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Full Details of The T-90A Tank

By: Maksim

By Maks SharshkinPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
Russian Army T-90A in The Red Square Moscow, Russia

The T-90A is a third-generation Russian main battle tank that was first introduced in the early 1990s.

Firepower: The T-90A is equipped with a 125mm smoothbore gun capable of firing various types of ammunition, including armor-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot (APFSDS), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), and high-explosive fragmentation (HE-FRAG) rounds. It also has a 7.62mm coaxial machine gun and a remotely operated anti-aircraft machine gun.

Armor Protection: The tank features composite and modular armor, including composite and steel plates, designed to provide enhanced protection against a variety of threats, including kinetic energy penetrators, high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) rounds, and missile projectiles. It also has explosive reactive armor (ERA) blocks to further increase its survivability.

Active Protection System (APS): The T-90A can be equipped with the Shtora-1 APS, which helps detect and disrupt incoming anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) by emitting laser beams and interfering with their guidance systems.

Mobility: The T-90A is powered by a 12-cylinder, 1,000 horsepower diesel engine, providing it with good mobility on various terrains. It has a maximum road speed of around 70 km/h (43 mph) and a range of approximately 500 km (310 miles).

Command and Control: The tank incorporates advanced battlefield management systems, which allow for improved situational awareness, target acquisition, and communication capabilities. It also features a fire control system and a ballistic computer to enhance accuracy and target engagement.

Crew and Protection: The tank has a crew of three, consisting of a commander, gunner, and driver. It offers features like NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) protection systems, automatic fire suppression systems, and improved crew survivability measures.

Here are some facts about the T-90A tank:

Design and Development: The T-90A is an upgraded version of the T-90 tank, which itself is a development of the T-72. It was designed and manufactured by Uralvagonzavod, a Russian tank manufacturer.

Export and Service: The T-90A has been exported to several countries, including Algeria, India, Iraq, and Azerbaijan. It is also used by the Russian Armed Forces.

This is where the T-90A fought in:

1. Battle of Grozny (Second Chechen War, 1999-2000): The T-90A made its combat debut during this urban warfare conflict. It proved to be highly effective in the difficult terrain and was utilized by the Russian military to regain control of the city.

2. Russo-Georgian War (2008): The T-90A saw action during this brief conflict between Russia and Georgia. It played a significant role in the Russian armored thrust into Georgia and showcased its capabilities against Georgian forces.

3. Syrian Civil War (2011-present): The T-90A has been extensively used by the Syrian Arab Army and has been involved in numerous battles throughout the ongoing conflict. It has proven to be a formidable asset in urban combat and has displayed its effectiveness against various opposition forces.

4. Battle of Aleppo (Syrian Civil War, 2012-2016): The T-90A was employed by the Syrian government forces during the prolonged battle for control of Aleppo. Its robust armor and firepower contributed to the government's advances in the city.

5. Operation Olive Branch (Turkish military intervention in Syria, 2018): Turkish-backed forces employed T-90A tanks during this offensive against Kurdish forces in northern Syria. The tanks played a crucial role in supporting ground operations and breaching fortified positions.

6. Ukraine (2022-present) The Russians still use the T-90A tank in Ukraine to fight the western tanks.

It's important to note that the T-90A tank might have received more changes or improvements after the September 2021 knowledge cutoff. With enough knowledge, the T-90A tank stands a chance against western tanks such as Leopards, Abrams, and Challengers. Overall, it's a pretty good tank.


About the Creator

Maks Sharshkin

I like to write about war and military vehicles.

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