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Facts about introverts that no one knows


By Parveen Baloch Published 2 months ago 3 min read

If you are a person who talks less, read more and love spending time alone, you are called an introvert. Yes, "Introvert" the word you may not be hearing first time. Because It is not only a word that you hear about yourself but it also makes you doubtful, what is wrong with you and why people call you weird. Introverts are the ones who suffer most in this world and introverts suffers because they are less in number and the authority is where the majority is.

Today's world idealiz a personality called extrovert opposite to introvert. yes, extrovert the bold ones , the most social ones, the charm of conversation. They are the ones with a huge demand in every field of life for everything, because it is believed that they have better leadership qualities, they handle life situations with a bold attitude and always talk about what introverts can't. Extroverts are always compared with introverts and consider better and introvertion is considered as a disease and people mostly suggest to treat it. Introvert personality is always treated as a mental illness as something is wrong with these people. But what about intellect? what about maturity? What about mindset and power of developing thoughts and ideas? Do they lack these qualities?

According to Researches, introverts have better intellect, maturity and mindset and power of creativity than extroverts. Because the problem with extroverts is that they are always in a rush for things. They don't think before doing. They don't observes in deep . They always get excited for small things or talks and always show themselves superior. but the introverts thinks hundred times before they do something, they don't get excited quickly and they are never impressed by small talks. They are deep thinkers, they have better patience and ideas developing qualities. Introverts qualities are mostly underestimated because introverts don't talk about them and that intelligence is not seen in their behavior too. Introvert qualities are only observed when they do something extraordinary. And the surprise is that all famous and known personalities today we know were introverts. Yes, they were introverts and they developed these qualities through their introversion. Because great ideas need focus, and focus come with time and silence. Great thing are born in silence. You can be more creative when you do things at your own peace. Introverts by their behavior are not aggressive, the never go for fights and don't get angry. They have a strong control over their mind and emotions. They nerve oet their emotions to overpower their mind. The try hard to avoid conflicts. They don't desire to impress people, they don't care for things that are not of their interest no matter what is trending.

"Empty minds make the loudest noise" do you understand this quote? Yes, your mind gets empty when you no more work on it. Working on mind mean giving time to yourself to think about who you are ? Observing deeply the nature and its functions. Introverts love to spend time in nature and are always Lost in thoughts of why they were born? What skills do they have by birth? And where will all these end? Empty minds can also be filled with exercise that your mind need and mind exercises always requires silence which introverts are already use to it. Introverts never make loude noises because their minds don't let them to do that. They always get recharge when they are alone. Being alone always give your mind the time to function properly. To bring the ideas that you may not focus with noise.


About the Creator

Parveen Baloch

MPhil/Zoology, Freelance writer

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