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4 Reasons You Want to Get an Electric Vehicle

Much Sooner Than You Think!

By Angela AshPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

A brand new electric vehicle is more expensive than regular gasoline vehicles. What makes them unique, and why are they fastly becoming the norm? Electric Vehicles are almost always guaranteed to save you money in the long run.

What Is An Electric Vehicle?

An electric car uses an electric motor to power its engine instead of gasoline. The electric motor is fed by a battery pack and powers the vehicle's wheels. The battery may be charged by solar panels or by converting fuel to electricity using fuel cells or a generator. An electric vehicle could be in the form of a car, an airplane, a bus, a truck, a bicycle, a train or even an electric spacecraft.

Types of Electric Vehicles Chargers

Like your typical electrical system, the battery becomes drained as the motor consumes energy; your electric vehicle requires the battery system to be charged, ensuring maximum performance. Every electric car has a gauge that relays the estimated distance it can cover with the level of battery charge left. This distance is called the electric range, which is how long an electric vehicle can drive on electricity alone before the battery depletes it. That’s why it would be best if you had a charged battery to maintain a high electric range, and there are two types of electric vehicle chargers which are:

Hardwired Charger

A hardwired EV charger provides an electric line from a circuit breaker to the desired charging location. The hardwired EV charger is purchased separately from the vehicles, installed by electricians, and is strongly recommended for outdoor use. Installation of hardwired electrical car chargers is usually provided by authorities to aid car drivers, and a permit is required to install hardwired electric vehicle supply equipment. It can be located indoors or outdoors and is generally safer than plugin systems, and the risk of repeated unplugging is reduced.

Plugin Chargers

Public charging stations are not as popular as gas stations, but plugin chargers offer the opportunity to charge from your home. A plugin charger is also known as a home EV charger, and you can plug them directly into a charging outlet like any other household appliance. Home Ev Chargers are portable, inexpensive, and easy to install. It does not require much technical skill to set up and allows you to charge your vehicle overnight in the comfort of your home.

It is greatly misconceived that you can hardly drive a distance with electric vehicles. Still, just as your gasoline car can only go as far as the amount of fuel powering it can take, the range of your electric vehicle depends on how well-charged it is. Even at that, electric vehicle manufacturing companies are constantly modifying the car's battery to ensure they last longer on the road and provide maximum satisfaction to the user.

What Does Electric Vehicle Charger UL Listing Mean?

UL stands for Underwriters Laboratories and is one of the global safety certification organizations which the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) approved. The UL listing label on your electric vehicle charger is a mark that indicates the product has been certified to meet national scientific safety and quality standards. Electric vehicle manufacturer doesn't need to be UL certified or listed, but UL listing guarantees a level of safety and is highly recommended.

Reasons You Should Get an Electric Vehicle

Electric vehicles are known to be very convenient and save costs. Using electric cars reduces emissions, ensuring bad air is not emitted into the atmosphere. The following are the reasons why you should get an electric vehicle:

Reduced Gas Fees

Around the world, there is a constant struggle for gasoline; some countries possess too much while others are blessed with very little. This scarcity has increased the price of petrol which implicitly affects the average car owner. Thankfully, electricity is much cheaper than gas.

A weekly stop at the gas station is not needed to power a fully electric vehicle. The compiled amount of money an individual has invested in buying fuel over the years is enough to own a fleet of electric cars. Removing that expenditure provides funds to cater to other needs. Purchasing an electric vehicle eliminated the need for a gas refill and reduced the amount of money spent on gas.

Environmentally Friendly

Vehicles that burn gasoline and diesel produce harmful gases such as carbon monoxide, benzene, formaldehyde, particulates (soot), volatile organic compounds, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, ozone, lead, and various oxides of nitrogen. These compounds are known to cause cancer and other terminal health diseases. Exhaust emissions from gasoline cars contribute to climate change through the depletion of the ozone layer.

As electric vehicles are widely accepted, emissions will decrease over time, reducing air pollution and ecological damage. Getting an electric car reduces your carbon footprint, making the world a better place for the next generation and saving whatever is left of the earth. Switching to an electric vehicle lessens noise pollution, too.

Higher Performance

Electric vehicles have a lower center of gravity, giving better handling, gratification, and responsiveness. The electric motor provides smooth acceleration, deceleration, and a quiet ride, all of these components make electric vehicles pleasant to drive. There is less friction between the engine, and the throttle is easier to control. Overall, driving with an electric vehicle provides a smooth and relaxing experience.

Low Maintenance Fees

Electric vehicles require minimal maintenance. Gasoline engines do not power electric cars and, as a result, do not possess over two-dozen mechanical components that typically require routine servicing and maintenance. There is no oil change with fully electric-powered vehicles, and the brakes do not need to be constantly replaced (because of the manufacturer's regenerative braking systems put in place).

Fewer moving parts mean fewer breakdowns, repairs, and parts replacements. All these features cut the cost of maintaining an electric car to the bare minimum. Even if the vehicle is in perfect working condition, it is still important to schedule regular maintenance appointments.


So, the seemingly massive cost of an electric car guarantees a car that will run smoothly for a long time without the added cost of gasoline while still contributing to the betterment of the planet. Whatever price you have to pay to own one of these next-generation machines is worth the investment. Getting an electric vehicle will also save you the cost of fueling your car through petrol or diesel.


About the Creator

Angela Ash

Angela Ash is a writer and editor, and is also the Content Manager for Flow SEO.

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