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Elevate Your Game: The 1% Principle for Aspiring Writers, Artists, and Entrepreneurs

Small steps create monumental change

By Rick MartinezPublished 7 months ago 3 min read
Courtesy of Depositphotos

Greetings, my forward-thinking friends!

There are days when I indeed wanna hit snooze...

There are moments where I just wanna melt into the couch and chill...

There are times when I feel like punching out early and calling it for the day...

But then, something inside me pulls me back to reality and reminds me of that one thing that gets me going regardless:

The 1% Principle.

It's this thought process that helps renew my motivation and enthusiasm for what I'm doing every single day. The idea is simple:

I hope you're buckled up because this might put some fuel in them jets. While a few of you are raring to go, ready to take the world by storm, others might be feeling a tad sluggish, especially after a few days off this past weekend.

This blog post is a beacon for all of you.

The Power of 1%

Let me introduce you to a simple yet profound concept: endeavor to be just 1% better today than you were yesterday. Yes, it's that straightforward! No grandiose plans, no Herculean tasks—simply strive for a 1% improvement.

What does this mean in real life? Let's take a look.

For the Wordsmiths

As writers, your tool is your pen, and your canvas is your imagination.

If you wrote, let's say, 500 words yesterday, why not aim for 505 today? It's not a huge leap. But imagine the compound effect of those minuscule improvements over time. Before you know it, you'll have not just a chapter but an entire novel or an engaging blog post under your belt.

Think about what that'll mean after a month...a quarter...a year!

For the Visionaries

To all the artists out there, your creations are a testament to your spirit.

If you spent a significant amount of time perfecting a sketch yesterday, invest a couple of extra minutes today. It could be an additional detail, a more refined stroke, or even better color blending. These seemingly insignificant tweaks collectively contribute to the final masterpiece.

For the Trailblazers

Entrepreneurs, your tenacity is commendable.

Snag a new deal yesterday? Sweet. Why not reach out to one more prospect today? Each additional effort, however small, propels you 1% closer to your business aspirations.

The bigger picture

If you consistently stick to this 1% improvement principle every day, you'll be 366% better by the time we round the sun in a year's time. Isn't that a compelling thought?

I know for me, it's a motivator for sure.

Set the right tone

Regardless of whether you woke up feeling invincible or a bit under the weather, seize the day and shift gears. Embrace positivity, concentrate on that 1%, and let's outperform yesterday.

So, are you ready to elevate your week from ordinary to extraordinary? Remember, you are capable!

The final word

There you have it, my peeps

Your recipe for continuous growth and achievement is hand-delivered on a silver platter and in less than 3 minutes of your brain power. By embracing the 1% improvement principle, every day becomes an opportunity to surpass the you of yesterday. It might sound like I'm oversimplifying it, but the beauty of this concept lies in its simplicity.

Just one more rep, one more step, one more call, rinse and repeat, and success is yours.

So, let's commit to being just 1% better today than we were yesterday. And before we even realize it, we'll be leaps and bounds ahead, forging our own paths of success. Remember, the choice to elevate your game is in your hands.

It all starts today.

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About the Creator

Rick Martinez

I help CEOs & entrepreneurs write & publish books that give them authority & legacy | Bestselling author | Former CEO turned ghostwriter |

California born, Texas raised.

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