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Are hackers watching you?

Do you ever wonder if hackers are watching you?

By Gabriel EscoffierPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Are hackers watching you?
Photo by Stillness InMotion on Unsplash

Hi. How are you today? I'm good, thank you. If I asked you why you think hackers are monitoring your device right now would it scare you? Do you think [insert favorite celebrity here] is a target of hackers? Well, they are — and here is the proof.

Hackers are finding new ways to invade our personal privacy and our online accounts and steal our personal information.

Are hackers watching you? Hackers are finding new ways to invade our personal privacy and our online accounts and steal our personal information. It's not just about your computer. Hackers can access your phone, tablet and even your television. Hackers want to know everything about you, including what you buy online, where you shop and what your favorite TV shows are.

They also want to know whether you have a weak password that they can easily crack open. The more information they have on you, the more money they can make by selling it to the highest bidder. You might think these hackers are just criminals looking for some easy money.

But many of them work with large companies who are willing to pay big bucks for this kind of information. If you don't believe me, just take a look at this list of companies that have been hacked: Sony Pictures Entertainment; Anthem Inc.; JP Morgan Chase & Co.; Target Corp.; EBay Inc.; Home Depot Inc.; Global Payments Inc.; eBay Inc.; Yahoo!

Inc.; LinkedIn Corp.; Adobe Systems Incorporated; Ashley Madison; eBay Inc.; Adobe Systems Incorporated; Sony Pictures Entertainment; Ashley Madison; eBay Inc.

Hackers like to target people with weak passwords, especially celebrities and political figures who use poor passwords.

Are hackers watching you? Hackers are always looking for new ways to steal your personal information. This means that anyone with a computer is a potential target, whether you're famous like Kim Kardashian or not. If you want to know if hackers are watching you, here are some things to look out for: Your computer is slow.

Hackers can use malware to infect your computer and take up resources. This can make it slower than usual and more difficult to perform tasks on the Internet. You may also see pop-up ads or other strange behavior on your screen. You suddenly have many spam emails in your inbox.

If your email account has been hacked, then you could start receiving spam emails from businesses or companies that don't exist — or even worse, phishing scams that pretend to be from legitimate companies but are actually trying to steal your personal information (for example by asking you to confirm your credit card number).

These emails might also contain links that could infect your computer if clicked on by mistake. Your Facebook account has been compromised. If someone manages to get access to your Facebook account, they could post status updates and photos without your permission — which means that all of their friends will see them too!

Banks and credit card companies are regularly targeted.

Are hackers watching you? If you're wondering how to know if someone is tracking your every move, a short answer is: it depends on who they are. There are many different types of hackers, each with different motives and skill sets. The most common hackers are criminals who want to steal your money or information for other reasons, like identity theft or selling it on the black market.

They usually just want to make money. Banks and credit card companies are regularly targeted by criminals who use malware to take over computer networks and steal customer data. The same goes for retailers — Target customers will remember their data was stolen in 2013 by hackers who gained access through the company's network through malware planted on point-of-sale machines in stores.

Hackers can also be governments or state-sponsored groups that are interested in gaining access to information about specific targets. This could include political dissidents or journalists they want to find out more about, as well as other government officials they want information on so they can blackmail them into doing what they want them to do.

The government is targeted as well.

Hackers are watching you. There are two kinds of hackers: the ones who hack for fun and the ones who hack for profit. The first group tends to be more interested in learning about computer security and exploiting vulnerabilities for bragging rights. The second group wants to make money off of your personal information.

And that's where things get tricky, because it's impossible to tell which hackers are watching you and how they're going to use your data. The government is targeted as well. In 2015, a Chinese national was arrested for hacking into NASA servers and stealing sensitive information about space missions, including information on the International Space Station (ISS).

This was the first ever arrest of a Chinese citizen on charges related to cyber espionage against US space operations by a foreign country (see: China Hacked Into US Government Computers). But what happens when hackers don't work for foreign governments? What if they're just regular people looking to make a quick buck? For example, in 2015, a hacker stole 900GB worth of data from HBO by accessing an employee's email account — including scripts from Game of Thrones — and then selling them online (see: HBO Hacked!

Game of Thrones Scripts Leaked).

In conclusion

While we can't say for sure that our homes are being watched, we certainly know that there are plenty of ways to block hackers and intruders on smart devices. Whether you want to protect your own home or keep data safe in the workplace, it's important to take steps to guard your electronics from prying eyes.

And as technology continues to advance, there are more ways than ever to keep things running smoothly and securely.


About the Creator

Gabriel Escoffier

👋 I'm a digital marketing nerd and aspiring writer. I'm living out of my parents basement in Hamilton Ontario 🏠 writing about marketing, entrepreneurship and travel on my blog.

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