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Silent Empire

The rise of a superpower

By Jabari Tuggles Published 9 months ago 13 min read



You never really know how far you can get until yo feet get to moving. You start to arriving in new places meeting new people. One thing leads to the another then (Bam!!) everything you worked for gone as quick as you can blink your eyes, just like that. You start thinkin to your self (this ish cant be real). But no matter how many time you pinch your self you couldn’t wake up from the nightmare. Friends and family turn into enemies as your enemies seem like childhood friends. The snakes are just pets compared to the real beast lurking in these streets they labeled as a jungle. The real monsters of the world who only looked at us as measley pawns to the real players. So they thought…

2. Sat morning

The day was slow nothing was moving like it suppose to. Plus the streets was hot Most deff, don’t want to get caught in that shit. Leon thought to himself, as he laid on the couch cuddle up with Destiny. She was a bad red bone, with greenish brown eyes, with a body better than chicks seen in magazines. She was tatted in all the right places that flowed perfect with that a** of hers. She knew what she was doing, As she laid with her head on his chest. Tickling his stomach with her nails’ “Don’t start what you can’t finish” Leon said aroused. “Don’t let your mouth write a check your cant cash.” Destiny shot back seductively giving him a playful smile.

Leon was finna respond when, his attention was caught by three guys from the block posted on the views. “What the fuck?” Was the only thought going threw his mind as he grabbed the remote and turned the volume up. (Three known drug dealers from the Kane county area were indeited this morning. After two detectives went undercover to stop this what’s known to be running a drug organization that has bee terroriting our streets.) “F**in pigs” Leon shouted. “That’s ashame Luckly you wasn’t out there.” Destiny said in a low soothing tone trying to calm down.

(News) this organization has been terrorizing our streets for years. Filling them with the lives of our innocent children and corrupting our youth with drugs and guns.. Fuck! Leon shouted furiously at the T.V. screen as the reporter continued. suspectors were unaware that they were being investigating. By my self and my partners. Officer Martinez and Detective fraga proclaimed. We were apart of the organization few years gaining Intel. Using the trust of the three men where apprehended who are the ring leads of this organization. With the help of an informent of a rival gang giving us our lead in cracking this case. Can you believe this s**t! Leon was piss beyond boiling point as he yelled cursing at the T.V as if the could hear him It’s all part of the game Destiny sarcastically how you sound Leon shot back fustrasted ever more. He wasn’t trying to hear that s**t.

He was furious loking at the Tv as the detective continued to speak. “But she was right it was all apart of the game, every bite of it to the very last detail. Always was, and will be. Everybody know the risk upon entering the game, we all excepted them, but damn” he thought to himself flinching as he was caught off guard by the I’m not a star ring tone blared from his phone. Leon grabbed it clinching it getting ready to throw it across the room until he saw Lil Mike name on the ID.

Leon took a second to collect his self before answering. Slowly lifting the phone up he answered. “How is the weather?” said Leon. “It’s cloudy with a chance of rain, best to stay in doors.” Said Lil mike. Best bet get a rain coat an put some boots on wit it.” Leon replied in a low mellow tone. Destiny was oblivious to what was just said as she stared off into a world of confusion trying to make since of the lingo. Leon was just hanging the phone up when it rung again. “Who’na f**k it this” he thought as he answered the phone. “Speak” said Leon. “You see the news?” “Watchin it now” Leon replied still frustrated form the b.s he just saw being reported. “Boi, you talked to run run nem? I just got wind they was bumped off like five minutes ago.” “Swear?” Leon said as he stood up in shock.

He took a deep breath “I’m finna catch a wave in five.” “I’ma grab a board.” Leon said hanging up giving destiny a hard look as she just stared at him trying to figure out what happen. “Get dressed.” Leon demanded pointing to the bedroom. It was like a kernel giving orders to his soldiers. Destiny couldn’t do nothing but obey as she got up and headed to the bedroom. “what was that all about” she said slowing her pace hoping for an answer. Leon said nothing just gave off a light laugh as his hand glid down his face only to see destiny standing in the bedroom doorway. Destiny felt it as they locked eyes it was serious. She just nodded while turning around closing the door behind her. “what the f**k” was the only words the came out of Leon’s mouth that seem to fit the situation at the time. He grabbed his shirt of the back of the sofa. It was bout to go down.

3. Catch’em in Traffic

The block was turnt up. Traffic was thick due to the news crews out and about covering the story. “Swear this mother f’ers lucky everybody out here”. Trigger thought debating wheather or not if he should keep it discreet. “Professional.” He mumbled reminding himself. “Keep it professional even though this pig did deserve to be roasted and served on a silver platter” trigger whispered amping himself up to do what he do best.

The trigger was calling he could hear it. It was as if it was sing to him, as he pulled out a his custom engraved nickel and black Walter p99 from his briefcase. Attaching the matching custom engraved silencer with the words ‘TRIGGER HAPPY’ on both side. He stalked his prey like an eagle in the wild flying over its next meal. Patiently waiting for that perfect opportunity to strike. It felt like years had pasted as he waited for the news crew to wrap it up and head off to the next top story. The crowd slowly started to disperse as camera crews and the detectives went there on ways. It’s go time not missing a single breath that came from the pig. Trigger watch intensely as he shook hand with his fellow colleagues and rest of the police force. Right before entering his squad car “To clean the street.” The detective said laughing with his colleagues. “they will most deffinitly be cleaned, one hasa at a time.” Trigger mumbled to himself as he watched all the other squad car pull off The detective was the last to leave making sure the stragglers cleared the scene before he started is car and pulled off.

Trigger waited a couple seconds before pulling off putting three car links between them. It couldn’t have gotten better as he notice the squad car turning into a ally way before he came to a stop about half way in. Trigger stopped at the entrance of the ally way. Trigger started smiling when he noticed it was a dead end. There was only one way out of this, his way. “Good shit, served on a silver platter after all.” Trigger thought putting on his gloves before he loaded his P99. He just stared watching as the door to the squad car popped open. A loud whistle came out of nowhere. “What’n da fuck,” trigger thought quickly servaying the area hoping to find the corporate.

The detective stepped out of the car giving a slight hand signal. Trigger studied every move he made as he made his way to the phantom whistler. Fourth floor standing in the window what appeared to be a man. To his surprise it was the same man he was looking for next. All trigger could do was give off a smirk just when you think it cant get any better. Trigger was amazed yet a little perplexed. “why’n da hell was he here? What business do they got going on?” he thought as one question after another filled his curious mind. S**t wasn’t adding up unsure of what to think hell even to exspect at this point he went on high alert. Red flags were everywhere something didn’t fit. Bad feelings arouse in his stomach as he tried to find a logical answer for the situation. “F**k it, stay focus.” He reminded himself for time was ticking. Quickly as possible he collected his self just in time to see the detective heading up the last flight of stairs to his awaiting bonus.

Trigger moved swiftly silent as a ninja sticking to the shadows not trying to be seen as he passed by the windows of tenants staying in the buildings. He scaled the stairs with ease almost straight out of a movie the way he made it look so easy. He crouched down by the window and was stopped dead in his tracks. When he heard to mysterious voices enter the room. One female the other was male. He couldn’t make out the voices hoping to put faces on them. They sounded like out of towners due to their proper accent. Seemed more like up scale people who never spent a day in the streets only watched it in the luxury or their mansion. “ what’s looks to good to be true always its.” Trigger thought taking a quick peek through the window. Hoping to shine some light on the secret meeting that was taking place. That was just the tip of the iceberg nothing could prepare him for what he saw next…

4. Gotta Catch’em in Traffic

The bass was whamming as Lil Mike rolled up in his chrome and jolly rancher blue 70’s Charger RT. With engraved 28 inch Asanti rims matching the paint. The whip was slick in every aspec to the custom K.L.G seats. Which had his initials M.K on the headrest. To the state of the art audio system by Kicker it was amazing. The Mona Lisa of cars and the town would agree. He pulled up to the curb turning the music down low as the automatic lamborghini doors eased up. Lil mike looked around cautiously before he stepped out. Making sure he wasn’t being followed or watched.

Ever since the bust he was on high alert taking caution with every step. Under the right pressure any pipe will bust and the pressure was on at an alarming rate. It was better to be safe then sorry, he was far from being sorry for damn sure. He grabbed his backpack off the passenger seat before making his way into the local diner. It had a vibe to it that made you feel right at home. Being greeted by some of the most friendliest people He’d ever met walking in. Smiling, laughing all the time, polite, straight down to earth. Almost like you’ve known them for years the way they treated you.

The place had a southern style to it with the animal heads hanging up. Very high end though, classy in its own way. It made you forget about your problems as if nothing mattered beyond these doors. Lil Mike made his way to his normal table in the rear right corner by the window. It was only spot in the diner where he was given the best view of his car. ‘What’s the long face for?’ Monika asked in a sassy tone of voice pulling a shot glass from her pouch with a bottle of hen. “Looks like you can use this.” she said pouring him a shot. “ You aint never lien” he replied throwing the shot back letting it down in a hard gulp. “I heard what happened, don’t do nothing dumb their expecting it, you know.” All Lil Mike could do was look at her admiring those beautiful hazel green eyes as she tried to make sure her Lil Mike was okay. “dnt worry baby, I aint on that.” “Please.” she said jokingly. He gave her a slight smirk while pushing the shot glass closer to her insisting on another shot. Monika grabbed the glass as she got up. “ be right back.” She said smiling as she turned around and headed towards the bar. “wat’s up wit that new special nigga’s be talking about.” (ding) “order up,” said the cook. Putting a hot plate on the counter. “Speaking of the devil that’s it there.” She replied, reaching over the bar putting a fresh bottle of hen in her pouch along with two more shot glasses.

Monika was gorgeous, an exotic mix of Egyptian and Dominican. With the most perfect figure that people go to plastic surgeons to get. That body will make a man build a hundred pyramids in twenty minutes. She had long curly hair that fell down her back just shy of her butt. With Carmel skin that had a glow that could brighten up the night. Everytime the light kiss her skin. Lil Mike was mesmerized, the way the jeans hugged her hips made him jealous. They showed off that perfectly sculpted butt of hers. “what the panties look like?” Lil Mike was caught of guard as he struggle to regain his composure giving off a koolaid smile. “got jokes” he replies looking at Frank.

He was always on one, always coming at the right time as if it was planned. Didn’t really know how he always managed to do it. Lil mike snickered to himself. Frank took off his lue coat. Putting it on the back of the chair before taking his seat cross from Lil mike. “wats da word?” Frank asked. “ time to hit the waves.” Frank leaned back in his chair processing the whole situation “gotta hit the beach.” They both fell silent as monika put two plates on the table with the bottle, and three shot glasses. Frank just watched as she grabbed a chair from the table next to them and set down. Monika gave frank a quick smile as she poured shots.” To a new day” Lil mike and frank grabbed the shot glasses, they all raise their glasses touching them. “cheers” they said one after another slaming the shots back. “new day” Lil make said leaning back in the chair. “can you picking me up later? Lil mike asked. “My og got my car.” Monika was beautiful as she gave lil mike that sad puppy look.

Lil mike didnt respond just stared captured in them eyes of hers. Monika was finna speak until she noticed lil mike reaching in to his pocket an pulled out his keys. “Not to night, its gonna be a long on.” Monika was surprised as she slowly grabbed the keys trying to think of the right words of make him stay. But there was nothing all she could do was turn and look at frank. Who only lifted his eyebrows while hunching up his shoulders. Its was serious not knowing how to respond she just got up to let them finish. Before she could take a step forward lil mike grab he wrist turning her back around. “ I’ll slid on you later I promise” “dont make promises you cant keep.” Monika said smiling. Lil mike eased in an gave her a kiss as if it was goodbye.

This was a new beginning he never felt this way about her until now. The sweet taste of her lips made him weak, “something has to be done but what?” she had him all discombobulated as he savered the momoment as their lip slowly parted. It was magic in the air as their eyes met. Lil mike started to feel it that motivational spark that he’s been waiting for all his life. The sign to his all his unanswered prayers the right moment was now he knew what he had to do. It was time to step it up. Admiring her beauty one last time as she slowly turn around still shell shocked form what just happened. She slowly made her way to greet the guest coming in. he just stood there staring turning his head like neo when he first discovered the matrix It was all unreal. He shot frank a quick look. Frank knew what exactly what time it was as he took a bite of the juicy stake. “ what’s understood aint gotta be explained.” Neither do good meals for that matter, taking bite after bite filling his mouth with food.

He couldnt but notice lil mike sat back down and start fondling with his plate. “Something was up something big.” Frank thought as he continued eating. Lil Mike barely ate as he just looked at frank. “lets ride.” Without any hesitation frank drops his fork and stood up grabbing his coat. He reached into his pocket pulling out a wad of hundreds taking two off the top, placing them on the table with the empty shot glass on top of them. Frank look up just in time to catch lil mike being engulfed by her remarkable beauty, “she was gorgeous.” Frank thought as they both moved insync to the door. Frank drove a gun metal Audi A8. It was slick with 22’s nothing special. He never was the type to go all out like everyone else. He was more for the classic stock look, all original with a lil some, some here and there.

It was weird how he drove like a real business man, but thought hood. While Lil mike drove hood and thought straight business. They were unique some how meant to be friends. They both got in as frank pushed the button to start the car…


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    Jabari Tuggles Written by Jabari Tuggles

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