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Ather; Eye opener for India

Revolution in Indian electric market

By JayaKishore Published about a year ago 4 min read

Ather as a new company, Ather450 x electric vehicle is really a good choice when it comes to Autonomy, Comfort, Fuel efficiency and other features. When we talk about the mileage. The company has been able to increase the mileage of their cars from 30km per charge to 45 km per charge. The exshowroom price in Kerala is very encouraging considering how competitive though the products are and also the low prices may be for buyers who want a well-specified car at a lower price.

Based on the factors we discussed earlier, Ather as a new company, Ather 450 x electric vehicle is really a good choice when it comes to Autonomy, Comfort and other features. The ex-showroom price in Kerala is very encouraging considering how competitive though the products are.

Ather is a new company making electric vehicles in India. The company works on increasing the mileage of their cars from 30km per charge to 45 km per charge. The Transportation Exhibit allows users to ride easily and conveniently in the city and control their vehicle with an application with a click of a button on their phone. The price of the car is very attractive considering how functional and durable they are. It also costs much less than other luxury brands while being just as reliable and easy to use.

Ather makes cars in India with long range and quick charging. The company's vision is to make transportation more efficient, affordable, and convenient than ever.

Ather makes electric vehicles that are affordable and competitive with other cars. The company's motto is to change the world while making money.

Ather makes electric vehicles that help you go the distance and not just get from point A to point B.

When it comes to getting from point A to point B, let's make it great. Let's make it safe. Let's make it fun. We don't do status quo. We make cars that are smarter than ever before and are hard at work building a more efficient future for transportation in India -- where we believe the future belongs for all of us.

Ather is developing smart bikes and scooters that are more efficient, affordable, and convenient than anything on the market today.

We’re changing the way people get around cities. Ather is creating smart, affordable bikes and scooters that help you beat traffic, improve air quality in cities, and relax while you ride.

Ather is building a connected scooter for the thrill seekers, a bicycle for the world, and a smart bike for the people.

Our goal is to make smart mobility ubiquitous. Instead of driving, riding is the default. We are making the world a better place.

Our goal is to create vehicles that are comfortable, affordable and convenient. We will always put our customer experience first.

Our smart technology will transform the way you think about getting around.

The future is here. Ather is making that happen by building a community of people who share rides, reducing pollution and congestion on roads, and providing connectivity to all.

Ather makes smart, connected vehicles that are made for today.

We've all wanted a car that is reliable and functions as we need it to and which is also affordable. At Ather, we have designed a small, portable, smart and safe e-vehicle that has great functionality, high mileage per charge, and it's all at an affordable price range.

Getting around has never been easier. You can ride out from A to B in your own Ather car and get to your destination fresh as a daisy. It's super convenient and you can use it for as long as you want, saving tons of money on transportation every month.

Luxury on a budget. Not only is the vehicle incredibly affordable, it's also incredibly durable. For people who enjoy the latest trends and features, this is the car for them.

Ather was born to make your commute easier and more efficient.

Ather created the Ather450 x electric vehicle with a plan to make it accessible to everybody that wants a well-specified car at a lower price. Using technology that already exists in the market, Ather worked hard to make it more affordable by keeping the costs to a minimum.

Ather 450 x is one of the best electric vehicles in India.

Ather is an Indian electric scooter company. Based in Bengaluru, they are continuously striving to create affordable products that are easy to maintain and use.

Ather has begun to turn the electric vehicle game on its head. With a "no compromise" approach to well-being and autonomy, they are set to redefine what people expect from their mobility options.

The Ather 450 x electric vehicles are here! It is a new company, with a bold mission to provide the best driving experience to their customers. The company believes in providing premium service, at affordable prices. With an attractive price tag and efficient technology, people will love these vehicles too!

Ather as a new company, is an electric vehicle that provides a comfortable, quick and fun ride with a range of up to 250 km. With the Ather450 x, we dont just want to take you from point A to point B. We want you to experience your own localised adventure in complete comfort. If the roads are clear and the sun is shining, we welcome you to push the limits of your driving skills and put not just physics but also your mind to work. All while enjoying a faultless ride at great speeds.

The Ather 450x is a futuristic vehicle that has many features which make it a great choice for the day to day commute. The Ather can be charged using conventional AC power, but in case this source is not available then you can charge it using solar energy as well. This means that even if you're not really in the city then it would still be possible to use your car and charge it using its solar panels.In addition, the Ather has an impressive range of features especially when compared to other vehicles that are currently on the market such as; having only one person sitting in front provides an individual feel and boosts space inside. It also has four doors instead of two which provides a better driving experience and makes parking easier.

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