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5 Best Digital Startup Ideas for 2021-2022 with Marketing Tips

Starting a Good Business means you'll earn the most amount of profit. But a good business needs a good business idea. That means good market research, so don't worry here's the 5 Best Digital Startup Ideas for 2021 & 2022 with easy Marketing Tips.

By Manjesh Kumar SharmaPublished 3 years ago 15 min read
Best Business Ideas for 2021 & 2022

Nowadays due to the pandemic lots of people lost so many people and many of them are tirelessly working for a living. So much money vanished during this period.

For those people who lost so much money it becomes hard to start a good online business because they don't have a lot of money and time for investment.

So for this I'd investigated some digital marketing trends and read some documents, I'd found 5 Best Digital Startup Ideas for you to start now with a very low budget.

Before I tell you about all those 5 Ideas, I wanna tell you that it is not something like "become rich within a day" or "make millions of dollars now." You can earn a Million Dollars but it will take time and so much hard work.

So let's move ahead and start the list.

1. Drop ServicingerS

It is not Dropshipping but it is very similar to Dropshipping. Here you need to find a Good Service at low cost and you can sell the Service at a higher cost and can earn profits from them.

For example, you started a Drop Servicing business about Web Designing where you charge $50 for 1 Website. So you go to any Freelancing Website like Fiverr, hire a Freelancer for $20 for 1 Website then just work as a mediator and earn the $30 commission.

No need to do the services, you just need to marketing of your business.

But when I say marketing then it means true marketing not just sharing your business cards with friends and relatives.

  • You can do local advertising and take calls for Web designing
  • You can use Google Adsense
  • You can use social media advertising
  • Build organic audience via blogging
  • Talking about Local Advertising, it means that you will create your pamphlets and posters which you will spread in your local area.

    Generally this local advertising method is regarded as a traditional method of marketing and doesn't work very well, but in case of Drop Servicing Businesses local advertising is way better than other advertising methods.

    You just need to make some good pamphlets about the services like Web Designing, then spread these pamphlets to all those people who want a website or a web designer like Shop Owners, Beer Bars, etc.

    But if you don't wanna use the traditional method then you can use Google Adsense for pure Online Advertising. Here you will get a super targeted audience, but you must have knowledge about Google Adsense.

    Generally most of the people don't know how to deploy their advertisements on Google or YouTube and try to grow their business properly.

    For that I must recommend you to learn about Google Adsense then deploy your Ads, because if you didn't hit the targeted audience then you might lose a lot of dollars.

    The best alternatives of Google Adsense are Social Media Advertisements like Facebook & Instagram Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Quora Ads, etc.

    Here as well you'll get a lot of options for targeting the right group of audience but the success rate might come a little bit lesser than Google Adsense.

    The next method for marketing which is my favourite is Blogging, here you need to create Blog Posts related to your Drop Servicing Niche and insert links to your Drop Servicing Page.

    For example you have a Drop Servicing Website about SEO Services then you must create some Blog Posts related to SEO and try to link your articles with a url which redirects them directly to the Drop Servicing Page.

    This method is very helpful but it takes some time to get some organic customers via blogging.

    Drop Servicing is Growing very fast and I think that if you really work hard with consistency and smart work then probably you can make $10,000+/month.

    Well I don't promise that you'll get money, you must need to work hard as well as smart to earn some real money.

    2. SEO Tools Website

    The next big startup idea is about SEO Tools. You don't need to do any type of programming or coding, here you just need to invest in a Good SEO Tools API and a Good Web Developer.

    Don't worry, you can hire a good Web Developer for those types of work for almost $100–$200 per website via Freelancing Platforms. And the API might cost $30/month.

    For convenience you can use a Good SEO Tools PHP Script instead of API, a good script might cost $100.

    Now let me tell you how you can earn with a Website like this. First of all you must develop a beautiful and easy to use SEO Tools Website.

    Then you can use 3 types of Monetization Methods to earn money

    1. Advertisements
    2. Affiliate Marketing
    3. Premium Plans

    Talking about Advertisements, it is very similar to a YouTube Video where you show advertisements and earn money from them.

    For Affiliate Marketing, you can join the affiliate programs of some Big SEO Tools Companies like SEMrush, Mangools, etc. Then you can use their banners in your website and whenever someone purchased anything using your affiliate link or clicking on the banner you'll get commission and you'll get monthly recurring commissions as well.

    For Premium Plans, you need to tell the developer that your Website should have an Ability of Memberships where the people who purchased the premium plans will get some extra benefits. Via this you can earn direct money.

    If you use all the 3 methods together then you might get better results.

    Now let me tell you why an SEO Tools Website is a good startup idea. Because nowadays so many people join either blogging or they are trying to grow their own websites.

    Those types of people must need some help from SEO Tools for Keyword Research, Backlinks, Content, etc. So if you solve some of their problems then they'll also solve some of your problems.

    SEO Tools are in high demand for now and most of the people search for Free Keyword Research Tools. So try to make something good and similar to that.

    Now let's talk about the marketing of an SEO Tools Website

  • Build Audience Properly
  • Sponsor Some YouTube Videos
  • Start Blogging with consistency
  • Try YouTube Ads via AdSense
  • In this type of business you might need to Build Audience which can be targeted via email marketing, notification pushes, etc.

    For this you can use YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Quora, Telegram (especially), etc. You can use any of them or all of them to find the best targeted group of people.

    Via Sponsoring some YouTube Videos and some Channels related to SEO you can get more than a millions of traffic monthly and many of them will purchase or use your tools.

    You must choose the right Youtubers for sponsoring their videos. You can sponsor Digital Marketing Youtubers, Blogging Youtubers, WordPress Experts, etc.

    My next opinion to you is that you should start your own Blog with your SEO Tools Website, blogging can help those people who have direct questions in their mind. For example if someone wants to know ``how to find long tail keywords' ' then if your articles help them then of course they'll use your tools.

    Generally beginner Bloggers write reviews about any product which is generally not effective, you must try to solve a problem so try to blog about any kind of problem, tutorial, or anything else.

    You can also start advertising your website using Google AdSense, there are some other advertising options available but in this niche YouTube Advertising is best.

    First of all try to create a Good Video Ad using some screen recorders, video editing softwares or you can also hire some freelancers for this kind of work.

    Then upload these videos on YouTube but be sure to keep it unlisted. That means the people who have the link can only view this video. Then go to Google AdSense Dashboard then use that Video for Advertising on YouTube.

    I generally recommend YouTube Ads, because almost nobody will believe you about SEO Tools until you've shown some real evidence like videos, so stick to Video Advertising.

    3. Online Course Selling Business

    This is another great idea to start a good Business with a very little amount of investment or you can do it without any investment as well.

    There are some good course selling platforms like Udemy and Teachable where you can sell your video courses without any investment fees. But it has some drawbacks that for marketing you might need to work hard.

    You don't need to teach about Mathematics or any kind of Rocket Science, you just need to have some knowledge about anything which can be useful for anyone. Even if you don't wanna show your face and you don't want to create a course then you can hire freelancers to do this type of work.

    You can sell any kind of course that you like, some of the highly demanded course topics are Affiliate Marketing Course, Web Development Course, Programming Course, March Learning Course, etc.

    As I said earlier you don't need to create any course, you really don't need to create any course but if you create your own course then there's a very high chance that you can easily market your product because you know what your product is about and how it can be helpful.

    You can sell your courses via course selling platforms or you can also sell them via your own website. The benefit of having your own course selling website is that you don't need to give 20% or any part of the revenue to the course selling platform. Your money is totally yours.

    But be sure that your content should be beautiful, well structured and easy for understanding. Don't add anything in the course which can distract them, especially don't use heavy grammatical words. If your content is good then of course people will select it.

    Here's how you can earn from 2 ways. The first one is via direct course selling and the second one is via referring or affiliate marketing.

    You can refer to some products via your courses with an affiliate link or code and can make a good side income from that. But referring isn't allowed in Udemy and Teachable, so if you have your own website then only use that method otherwise don't use it.

    Now let's talk about the Marketing of your Course Selling Business

    • Email Marketing
    • Via YouTube Organically
    • Using Social Media Platforms
    • Video Ads Marketing

    The Best Practice of Marketing for selling a course is Email Marketing, it is an old marketing method but still it has the huge ability to generate lots of sales.

    First of all you need to collect the emails of those people who are or who may be interested in the niche of your course. For example, if you are selling a course about Coding then you should collect emails of those people who are interested in Coding or Programming.

    After collecting targeted emails, you need to start sending mails to them, but don't spam, either do cold email marketing or ask them for sending emails according to GDPR policies. You need to be very strategic on email marketing, so keep trying.

    The next method is YouTube, not YouTube Ads only YouTube. You need to create a YouTube Channel about your course's niche and you need to build your audience. It is a slow process but very effective.

    You need to create quality content on your YouTube Channel so that your subscribers can believe that you are an Expert in your particular field/niche.

    Do some Giveaways of your courses, it'll help to build trust. But don't do a very big giveaway without any backup plan, do small giveaways like "5 People will get the Course for Free."

    The next method is Social Media Content, here's well you'll build a generic group of audience and target them very slowly.

    You need to be very active and try to solve the problems that people are asking on social media platforms. You can use Quora to give a beautiful answer and link it to your course, you can also use Pinterest to generate a lot of Clicks.

    So you need to use more than 3-4 social media platforms together to see some quick effects. Well this method is not so effective but still useful.

    You can also try Video Ads Marketing for selling your courses. Generally people who don't know about you will never purchase yours until you've shown something special to them.

    So try to create eye-catching video ads, publish them on YouTube, Facebook & Instagram. Wait a few weeks and you'll definitely see some changes in your sales reports.

    I wanna recommend you to focus on creating the Advertisement instead of publishing the Advertisement. Do something special in your Advertisement so that people will react with it, think a little bit and move ahead.

    4. News Website

    The last Startup Idea is starting your News Website, it is my favourite idea because here you don't need to do a lot of hard work and you also don't need to focus on the marketing of that business.

    Believe me you don't need to hire a single journalist or writer to create news articles on your News Website. There are some tools available on the internet which can easily create amazing content automatically for your Websites.

    If you create a News Website on WordPress, you can install some plugins like WP Robot or WP Automatic which can help you to create and publish content daily automatically.

    But how can I earn money from a News Website?

    There are so many methods of earning from your News Website, you can run Ads on your Site, you can do affiliate marketing, you can do promotions on your Site, sell your Website, etc.

    It is my suggestion to you to create a Niche Based News Website, e.g. Tech News Websites, eCommerce News Websites, etc.

    If you create a Tech Based Site then of course you'll get good revenue from Ads, because tech companies invest a lot in marketing so you might earn more than $10,000 only via Ads.

    You can also use affiliate banners and links on your Tech News Site to increase your revenue. Almost every tech company has an affiliate program, you can take the benefit of it.

    In case of News Websites the competition is very high but still you'll get visitors to your website. The reason is that there are so many News Publishers which publish news from websites like Google News, Yahoo News, Microsoft News, DailyHunt, Samsung Browser News, etc.

    So you have a lot of options, you can choose any of the suitable one and can earn from them.

    There's a Person Pawan Rai living in India who is making more than $15,000 dollars by running multiple News Websites only. So if he can do it, you can also do this.

    Now let's discuss about the Marketing of a News Website

  • Online News Publisher Centres
  • On-Page & Off-Page SEO
  • Use Quora & Telegram (optional)
  • The Marketing of a News Website is very very easy that's why I love this idea.

    Here you need to find a good Online News Publisher who can publish your news on their platform. As I said earlier there are so many News Publishers, you can choose any of them.

    But try more than 8-9 News Publishers and check which News Publisher generates more traffic to your site. I'm sure that at least one of them will surely help you to drive huge traffic to your websites.

    My recommendation to you is that you should use Google News, Yahoo News & Microsoft News, these are the must and the others are optional as well as helpful for some particular topics.

    The next method is SEO. You need to create SEO optimized articles as well as try to build backlinks for your websites. Try to build Do-Follow & No-Follow backlinks in a ratio of 4:1 and be sure to check the spam score of the website before creating backlinks.

    You should also do Internal Linking of your articles, it also helps in indexing of your articles. And one more thing is that you should also add some social sharing buttons on your website so that anyone can quickly share the news.

    Using Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster Tools & Yandex Webmaster Tools are must because it will help you for indexing as well as they help in traffic analysis.

    The last method is Quora & Telegram, it is totally an optional method.

    You can use Quora to answer the questions asked by people and link it to your website, don't spam on Quora, write good answers but also add a link in the answer so that the person can easily visit your website.

    I recommended Telegram because it is growing very fastly and here you can create your Channel or Group which can handle a lot of people in it. Here you can publish a short article of the news and a CTA link from which the readers can easily visit and read the full article.

    This method is totally optional and very less effective but still you can use them.

    5. Crypto Mining

    Crypto currencies are somewhere legal and somewhere illegal. But most countries didn't make any law about crypto currencies, but they're discussing this always trending topic.

    Some countries like the USA, Australia, Canada, El Salvador and the European Union have approved crypto currencies as legal. And they also allow you to invest in these digital currencies.

    Some countries like China, Russia, etc. It is illegal. But some big powerful countries like India, Israel, Japan, etc. didn't make any law on that particular topic till now. So you may do small Investments on crypto.

    But my idea is not about investing in crypto currencies, my idea is about mining of crypto currencies.

    Via mining of crypto currencies so many people have made millions of dollars without continuous efforts. Here you might need to invest $300-$800 to start your Crypto Mining Business.

    But first of all let me tell you what Crypto Mining is, how you can do it, etc.

    So let me tell you that whenever someone makes a transaction via a blockchain i.e. in crypto currencies they must need to do the transaction via some Processing Units.

    Miners Provide Rigs, CPUs, etc. as processors for transactions. Whenever a transaction is made, very little part is given to the miner because due to his work the transaction is done.

    That's how miners can earn money, this whole process is crypto currencies mining.

    But how can you do this?

    You need to establish a Set of Rigs which can do the processing work. You also need software for mining and you also need to connect your Rigs to the Crypto Trading Websites.

    I recommend you to hire a Freelancer for this work, because it needs some programming and coding skills.

    After that you can easily start your business.

    This is truly a big business, you don't need to invest in crypto but you can earn ethereum, bitcoin, etc. via mining.

    Keep an eye on the price of that particular crypto you'd earned, whenever the price seems to reach its peak, sell them to earn big profits.

    The best thing about this business is that you don't need to do any work related to marketing. You just need to integrate your rigs into a pool of miners and the pool must be connected with the Crypto Trading Portal.

    A Mining Pool is something where so many miners together try to mine crypto. Normally if you start mining alone then maybe even after 1-2 years nothing will happen profitable.

    Mining together increases the chances of getting huge commissions and the commissions will be automatically divided properly among all the miners in the particular pool you'd joined.

    Let me tell you the price of Crypto Mining Rigs, its cost will be almost $300-Infinity according to the amount of mining required.

    Crypto Mining Rigs are costly but they'll definitely give you large benefits. If you earn only 2 Bitcoins via mining then you'll almost reach a millionaire tag.

    I recommend you to learn more about Crypto Mining, its Pros and Cons, risks, etc. This is a highly risky business, so you should consult with a Crypto Miner before jumping into this business.

    You should also consult with a Lawyer, because I don't know how much is legal or illegal in your country.

    Before moving ahead on the road to success in digital marketing, be sure to keep tough patience, because here you must need to be very patient. Most of the people abolish their startups within a year, I hope you'll not do this thing.

    I hope this article was helpful, thank you.


    About the Creator

    Manjesh Kumar Sharma

    Hi Guys, I'm Manjesh Kumar Sharma from West Bengal, India. I'm learning digital marketing and doing some practices on it.

    You can connect with me on LinkedIn


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