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How to prevent windshield cracks from spreading

Auto Glass Repairs

By Rebecca SummersPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 4 min read

Role of the windshield:

The role of the windshield in any vehicle is undeniable. It not only protects the driver and passengers from strong winds, rain, and dust.

But also saves the drivers and passengers from being plunged from the vehicle in case of an accident. Windshields are usually made from highly durable glass and they don't get cracked very easily.

However, even with such durability and strength glass is a breakable thing.

Why do windshields get cracked?

There are multiple reasons for that. One most oblivious one is by direct impact or force. Apart from that windshield also can crack due to temperature fluctuations, structural defects, exposure to direct strong sunlight, faulty installation, etc.

In case if the windshield of the car is cracked but doesn't get fixed because you don't find any professional service provider then give it a try to Auto Glass Installation.

They offer a complete range of services regarding the windshield and mirror-related issues of vehicles. Windshield cracks can spread very quickly and can cover your whole screen if left untreated. Ultimately end up collapsing your windshield.

Here are a few tips through which you can stop the cracks at their initial position and prevent them from spreading further:

Apply super glue or any other strong adhesive material:

Although that's not a permanent solution for the time being it can be handy. Before filling the crack, first clean the windshield by using an auto glass cleaner and paper towel.

Then apply super glue or any other adhesive material you're intended to apply. Allow it to dry up properly and then place a piece of transparent packing tape on that area to keep it dirt-free until complete repairing.

Windshield repair kit:

These windshield repair kits are easily available at every hardware store. To use this repair kit, first, you need to bore a small hole in the upper layer of glass with a 1/16-inch drill bit.

Then insert a specialized resin from the repair kit into the hole to seal the glass. Reduce the stress on the windshield to prevent the cracks from forming again.

Repair from the windshield repair kit can be a permanent solution if it is done properly.

Avoid abrupt temperature fluctuations:

Glass is very sensitive to temperature changes as it expands in high temperatures and contracts as the temperature gets low.

Direct exposure to a chipped windshield in relatively cold weather can cause the spreading of crack abruptly. This will leave no choice for you other than to replace the windshield.

So, to avoid this it's better to park your car in a shady place and also avoid the use of a window defroster until the repair of the crack.

Get it repaired or replaced as soon as possible:

It's always good to get it repaired if it's in slightly better condition. However, if the cracks have spread more than three inches then the option of repair might go. In such a situation it's better to get it replaced.

What are some latest technology features in a windshield?

As the technology advanced windshield manufacturing also became updated. Back in the day's windshields are simply windscreens to stop air and any objects approaching the vehicle from the front.

But now some branded and well-reputed automobile manufacturing companies added stunning features which might blow your mind.

Here are those:

These sensors are associated with wiper settings. They activate the wipers automatically when they detect water outside the windshield.

These sensors detect the amount of light that gets reflected into the windshield glass. The more water or rain droplets on the windshield the less light will reach the sensors. This mechanism turns on the windshield wipers.

Lane departure warning system (LDWS):

This system alerts the driver when the vehicle went out of its respective lane either by producing sound or vibration in the steering wheel or seat.

This warning system gets activated through a camera which is usually mounted in the windshield close to the rearview mirror.

This camera constantly detects the lane markings on the road and when it senses that a vehicle is deviating from the lane immediately sends an alert to the driver. Auto Glass repair or Installation for Old Cars also recommends that this new feature is flawless and has great efficiency.

Forward collision alert:

This feature alerts the driver when the vehicle is too close to the next vehicle or any object in front of them.

It operates through a camera mounted in the windshield which uses short, mid, and long-range radar for the detection of objects ahead of the vehicle.

Until your vehicle is at safe distance from the one ahead of it, this system displays a green following icon as both the vehicles get too close it will display yellow/amber color following icon.

As you are potentially about to crash into a vehicle it will display a flashing red icon and some kind of haptic feedback in the driver's seat or steering wheel also.

Heated Wiper Park system:

These are heating elements built in the part of the windshield where your wipers sit in the rest position. This system keeps the wipers heated and prevents them from getting frozen in severe winter.

how to

About the Creator

Rebecca Summers

I'm a goal-oriented writer with years of successful experience writing for multiple brands and startups. My writing style imbues brands' image in the reader's mind, resulting in enhanced conversions and digital presence.

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