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Rejection, Reflection, Relaunch: A Year of Growth at 25

Here's the thing, future me: the past year has taught you some hard lessons. You discovered that the world owes you nothing, and that success does not arrive with a set delivery date. You learnt the painful sting of being lost, as well as the power of vulnerability in seeking help. But, more importantly, you discovered your own strength.

By Courtanae HeslopPublished 2 months ago 3 min read
Rejection, Reflection, Relaunch: A Year of Growth at 25
Photo by Bin Jaleel Almanza on Unsplash

Hey Future Me,

It's me, you from a year ago, staring down the barrel of 26 with a heart that resembles a crumpled pile of receipts from a wild shopping binge. This past year has been a rollercoaster - a rusty, rickety one that keeps getting stuck at the worst inversion points.

Remember that dream job you put your all into? The interview was prepared till daybreak, and the CV was polished to a gleam? Yes, the one. The stillness following the rejection ached more than a paper cut on the eyeball. Unemployment became an unwelcome companion, casting a smothering shroud of uncertainty over everything. Every rejection email felt like a hit in the stomach, leaving you gasping for air.

Ah, the sadness. It sank in like a thick fog, dulling the once brilliant colors of existence. Days blend into one another, a repetitive rhythm of applications and self-doubt. Depression, that unpleasant visitor, arrived there as well, speaking insidious lies that eroded your confidence and made you question your own value.

There were times, future me, when the fury was intense and searing. Anger at the system, the apparently endless stream of eligible applicants, and, most importantly, anger at yourself. The "what ifs" echoed endlessly in your mind, a painful symphony of squandered opportunities. Remember the night you threw the stapler across the room? Yes, that type of rage.

Despite the emotional turmoil, there were glimmers of light. Those moments when you stretched out to pals, their laughter was a cure for your spirit. Remember that weekend with Sarah, when you found the simple joy of sharing stories and making funny jokes? Those times were lifelines that pulled you back from the brink.

And someplace deep within, a spark of resilience sparked. You refused to let rejection break you. You enrolled in online classes to improve your abilities and avoid stagnation. The freelance gigs you acquired, no matter how tiny, demonstrated your unshakable spirit.

Here's the thing, future me: the past year has taught you some hard lessons. You discovered that the world owes you nothing, and that success does not arrive with a set delivery date. You learnt the painful sting of being lost, as well as the power of vulnerability in seeking help. But, more importantly, you discovered your own strength.

As you turn 26, here's what you'll take with you:

🩷Grit: You may not have landed your dream job yet, but you haven't given up. This year has shown you the depths of your own determination. Remember this grit, future you, when the path gets tough again.

🩷Resilience: You've been knocked down, but you haven't stayed down. You've dusted yourself off, learned from your mistakes, and kept moving forward. Don't lose sight of this resilience.

🩷Empathy: You've experienced the sting of rejection and the despair of loss. Let this newfound empathy guide your interactions with others.

Now, let's talk about the future, shall we? The future where you're not just surviving, but thriving. Here's the plan:

🩷Rebrand Yourself: The resume needs a refresh. Tailor it to showcase not just your qualifications, but your adaptability and willingness to learn. Highlight your freelance projects, the skills you honed online. Let your resume scream, "I'm not just a cog in the machine, I'm a problem-solver!"

🩷Network Like Crazy: Remember all those connections you neglected because you were laser-focused on that one job? Time to dust them off! Reconnect with old colleagues, reach out to industry professionals on LinkedIn. Build genuine relationships, not just collect business cards.

🩷Embrace the Side Hustle: Freelancing might not be your ideal endgame, but it's a springboard. Use this time to hone your skills, build a strong portfolio, and establish yourself as a reliable freelancer.

But here's the secret ingredient, future me – never lose sight of your passion. Remember that project you put on hold because "there wasn't time"? Dust it off! Rekindle the fire that ignited your passion in the first place. Maybe that forgotten project holds the seed of your future success.

This year has been a crucible, future me. It's forged you into a stronger, more resilient version of yourself. Embrace the scars they tell a story of struggle and perseverance.

Here's to 26, to new beginnings, and to the unwavering belief that you, future me, will conquer your dreams.

With love and a dash of trepidation,

Your 25 year old self

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This content may incorporate elements of other forms of intelligence, but it is important to note that the narrative, personal experiences, photographs, and other details pertaining to my identity are genuine and authentic.


About the Creator

Courtanae Heslop

Courtanae Heslop is a multi-genre writer and business owner.

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