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A Writer's Journey: How Hiring Writing Coaches Transformed My Craft and Career

My wordsmith's odyssey

By Rick MartinezPublished 7 months ago 3 min read
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Writing is a craft, but it's also a journey of self-discovery, learning, and honing your skills.

As a writer, I have been on this journey for years. I started writing as a hobby, then took a few courses, then tried my hand at freelancing, and finally, I pursued writing as a full-time career. Along the way, I faced many obstacles, doubts, and challenges. But the single most transformative decision I made was hiring writing coaches to help me improve my writing skills.

In this blog post, I'll share how writing coaches transformed my craft and career and why entrepreneurs, coaches, and consultants can benefit from having writing coaches too.

    1. Writing coaches provide feedback and clarity on your writing.

One of the biggest challenges writers face is getting feedback on their writing and understanding where they need to improve.

Feedback can come from many sources, such as friends, family, colleagues, but none are as valuable as a writing coach. When I started working with my first writing coach, I was surprised at the level of clarity and focus that came from just a few sessions. My coach gave me feedback on my writing style, voice, story structure, and even grammar. I learned where my writing was strong and where I needed to improve.

The feedback I received was honest, constructive, and actionable. It helped me focus on my strengths and improve my weaknesses.

2. Writing coaches help you develop your unique writing style.

Many writers struggle with finding their unique writing voice and style.

They may imitate other writers or try to conform to certain writing standards. A writing coach can help you identify your unique writing style by analyzing your writing patterns, themes, and voice. They can also give you writing exercises and prompts to explore different styles and help you find your authentic voice. When I worked with a writing coach on developing my writing style, I discovered that I had a talent for using humor, storytelling, and analogy to convey complex ideas.

This helped me differentiate myself in a crowded writing market and attract clients who resonated with my style.

3. Writing coaches hold you accountable for your writing goals.

As a writer, it's easy to procrastinate, get distracted, or lose momentum.

A writing coach can help you stay accountable to your writing goals by setting deadlines, providing regular check-ins, and tracking your progress. Working with a coach helped me stay focused on my writing projects, set realistic deadlines, and avoid writer's block.

4. Writing coaches provide mentorship and guidance on the writing industry.

Writing is not just about writing.

It's also about navigating the writing industry, building your platform, and marketing yourself as a writer. A writing coach can provide mentorship and guidance on these aspects of the writing business. They can help you identify your niche, target your audience, create a marketing plan, and even pitch your work to publishers.

When I worked with a writing coach on the business side of writing, I discovered new opportunities to grow my career, such as guest blogging, public speaking, and publishing.

5. Writing coaches help you push past your writing limitations.

The biggest benefit of working with writing coaches, in my experience, is that they help you push past your writing limitations.

They challenge you to write better, bolder, and more creatively. They help you break free from your writing comfort zone and explore new genres, themes, and styles. They encourage you to take risks, experiment, and share your work with the world.

When I worked with a writing coach, I found myself writing with more confidence, passion, and purpose. I wrote stories that I was proud of and that resonated with readers.

The final word

Writing is a journey of discovery, growth, and transformation.

Hiring writing coaches can help you accelerate your journey, overcome your writing challenges, and achieve your writing goals. The benefits of working with writing coaches include getting feedback and clarity on your writing, developing your unique writing style, holding you accountable for your writing goals, providing mentorship and guidance on the writing industry, and helping you push past your writing limitations. As an entrepreneur, coach, or consultant, writing is an essential skill to help you grow your business, share your message, and connect with your audience. Hiring a writing coach can help you become a better writer, a better communicator, and a better entrepreneur. So take the leap, hire a writing coach, and start your journey of transformation today.

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About the Creator

Rick Martinez

I help CEOs & entrepreneurs write & publish books that give them authority & legacy | Bestselling author | Former CEO turned ghostwriter |

California born, Texas raised.

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  • Babs Iverson7 months ago

    Awesome advice!!! Thank you for sharing!!!❤️❤️💕

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