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Magic of a Christmas Past

Tangled Lights and Unbreakable Bonds

By Anthony ChanPublished 11 months ago Updated 11 months ago 3 min read
Special Thanks to Aaron Burden on Unsplash.com

Within the heart of New York City, where snowflakes danced in the crisp winter air, lived a curious 5-year-old child with eyes brimming with wonder and nature full of innocence. This child, Anthony, embarked on a journey that would forever etch a memory of love, family, and the magic of Christmas.

It was the early 1960s when the world moved slower, and the spirit of the holiday season held a special place in every heart. The New York Daily News, a beacon of news and stories, beckoned its readers to partake in a contest, describing the best thing they enjoyed about Christmas.

Anthony was swept up in a whirlwind of excitement as his mom mentioned a contest (before putting him to bed) offering a top prize of $25.00 for describing the most exciting aspects of Christmas.

Awakening on a frigid morning, his mind raced with thoughts, ideas, and emotions. The thought of competing in this writing contest put his adrenalin into overdrive. Bursting enthusiastically, Anthony turned to his mom, who had always been privy to his unfiltered, imaginative world.

Anthony dictated his story to his mother with boundless energy, recounting cherished memories of prior holidays. The crux of his story centered on the powerful bond between siblings, a bond that transcended age and time. His brother, named Andy, whom he affectionately called “Tata,” an adult 21 years his senior, was the centerpiece of his story.

Year after year, the two siblings embarked on a ritual that was as much about tradition as it was about connection. The mission was simple but pivotal: to find the perfect Christmas tree that was well-rounded and lush, devoid of any bare spots. The quest involved visits to independent Christmas tree merchants, where haggling over price became an art form.

In those days, the price of a Christmas tree could be as humble as $1.50 or reach the pinnacle of extravagance at $2.50. The hunt was fueled by the desire for the “perfect tree” and the thrill of securing it at a bargain. Anthony’s heart swelled with pride as they recounted the earnest negotiations, a dance of laughter and camaraderie that stitched their bond ever tighter.

Looking back, Anthony can remember that his words flowed like a river in the first story he ever wrote, vividly depicting the tree's journey from the vendor's lot to their home. It was here that the real magic unfolded. With delicate hands, the siblings adorned the tree with ornaments, each carrying memories of Christmases. And then came the Christmas lights, a bundle of tangled wires that held a promise of twinkling beauty.

Untangling those lights was no simple feat, but the siblings approached it with a dedication that bordered on reverence. They knew a single non-working bulb could torpedo the entire string of lights. They tested each bulb with bated breath, replacing the non-working ones with unwavering determination. The lights soon shimmered to life, a testament to their shared effort.

Anthony and Tata forged an unbreakable bond through these traditions, tree hunts, and light untangling. They laughed, worked, and cherished the moments that seemed to dance like snowflakes in the wind.

With the story written down on paper, a relic from before personal computers and printers, their mother sent the story to the New York Daily News. The child's story was a tribute to a simpler time when hearts bonded and moments were cherished like precious jewels.

The story reached the newspaper's offices, a piece of a young heart shared with the world. And when the contest concluded, Anthony received a joyful letter in the mail.

The letter stated, “Congratulations, you won our top prize of $25.00.”

It was a prize and a validation of their heartwarming narrative, a testament to the power of genuine emotion in storytelling. Over the years, Anthony’s love of writing continued to grow. The memory of that first story remained a beacon of the bond between him and his brother amidst the hustle and bustle of life. The memory returns like a faithful friend each Christmas as the city adorned itself with lights and wreaths.

Both siblings, now grown, always look back each year with gratitude at that snowy morning when thoughts flowed like a river, returns each year like clockwork. The bond between him and his brother has only strengthened with each passing year. It is a connection that time can’t dim and a tale that serves as a testament to the enduring magic of Christmas and the power of family.

This story is dedicated to my loving Brother.


About the Creator

Anthony Chan

Chan Economics LLC, Public Speaker

Chief Global Economist & Public Speaker JPM Chase ('94-'19).

Senior Economist Barclays ('91-'94)

Economist, NY Federal Reserve ('89-'91)

Econ. Prof. (Univ. of Dayton, '86-'89)

Ph.D. Economics

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    Anthony ChanWritten by Anthony Chan

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