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Far As I Know, My First Published Pieces

A Compare and Contrasting of Styles

By Aaron RichmondPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

A friend of mine shared these poems pictured from back in my school days. I don't remember writing them. I don't remember what the poems were supposed to be about, what the prompts were, or what was going on. They are truly terrible, and I offer no apology for subjecting you to them. Bask in all the glory of edgy teenage angst!

After I was done admiring how truly terrible at everything at I am, and anxiously awaiting a time when I will have a chance to look back on today and realize how awful I continued to be throughout my entire life, I got to thinking more seriously about whether or not I've grown as a writer. Whether or not I've gotten any better at anything, or if I continue to be the same twit who wrote the pithy words above.

Then I thought to myself: "You know? What if I were to write about these themes today?" So I've decided to rework these poems. Rewrite them in a way that is "These are the same poems, but better." I think it's called "editing"? But I could not, for the life of me, remember what I was actually going for in any of these. So technically, these are also new poems and I went a little buckwild in some cases. I don't know if the structure was important, or the titles, or the rhyme scheme. So I essentially went "Let's keep as much of what seems important intact as possible without sacrificing quality in the name of something I don't understand in the first place".

Which makes this an interesting time capsule of sorts. This time around, I'm writing some context for what I'm doing. Giving myself notes, if I ever revisit these poems in the future and feel like I can further yet improve them.

Anyway, without further ado... I present to you these poem revisions:

“Ray’s Big Day”

Ray soared through the blue sky on a Sunday,

His fun-day of adventure and delight.

With nerves of steel,

He went skydiving,

To embrace the heavens in full flight.

But fate, it seems, had other plans.


His parachute,

a tragic blunder.

Now Ray lies quiet,

beneath the sands,

A mile down,

lost in thunder.


“Our Dear Elizabeth”

Nations rise and rally in a clash of swords,

And in the chaos, stands Elizabeth,

A soul carved by the cruel claws of war,

Death echos o'er hallowed shore.


Once, a family of warmth and laughter,

Now torn asunder by history's relentless stride.

Parents vanished in storm and fury,

Brother's courage silenced by the cannon's roar.


Elizabeth, a sentinel of endurance,

Clings to fragile relics of memory,

Their smiles imprinted on her heart,

A portrait of love against the canvas of sorrow.


As the sun wanes and shadows lengthen,

She walks through corridors of emptiness,

Each footfall an echo of her family's presence,

Each echo a tear in the curtain of her soul.


Time unravels its cruel tapestry,

Weaving threads of grief and solitude.

Elizabeth's resolute demeanor,

A mask concealing battles within.


Amidst the ravages of relentless conflict,

She stands tall, her heart a leaden weight,

A mosaic of sorrow etched on her visage,

A haunting pallor,

A face etched in time.


"Books of John"

Living as he walked,

He wandered lost,

No plan, no guide, no path of chalk.

Calculating schemes,

With artful guise,

Embezzling cents with cunning eyes.


Within his ledgers,

Falsehoods grew,

A margin full of lies he drew.

But as death's shadow closer creeps,

Reckoning’s day from footnote peeps.


New day dawns,

The truth unfolds,

A tale of deeds,

Unjust, untold.

Memory and Thought,

As ravens soar,

Books of John closed evermore.


About the Creator

Aaron Richmond

Words weave, worlds unfold,

Growth, knowledge, imagination,

Aaron's artistry flows.

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