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I'll Tell You A Story -Music

A Love Story

By Maria MaitlandPublished 9 months ago 4 min read

As she walked through the mall, observing everyone going in and out of the stores, she felt lonelier than she would have at home. Everyone, from her point of view, had someone - but her. She remembered the flute on her back; having just teach a lesson in a rented room at the mall, her students scattered, but she remained, seeking for a sense of companionship.

‘At least I have music’, she thought to herself, as she considered leaving. Then, she heard it. The sound of her heart now in her ears. As she got closer to the atrium there he was, playing that sad, yet beautiful melody with his harp. She didn’t recognize the song, but she knew what he was saying through the tune. Not only music was also her language, but she felt the same way - lonely. She approached the area, passing the crowds who surrounded him with their cameras, and set her case down across from him, but his eyes were close, immersed in the emotions of the song. She unpacked her flute and approached him.

Now, feeling the presence of someone else rather close, he opened his eyes but continued playing as he looked at her.

Not wanting to interrupt his beautiful melody, she looked at him and with the flute signaled if they could play the tune together.

He stared at her, while still playing, slightly tilting his head in confusion as to how will she play a song she does not know, it was he’s own creation. She smiled with a deep stare of confidence as he assessed the quality of her flute. He smiled back; ‘she doesn’t just knows music’, he thought to himself, ‘she lives music’. He looks at the strings and began to play slowly, then looked up at her; she’s ready, they begin to play.

Her eyes were close but quickly opened, just in time to see his jaw drop in awe. Her eyes squinted as she smiled at him. Blinking softly, her eyes shine as she watch him play. ‘He understands’, she thought to herself, ‘he understands how I feel’.

He blankly stared at the strings for a few seconds, attempting to hide tears from her, he can’t believe someone else feels the same way he does.

As she noticed his reaction she began to feel different – happy, not because he’s sad, but because she found someone else who feels as she does. She felt her loneliness lifting. Not only because they felt the same way but because they share something meaningful and powerful. Suddenly, she changed to a different melody, one that expressed her new feelings.

He looked at her with confuse eyes, her new tune was different from the sad melody they have been playing, but yet complimentary. She opened her eyes wide, raising her eyebrows along and gave him a nod, as if asking him to trust her.

He continued to play a lonely melody with his harp, while she played a cheerful one with her flute. He opened his eyes wide at her in a stare of despair and unbelief as he played a dooming tune with the strings. ‘What is happening?’ He thought to himself, - ‘is she inviting me to join…?’ he got it, he understood that the feeling that a minute ago connected them had not dissipated in her, it had just transformed to hope, and she wanted him to join her.

She knew what the look on his face meant because she had experienced it before, the dooming despair of waiting for love. She got closer to him and played a soft yet powerfully cheerful note. He looked at her and took a deep breath with teary eyes. Softening the tune in the harp, he began to play slowly as if reflecting on the exchange of the musical notes.

Abruptly, she broke into a dance as she embraced her cheerful melody. The crowd laughed in enjoyment. She looked at him; he smiled, shaking his head in disbelief. Her eyes squinted again as smiling. She slowed down as she winked at him, then continued dancing.

He bit his lower lip and waited until she looked back at him. As she did, he abruptly changed his tune by plucking his strings to match the cheerful melody she was playing. She stopped dancing and came close to him; she stared at him and him at her. There was a mutual understanding, they were no longer alone.

She paused her tune and let him play alone for a few seconds, then rejoined him, bringing the song to an inspiring crescendo.

Then, still staring at each other eyes, they slowly ended the song.

He rested the harp and stood up while she smiled wide and soaked-in the loud applause of the crowd with a deep sigh. He took her hand and gently kissed it in gratitude. She slightly bowed down and smiled at him. Then, she looked at the crowd and back at him in shock, almost surprised about what they had caused.

They looked at each other and laugh. He held her hand tight.

She looked at their hands, now intertwined, and then back at him with a sparkle in her eyes.

He looked at her with the same emotion behind the glossy eyes: ‘I am no longer lonely, I have you’ -they each thought to themselves. They faced the crowd and bowed in gratitude, then faced each other, laughing and sharing tears of joy.


About the Creator

Maria Maitland

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    MMWritten by Maria Maitland

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