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Keywords: Your Passion, Mastering the Art of Personal Writing, Love Writing Articles Vocal

The beginning of a personal writing session

By Neli IvanovaPublished about a month ago 5 min read
Keywords:  Your Passion, Mastering the Art of Personal Writing, Love Writing Articles Vocal
Photo by Yannick Pulver on Unsplash

Among all types of writing out there in the literary universe, that personal touch sounds like its own unique and fascinating genre all on it’s own. A place where words whisper to us and act as reflections of our deepest souls, experiences, and even our most private thoughts. Personal writing is an art— it’s baring our hearts to the page and to others, distinctive storytelling that resonates in ways news stories can’t. This is what personal writing really is, this kind of engagement epitomizes the real meaning behind a ‘personal essay’. When we write for ourselves, we are on a personal voyage of discovery, digging up the gems that lie dormant in our psyche. It can be a cathartic experience that helps us sort through our feelings, unravel the threads of everyday life and feel a sense of comfort in simply writing (or typing). Call it an Introspective walk as they help us express outwardly and put into words the inward dealing that is happening within ourselves.

Appreciate the art of personal writing

By Unseen Studio on Unsplash

Personal writing is not a resume of events, nor is it simply the registration of facts on paper. I think it's a fine line — the interconnectedness of sharing versus shutting off, where one has to find the best rhythm between being open-hearted and skilful. True mastery of this art is learning how to write a personal narrative essay — where our words are spun into tapestries of emotion and painted vividly, resonating with the reader.

That’s the magic of personal writing: it connects us.

If we would tell our stories, if we’d open up and allow others to walk in our shoes; to know the highs, as well as the lows that have made us who we are. In this, we step into a space of shared understanding and connection — a link that reaches across both time and distance to find common ground in the experiences and compassion for our fellow human.

Benefits of personal writing

There are a ton of offshoot benefits to personal writing that go well beyond the scope of artistic creation. It gives us an opportunity for self-reflection—to find clarity in understanding the experiences that have shaped who we’ve become. Writing our thoughts and feelings down helps us digest them better. It nurtures emotional recovery with personal transformation taking place where life lessons learnt from experiences become a path to embedding those into your core values!! We equate personal writing with a means to establish an emotional outlet – allowing us the luxury for, at the minimum, facing what we gravely feared in reality and dear vulnerabilities can be aired out of poorly breathing hearts. A place we can truly be ourselves, without judgement or restriction, and that takes us on a emotional rollercoaster which in turn helps to resolve conflict.

Ways of writing with love and passion

If we are to be able to truly, truly master personal writing then first and foremost is that which we need to unleash. Love and passion! Both of those things are what grants our stories depth, authenticity and emotional resonance. They create a ripple effect that leaves audiences responding viscerally to everything we’ve put on the page. Be vulnerable. The most effective personal writing will shine a light directly on your tender spots, requiring you to strip off layers and share in all the bareness of human emotion. In that vulnerability, we get to share our truths and bare our souls in a way that allows us to connect with the reader in deeper connection through storytelling: personal narratives and anecdotal facts based on personal experience. Write from your heart. Let the words flow out of you untethered, and unfiltered. Harness the emotions that lie within you, which form a synergy of your drive and allow them take control over your pen (or keyboard). That is what’s so magical about writing from our hearts: they have a weight and power that no one can duplicate, for both self-expression and personal essays/creative writing.

Do paint vivid pictures: Personal writing isn’t a string of events: it’s a colourful tapestry woven with stunning imagery and evocative language. Make your readers feel as though they are right there with you, engaging all of their senses so that they can think and observe with you- see, hear, smell, taste the world the way you do—through sensory details, descriptive language and detailed settings.

VOCAL- Love Writing Articles

This brings us to VOCAL - Love Writing Articles, a revolutionary platform in the world of personal writing. This whole innovative platform has been especially created for the writers to sit and show their taste by picking up the pen without any fear and portraying themselves as story teller. Not sure What is personal writing? Or have been looking forward to improving your personal essay writing skills. There's no better place than VOCAL for you!

VOCAL is not just a writing platform, it’s an entire community of like-minded individuals who live to express themselves. This is the place where writers can come together, share their work with kindred spirits, take on challenges and learn from one another’s tales.

How can this be achieved by using VOCAL for personal specific writing.

Using VOCAL for your own writing projects is easy and straightforward! This platform will have everything you need no matter if you are a professional writer or just stepping into the world of words and letters for the first time.

Create your profile: Your profile is where you can let your reader’s hear your voice, don’t be afraid to make it interesting and something that catches their eye! This is your chance to say who you are, and give us a flavour of please that which you write!

WRITING PROMPTS: VOCAL has countless writing prompts that can relate to almost anything, anyone. They are the perfect place to let your imagination run wild and challenge yourself to discover more aspects of who you already are! So, go ahead! Pick up your pen and pour out all these prompts that would make you a step closer towards self-exploration. Also, are you looking to write a personal essay? Do you want to know how to write an interesting essay? These prompts are gold.

When you finish your tout: When your masterpiece is complete, you can submit to the proper category on VOCAL. This platform has numerous genres to choose from. This will help in providing the best possible place where your work belongs and shall reach to its self-deserved audience.

Interact with the community: VOCAL is a great place to publish your work, but it’s also an active community of writers and readers. Don’t just post (like this article says), comment too! Comment, discuss and criticize thoughtfully and constructively on other people's posts. The exchange of ideas and perspectives will be beneficial to your writing expedition as well as personal growth''

P.S. Thank you VOCAL

PublishingWriter's BlockVocalCommunityAdvice

About the Creator

Neli Ivanova

Neli Ivanova!

She likes to write about all kinds of things. She study Cyber Security. Numerous articles have been published in leading journals on ecosystems and their effects on humans. He is motivated by everything that happens.

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    Neli IvanovaWritten by Neli Ivanova

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