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To Collab...Or Not to Collab?

The legend that is Paul Stewart Weighs in...

By Proud ViM ProductionsPublished 3 months ago 6 min read
Dallee and Canva cobbled

A feature article by the wonderful Paul Stewart, you can delve into his words here:

The good and the great Celia in Underland and Mother Combs asked if I would like to write something for ViM Productions. Initially, it would be an interview, but for undisclosed reasons, this was a logistical nightmare for me. There was a suggestion of doing a "send me the questions" and "I'll send the answers" style thing, but that would have felt stilted and dull as dishwater to read. So, the idea was put to me about writing an article of some sort.

One suggestion was to do an autobiographical piece from Lil Paul to Massive Paul. But, I felt that might be a tad boring, and besides, there are a few different places where you can learn more about me at the following links, though please wait to read the rest before checking out the links:

Did you have a little sneaky peek at some of them? Okay, no one’s judging you but welcome back.

So, instead of some kind of half-cocked attempt at a long-distance interview, I thought I'd write about something that I think is interesting and important.


Collaboration. There is a lot of collaboration happening right now on Vocal and it's a beautiful thing. One of the reasons I love Vocal so much is the community aspect. Well...the positive sides of the community aspect.

I love the challenges, the unofficial challenges. I had the biggest laugh ever in a terrible year last year when Donna Renee and I kinda started an unofficial challenge about our least favourite food and drinks.

I have even run a couple of unofficial challenges myself and, spoilers, another one will be going live very soon.

I was the second person interviewed by Heather Hubler for her enormously popular and successful interview series.

However, collaboration is not something I have participated directly in.

Some people have asked, like Celia, on a few occasions. And I have all but declined them. The logistics thing comes into it...as it would be the same problem as trying to conduct an interview...but there's also more to it.

Why It’s Not For Me

Whether this makes me look like an arse or not, I am not sure or sure whether I care but I find the idea of collaboration hard.

Perhaps it is because when I was in school and we would all line up and people would pick a football team or whatever, I was one of the rejects left to last. So, I was never the go-to guy for anything.

That hurt a lot, to be honest. So that probably had an impact.

However, there's more.

Even if I was Mr. go-to...I am not sure I am equipped or capable of collaborating with other writers/creators.

For one thing, I am quite bloody-minded and quite single-minded in my approach to things. I would struggle to work on my ideas with someone else putting forward their ideas unless they were offering merely suggestions.

I am a control freak, with regards to creative stuff I take part in. It's my vision, and often in my head...so it's not something I can easily give to someone else. Even though I hugely respect so many people on this platform...I just can't do it.

I would struggle to properly explain my ideas until they were completed.

I am rubbish at working to timelines and deadlines. The ideas and execution come when they come. I can force myself to do stuff because I have to for my content writing work, but it's not going to produce the same level of work as when I just let my brain and creativity flow at its own pace.

I suffer from imposter syndrome and sometimes feel unequipped to use the right terminology or right phrasing and feel like if I worked with more qualified and experienced (or at least as I see it) individuals, my failings would be exposed and I would look like the chancer I believe I am. That's how it feels...not how it would be.

Final Thoughts

So...yeah, collaboration is a beautiful thing and I love seeing what two people or more working together can create when they meld. But it's not for me.

I thought this would be a good subject to talk about because I felt like I was probably not on my own and might be nice to feel that there are people out there like me. If there isn't, though, I am okay with that.

What Do You Think?

So, let me know in the comments what you think. Am I an arse? Be honest. Or do you feel the same or differently about collaboration? I'd like to see what others think.

Quick-Fire Interview Thing

Celia provided me with some quick-fire questions, so figured it would be a fun and lighthearted way to wrap this up.

Haggis or Chicken Tikka? Difficult, but if it was one or the other and I had to choose, I'd go with Haggis.

Brexit??? This is muddy water, but the wrong decision was made as was the wrong decision made about Scottish Independence. That is all.

Rhianna or Madonna? I kinda like both...but probably know and enjoy more Madge songs.

Last day on earth...what are you eating? Cullen Skink to start with some crispy tempura prawns on the side with a nice dip. Followed by homemade lasagne like my Nonna used to make. Followed by Lobster. Just simple, Lobster, lemon juice, butter, and a bib? Followed by Tiramisu and a whole lot of whisky and gin.

Favourite writer? Difficult one...RL Stevenson...Poe...Shakespeare...Dahl...Tolkein...Burns...Orwell. More....but don't wanna do a big giant list.

Least Favourite Writer? Based on what I've read or have no interest in reading more by? Either way, Anne Rice (horrible), Dan Brown (boring af), and EL James.

Best quote ever? Hmm...the RL Stevenson quote on my profile is a good one. I love the one by Martin Luther King "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that." that is so simple and true, it's ridiculous that we don't get it. Or the great Maya Angelou's "You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated."

Movies...what are you watching? The last new film I saw I believe was Barbie…so I’m a bit behind. I enjoy a variety. Was a bit of an MCU fan until it started to slippery slide. Love David Lynch, Wes Craven, Christopher Nolan, David Fincher, Kubrick, Edgar Wright, Ben Wheatley erm a whole lot more. Paul Verhoeven, Coen Brothers…

What are you up to when you're not reading/writing/working? Walking…my wife and I got into walking a bit more after we took on a November challenge (I wrote about it)...so that’s always good. Like cooking, like eating haha. Watch some TV/box sets.

Sun or snow? I like both. But I prefer the warm weather to the cold weather…but snow sure does look pretty.

Thank you for reading and thank you to Celia, Mother, and the ViM Productions team for giving me this opportunity!


A massive THANK YOU to Paul for getting involved in the fun! We hope you enjoy his fab feature as much as we have!

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Note: Queer Vocal Voices is only accepting members of the LGBTQ+ community at the moment, we will open up to allies in time!

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About the Creator

Proud ViM Productions

Alone, we are letters floating in the wind. Combined, we are an Opus. We hold community in our core, "We all rise when we lift each other up"


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  • Paul Stewart3 months ago

    Heehee. Thank you for the opportunity to write for your group even though I can't do the whole group activity thing. It's been interesting reading the different responses!

  • Hayley Matto3 months ago

    This was such a fun way to go about this! Not a collab but dare I say teetered on team work? Inspo still fell between two parties! And created something just as personal and reflective!! Thank you for taking the time to do this and share with us. (Also fellow David Lynch fan here! Happy to see him shouted out) :)

  • Oneg In The Arctic3 months ago

    This was fun, a lot more honest and reflective in some ways. I’m picky on the collaboration too. Do I even want people to really know me? Are all the questions the same? Does it even matter?? So many questions. And logistics ew. But this was fun. I like how you took a twist on this

  • Cathy holmes3 months ago

    Nah, you're not an arse. I'm not interested in collaboration either (except for that one silly unicorn poem I did with Heather). I have to write what my brain tells me to. I don't think it would feel authentic otherwise. I did work on a couple of stories with my brother, but it was more suggestion than "here's my section."

  • Rene Peters3 months ago

    I don't see a problem with not wanting to collab, it's about preferences. Some people like working with others and other people hate it. I don't do it much because I know I'm bad at it. I like to have control over everything (terrible flaw in my case).

  • ROCK 3 months ago

    I love your interview; I want to eat mine. I would join you for a last meal. Regarding collaborations, I am seeking dialogue, a muddy waters kind of meaningful collaborative on all the subjects people run from. I have no bites but I am holding out for one big plunge.

  • Poppy 3 months ago

    Yes yes yes another Paul Stewart Unofficial Challenge soon???!! YAY! Also I loved Marvel until it got terrible too😭 still upset about it. Completely understandable about not feeling comfortable collabing, I surprised myself by really enjoying it though. So good to get to know you a bit better Paul!

  • KING PAUL SHAKESPEARE IN DA HOUSE!!! Nahhh, I don't think you're an arse! It's all about preferences and how productive we are when working alone or as a team. I function better alone and therefore don't like collaborating. I'm a control freak too, lol. I did collab with Mariann though for Chapter 3 of her Redemption in Drowning series. That would be my first and last, hahahahahaha!

  • Excellent piece lots of interesting stuff here

  • Hannah Moore3 months ago

    You know what, I felt ALL that a put doing a collaboration.... And therein lay the challenge! It was more a challenge of surrender, acceptance and willingness than a challenge of writing. And I'm always up for trying new things.

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