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What you’re missing out on by not traveling?

You only live once!

By thewellnessxploraPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
What you’re missing out on by not traveling?
Photo by Pietro De Grandi on Unsplash

Being able to travel and see the world is a privilege.

I am aware of that.

You also need money to be able to travel, and travel comfortably!

I’m also fully aware of that!

However, if you have the money, and opportunity to travel, and you don't do so, you’ll be cheating yourself out of some amazing life lessons and experiences.

Believe me.

I’ve been traveling and living away from home for many many years now.

As a seasoned traveler, I speak from experience.

The thing about traveling is, you’ll never know what it’ll do for you until you actually do it!

Experience will be your best teacher!

The truth is, everyone’s lessons and experiences traveling will be unique.

You can be certain that you’ll learn what you need to learn as an individual when you venture outside the comfort and confines of your home/home country.

Here are some life-changing lessons I’ve learned from traveling:

Lessons on Identity

Through travel, you get to examine and dissect different layers of your identity, you may have previously taken for granted.

Some questions that come to mind are —

Who are you as a person?

Is your identity mainly tied to your country of citizenship, or nationality?

Is your sense of national identity heightened when you are away from your home country?

Or is your sense of identity primarily tied to your ethnic group, gender, sexuality, or race?

You can expect that, as you travel, you will constantly be confronted with the reality of how you see yourself, especially, in relation to the “other”.

Some places or spaces may be challenging, as they may not necessarily be equipped with the mental tools or capacity to understand and embrace the nuances and complexities surrounding certain identities.

For example, unfortunately, in some parts of the world, certain cultures tend to be naturally transphobic and homophobic.

Consequently, one may need to suppress or downplay certain aspects of one’s identity, as a form of protection.

You just have to do, what you have to do!

Complaining and being defiant may not save you.

Consciousness and Mind Expansion.

Traveling will most likely, expand your consciousness and worldview.

As you travel, you realize that — in as much as humans across the world are similar, they are also in many ways, very different!

People will do things differently, in different places. It’s a fact of life.

For example, in certain places in Asia and Africa, eating dogs may be a very common practice. While in other places like Europe or America, it may be considered taboo or socially frowned upon.

When we encounter differences, we may instinctively be compelled to judge others, their beliefs, and practices, with an air of moral superiority.

But respecting what we don’t understand or agree with, is a process you humbly learn to adopt.

In the process, expand.

Our minds and tolerance also expand, as well.

Our understanding and appreciation for the complexities surrounding life and the human experience will also expand in the process.

What’s right, what's wrong?

Travel teaches you that, what may be considered wrong in one place, may be viewed as right in another place.

Subsequently, the laws and moral conduct will vary from place to place.

It may confuse or irritate you sometimes.

But you can’t go thinking it’s your right to change other people, as this brings to light the subjectivity of right and wrong.

Travel DOES NOT help you escape yourself and your personal problems.

Travel can create the illusion that it is possible to escape your internal state of being, simply by changing locations.

However, through travel, you realize you carry your internal state of being with you, wherever you go!

For example, if you carry a lot of sadness within you, where ever you go in this world, you will still carry that same level of sadness within you.

It’s impossible to escape yourself!

Unless you are able to release or purge yourself of that feeling /emotion. It will always be a part of you, despite location.

So don’t think escaping your external reality by traveling will be the answer to your life’s problems.

You’ve got to deal with them head-on!

Lessons on People and Humanity.

Travelling exposes you to the range of people out there in the world.

There are good people and there are bad people.

But if you watch the news often, you'd believe that there were more bad people than good people out there in the world.

However, from my experience traveling, I’ve come across some of the nicest and kindest people in the world.

I’ve met people with little financial resources who were willing to feed me and give me a place to lay my head, even when I had enough to sustain myself.

You also learn that people are different and that’s totally okay. We all can’t be the same.

After all, diversity is a principle in the Universe!

Exposure to the vastness and variances of Culture.

Travelling exposes you to different cultures and lifestyles around the world.

In one part of the world, people may express themselves in particular ways, through — art, food, dance, ritual, customs, social interactions, religious and social beliefs, while in other places, people may express those same aspects of life, completely differently.

That’s ok.

For example, certain ethnic groups living in the Amazon may eat worms, ants, and other types of insects, while other groups of people living in the United States or Europe may turn up their noses to delicacies from those particular regions of the world.

It is what it is. You must overcome the temptation to be judgemental.

Exposure to alternative ways of living, being, and reality.

Hopefully, the exposure you get from witnessing and experiencing all the alternative ways of living and being, helps you improve your own life.

Because you get the opportunity to adopt other positive aspects and practices, from different cultures around the world into your life.

Finally, I say — Travel whenever you can.

If you end up regretting it — find me, and tell me! I might give you a refund. (Please don’t come back I don't mean it!)

However, I’m almost 100% certain that you won’t regret it.

Just make sure you don’t end up being a brat and doing dumb shit when you’re out there.

Remember to respect all the people and places you step foot at. And I’m sure you’ll have a great and wonderful time!

travel tips

About the Creator


Multi-faceted freelance writer, seeker & explorer. I blog about travel, the digital nomad and ex-pat lifestyle, personal development, entrepreneurship & spirituality.

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