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The Old Testament way

By Alylola Published 11 months ago 3 min read
Photo by Alex Shute on Unsplash

Hi, below is an extract of Alylola’s faith story. It has been created from the following Bible verses of the old Testament put together: (2chronicles 7:14; Psalm 38:18; Psalm 51:13; Proverbs 28:13; Isaiah 55:5-7; Jeremiah 26:3; Ezekiel 18:21-23; Joel 2:13; Jonah3:10; Zechariah 1:3)

Once upon a time, lived a young woman named Alylola who occasionally found herself in trouble. One day, as she committed another big mistake, she straight away realised how wrong it was and she thought about all the wrongs she had committed and the pain she had caused others.

Feeling a heavy burden on her heart, Alylola remembered the words of wisdom she had once heard : "If my people, who are called by my name, humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their land." These words resonated deep within her , offering a glimmer of hope and a chance at redemption.

Alylola realized that she had to admit her mistakes and seek forgiveness. She knew that the path to healing started with acknowledging her wrongdoings and saying sorry for her sins. As she gathered the courage to do so, she understood that through her own repentance, she could teach others the right way to go and help them find their own path to healing.

With a humble heart, Alylola approached the people she had harmed and confessed her wrongs. Tears streamed down her face as sincere apologies fell from her lips. To her surprise, the people around her, touched by her repentance, forgave her , and a sense of relief washed over Alylola .

Seeking the Lord became another important step for Alylola . She realized that she had strayed down the wrong path and must make a conscious effort to turn back towards the right one. She sought the Lord's guidance and called upon him while he was near, abandoning her wicked ways and unrighteous thoughts.

To her amazement, Alylola discovered that the Lord not only forgave her but also showed her compassion and love. The Lord's mercy enveloped her, working towards changing the consequences that were destined to befall her due to her wrongdoing.

Uplifted by this immense love and forgiveness, Alylola made a firm decision to choose the right path. She committed herself to follow God's commandments and do what was just and right. Through righteous actions, she aimed to create a life of goodness, where the mistakes of her past would not be held against her .

As time passed, Alylola realized that repentance was not just a personal journey but a desire that resided within the heart of God. She discovered that God did not want to witness people suffer but yearned for them to turn away from their bad ways and embark on a better life.

Alylola cheerfully spread the word about God's incredible love and mercy. She encouraged others to let their hearts be broken, to return to the Lord with honesty and sincerity. She shared the revelation that God was kind, merciful, patient, and overflowing with love. Alylola spoke of the divine willingness to change her mind about bringing disaster upon those who turned back to him.

The news of Alylola's transformation spread throughout the community like wildfire. Many were inspired by her story and embarked on their own journeys of repentance and healing. The community flourished as relationships mended, forgiveness was granted, and the spirit of compassion permeated every corner.

Alylola discovered firsthand that God's mercy and forgiveness knew no bounds. When she saw that people had sincerely turned away from their evil ways, she witnessed God's loving kindness in action. The Lord changed his mind about the bad things that were meant to happen, ultimately sparing them from pain and hardship.

From that day forward, Alylola dedicated her life to sharing the power of repentance and the grace it bestows upon those who seek it. With a heart overflowing with gratitude, she reminded everyone that if they returned to God, she would return to them with open arms, ready to embrace them in love and forgiveness.

And so, the church-community continued to thrive, guided by the path of repentance, forgiveness, and healing. Each individual embraced their ability to choose a better path, knowing that when they humbled themselves before God, something beautiful emerged - a transformation born out of repentance.

PublishingWriter's BlockProcessLifeInspirationCommunityAdviceAchievements

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    AWritten by Alylola

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