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By Rahila sailsPublished 9 months ago 2 min read
Photo by dole777 on Unsplash


The social media is a tool and application that enables users to create and share content or to participate in social networking, the means of interactions amongst individuals creating and exchanging of information and ideas, social media has both positive and negative impacts on society, especially when it comes to the well-being of children. While it can be a valuable tool for educational purposes, it also poses significant risks when it comes to the publication of inappropriate content.

The major concerns of social media is that it can expose young individuals to harmful and age-inappropriate material. The ease of access to explicit content and cyberbullying has raised serious concerns about the well-being, safety and protection of children online. Moreover, excessive use of social media platforms can lead to addictive behavior and negatively impact mental health. A concern surrounding social media is the publication of inappropriate content. With just a few clicks, children and teens can easily access explicit material or be exposed to cyberbullying. This raises serious questions about the responsibility of platforms in ensuring a safe online environment for users, especially young ones.

On the other hand, social media does have its merits when it comes to problem-solving and education. It has become an effective tool for disseminating information and raising awareness about various issues. It also allows individuals to connect with experts and proffer solutions to their problems.

Social media does have its advantages in terms of problem-solving and education. It provides an enabling environment for individuals to connect with others who share similar interests or face similar challenges. It also offers opportunities for online learning through various educational resources and platforms.

However, managing the influences that social media has on children is crucial. Parental guidance plays a vital role in ensuring that their children are using social media responsibly by setting appropriate boundaries, monitoring their online activities, and having opened conversations about potential risks. One of the most highlighting issues associated with social media is the spread of fake news. With the ease of sharing information, false or misleading stories can quickly go haywire, leading to misinformation and confusion among users.

Moreover, social media platforms have been criticized for their role in instigating conflicts and tensions. The ability to share opinions and engage in discussions can sometimes escalate into heated arguments and even online harassment. The lack of face-to-face interaction often leads to a breakdown in communication etiquette, further exacerbating these conflicts. Another significant concern is the poor gatekeeping on social media platforms. While some efforts have been made to combat hate speech and offensive content, there are still instances where harmful or inappropriate material slips through the cracks. This lack of effective moderation can have serious consequences for users' mental health and overall well-being.

In conclusion, while social media can have positive impacts such as problem-solving and education, its detrimental effects on young individuals cannot be over emphasized. It is essential for parents or guidance to proactively manage their children's proven expository standing in ensuring safe, smooth and healthy online environment for them. Social media has in terms of connectivity and information sharing, it also comes with significant drawbacks. The prevalence of fake news, instigation of conflicts, and inadequate gatekeeping are all critical issues that need to be addressed for a healthier online environment.

Writer's Block

About the Creator

Rahila sails

Unleashing the power of words, one stroke at a time. Exploring the world and capturing its beauty through the pinnacle of my pen. Join me on this literary journey of passion and discovery.

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