. That means, there is no need to ask programmers and designers to help you. As a rule, people prefer doing everything on the go. Therefore, I advise you to use a mobile-friendly website builder such as Taplink.

Everyone can find a suitable pre-made template for his or her business. It’s possible to create a cool site even on a free plan. But if you want to make it more than just “cool”, switch to its paid plans.

how to

About the Creator

Hayden Mccoy

I help business owners build successful brands by mastering digital marketing.

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