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"While at War": a reflection on the past that illuminates the present

A brilliant story by Amenabar in which he tells the story of the beginnings of the Spanish Civil War.

By Lucas Gestoso GutiérrezPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Miguel de Unamuno (played by Karra Elejalde), in While at war.

"While at war" is a Spanish film directed by Alejandro Amenábar that was released in 2019. This film sets us in the context of the Spanish Civil War and presents us with a story about the political and social tensions of the time. The movie presents us in a critical and complex vision of the historical facts that allows us to reflect on the challenges and dilemmas we face today.

A critical view on the Spanish Civil War

The Spanish Civil War continues to be a controversial and contentious issue in Spanish society. On the one hand, there are those who see it as a glorious episode in the fight against fascism, while others consider it a tragedy that divided the nation and left deep scars in society. "While at War" moves away from both visions and presents us with a critical view of the historical facts of the war.

The film introduces us to Miguel de Unamuno, one of the most influential writers and thinkers of the time, who initially supports Franco's coup d'état against the Republican government. However, as the plot progresses, Unamuno begins to question his position and to realize the devastating consequences of the war. This change of attitude shows us the complexity of the political and social situation of the time, in which many citizens were torn between their political convictions and their feelings of loyalty to their nation.

The construction of complex characters in the historical context

One of the greatest successes of "While at war" is the construction of complex and multidimensional characters that allow us to understand the motivations and dilemmas of the time. In this sense, the film introduces us to characters such as Francisco Franco, José Millán-Astray and Miguel de Unamuno, who represent different visions and perspectives on the war.

Franco is presented as an authoritarian and ruthless military man, whose only goal is to impose his vision of the nation and crush any form of dissidence. On on the other hand, José Millán-Astray is an ambiguous character, who at the beginning is presented as an exalted and fanatical military man, but as the plot progresses, he shows a more human and vulnerable side.Finally, Miguel de Unamuno is the main character of the film, whose evolution is the central axis of the plot. Unamuno is presented as a man of letters and a thinker of great influence in Spanish society, whose initial position in favor of the coup d'état pits him against his colleagues and intellectual friends. However, his evolution towards a critical and reflective position on the war makes him one of the most important characters in the story.

Scene from While at War, starring Karra Elejalde as Miguel de Unamuno.

The use of music and photography to evoke a bygone era.

Another noteworthy aspect is director Alejandro Amenábar's ability to evoke the era in which the plot unfolds. The director's use of music and cinematography is especially effective in recreating the atmosphere of 1930s Spain.

The film's soundtrack, composed by Amenábar himself, uses traditional Spanish instruments such as the guitar and the bandoneon to create a sense of nostalgia and melancholy that fits perfectly with the period portrayed. In addition, the director uses popular songs of the time, such as "El Himno de Riego" or "La Internacional", to contextualize the action and emphasize the importance of music as an identity and political element in Spain at the time.

In terms of cinematography, "As Long as the War Lasts" uses a desaturated color palette and careful lighting to recreate the atmosphere of the period. In addition, the director makes intelligent use of slow motion and detail shots to emphasize key moments in the plot and give the film a slow, reflective pace.

A reflection on the present through the past

"While at war" is a film that invites us to reflect on the past to better understand the present. Through the story of Miguel de Unamuno and his personal evolution during the Spanish Civil War, the film shows us the complexity of the political and social situations in which we are immersed.

In addition, the film raises questions that are still relevant today, such as the relationship between freedom of expression and patriotism, the importance of tolerance and respect for different ideas, and the need to question our own convictions and prejudices.

Scene from "While at war", where we see Franco's character (played by Santi Prego).

In summary, "While the War Lasts" presents us with a gallery of complex and well-constructed characters that allow us to reflect on the complexity of history and the need to analyze it from different perspectives.

movie review

About the Creator

Lucas Gestoso Gutiérrez

Hi! I'm Lucas, I've been passionate about movies and television for as long as I can remember. From an early age I've enjoyed all kinds of movies, and over time I discovered that I loved to analyze them and share my opinions with others.

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