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Do Androids Dream of Electric Book Deals? — The Unfounded Moral Panic About A.I. Writing

Before we all rush off to take a Xanax, let’s try to calmly and rationally examine the AI-generated content phenomenon and ask ourselves whether there’s really cause for such apocalyptic concern.

By Paige HollowayPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 3 min read
Do Androids Dream of Electric Book Deals? — The Unfounded Moral Panic About A.I. Writing
Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

In this bizarre age where AI-generated text is becoming increasingly, almost alarmingly prevalent, a certain demographic finds itself in the grip of a sweaty-palmed fear that human creativity is about to be swallowed whole by a voracious digital black hole.

This fear, fueled by images of androids typing furiously at their keyboards, has spawned a veritable moral panic, a kind of collective hyperventilation about the future of human-authored content. But before we all rush off to take a Xanax, let’s try to calmly and rationally examine the AI-generated content phenomenon and ask ourselves whether there’s really cause for such apocalyptic concern.

The Limitations of AI Creativity: The Imitation Game

First, let’s provide some much-needed context by considering the current state of AI-generated text technology. Despite its recent impressive strides, like GPT-4 with its coherent and contextually accurate text, the simple fact remains that AI still struggles with the very human traits of empathy, nuance, and the ability to understand and address complex human emotions. In other words, AI-generated content can play a convincing game of human-language mimicry, but it lacks the very essence that makes literature truly engaging and transformative: the human heart and soul.

Despite the undeniable prowess of AI-generated text, it’s vital to remember that each human writer brings a unique perspective, life experience, and emotional depth to their work. Our backgrounds, cultural identities, and personal histories shape our writing in ways that AI simply cannot replicate. The distinct voice and style of individual writers contribute to the richness and diversity of literature, which a machine-generated text would struggle to achieve.

AI as a Creative Assistant: The Art of Delegating

Instead of viewing AI as an existential threat that will send us hurtling toward obsolescence, it’s worth considering the potential for collaboration between human writers and AI tools. AI-generated content can actually enhance human creativity by assisting in tasks like brainstorming, editing, and content generation. By delegating the more mundane aspects of writing to AI, writers can free up more time to focus on their craft and explore new ideas.

There are already examples of successful partnerships between writers and AI tools. After finishing Sourdough, one of the best novels about machine learning, novelist Robin Sloan created a chatbot to help him write science fiction novels. He has found that the AI-generated text provided him with unexpected ideas and plot directions that he hadn’t considered before.

The Renaissance of Writing: AI’s Contribution to a New Golden Age

The rise of AI-generated content also has the potential to democratize access to information and storytelling. By reducing the barriers to content creation, AI tools can empower a more diverse range of voices to share their stories and perspectives. This can ultimately lead to a richer, more inclusive literary landscape, where the voices of the marginalized can be heard alongside the established and the revered.

As AI-generated content continues to evolve, it may inspire new forms of creative expression and storytelling. Just as the invention of the printing press led to an explosion of written works and ideas, AI-generated content could usher in a new era of creativity and innovation. By exploring the possibilities of this technology, writers may be able to push the boundaries of traditional storytelling and create unique, thought-provoking works that challenge the status quo.

Addressing Ethical Concerns

While there is certainly potential for a bright future with AI-generated content, it’s important to address the ethical concerns that arise with this technology. Questions about authorship, intellectual property, and the potential for AI-generated “deepfake” texts are valid and require thoughtful consideration. However, instead of succumbing to fear, let’s approach these issues with a level-headed, proactive mindset (and maybe a smirk and a raised eyebrow).

The key to addressing ethical concerns is to create guidelines and regulations that ensure the responsible use and development of AI-generated content. By fostering collaboration between technologists, writers, and policymakers, we can establish best practices for AI-generated content that respect intellectual property, promote transparency, and maintain accountability. This will allow us to adapt and coexist with AI technology while preserving the integrity of human-authored content.


The fear that AI-generated content will lead to a dystopian future where human writers are rendered obsolete is largely unfounded. Instead, let’s celebrate the potential of a future where humans and AI collaborate to create a richer, more diverse, and accessible landscape of written content.

By embracing the possibilities of AI-generated content and addressing the ethical concerns with a proactive approach (and a healthy dose of humor), we can ensure that there’s plenty of room for both carbon-based and silicon-based scribes in the literary world.

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Paige Holloway

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