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Warm Mid-Autumn Night Tam Ngan (2018), Ninh Thuan, Vietnam

Excerpted from My memorable and emotional experiences!

By Phuong SmilePublished 5 days ago 3 min read
Location: Ninh Thuận, 14-17 September 2018

Themes and Highlights:

Connection, Unity, Compassion, Sharing: This event emphasized connecting hearts, fostering unity, and sharing experiences among volunteers. It aimed to build awareness and dedication among each volunteer.

Work and Play with Purpose: Volunteers were encouraged to eat opportunistically, sleep urgently, give their all in play, and work passionately. This reflected their commitment to the cause from Saigon to Dalat, Ninh Thuận to Saigon.


Life is a series of journeys; traveling allows us to learn and experience different regions of our country. When young, it's essential to explore and learn. Otherwise, when will we find the time? We bid each other farewell after moments filled with laughter. As always, we return tired but deeply satisfied, understanding our work might seem insignificant. Yet, it contributes to the joyous celebration of Mid-Autumn Festival for those who didn’t know what it meant to celebrate on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month.

For my friends, this was a memorable experience. They realized there are others less fortunate around us. This strengthened their faith in life, enabling them to overcome challenges without faltering. Before the journey, I envisioned new lands, moments lived to the fullest, and above all, to once again experience the joy of volunteering, seeing the bright faces of children receiving gifts, and feeling the meaningfulness and warmth of human compassion.

We met as strangers but with shared hearts eager to share and care, making this charity trip a testament to our large-heartedness. Another Mid-Autumn Festival has come. Children across the country eagerly await this festival, a significant celebration for many. I sensed from their eyes and smiles a radiant excitement and joy. They were curious, knowing they were about to receive treats, and delighted to have so many visitors. Perhaps in our community, there are few activities for children, and maybe people are no longer enthusiastic because they have enough. They come to witness our organization, to see their children receive gifts, to smile and talk. I heard the excitement of the children, shouting their friends' names, pointing fingers, and laughing as each received their candy. I heard my friend say, "Hey, those little ones have already grabbed their bowls to eat, they're good!"

I saw mothers proudly share the gifts their children received, handing each other candy and cakes, clapping each other on the back with big laughs, and I knew they were happy. Their joy was simple, as they were used to hardship, so they desired little. Those who find sadness in what they don't have, or feel bored because they can't play as much as others, are few among us. Knowing is remembering, and after each trip, most will feel love, appreciation, and a desire to preserve the things around them. That's the lesson I've learned, finding happiness in what I have.

Emotions that money can't buy. Participating in such trips, I've gained many friends, perhaps forming many new relationships afterward. This is also how I become more open, sociable, and enthusiastic. I will continue to seek adventures, community activities to participate in, not wanting a dull life. I've received so much, and it will be a meaningful youth for me to reminisce about, or proudly recount to others.

We've had an exciting journey together. We met each other not elsewhere but in our hearts. Surely, you, like me, understand that we are much luckier than many others, right? Everyone’s emotions after the journey differ, but we all cherish the laughter of the children, parents, and siblings, as well as the presence of aunts and uncles.

I sincerely thank the philanthropists who accompanied us in this program. If you want to know about a place, talk to the locals; if you want to correct an issue, talk to many locals. I've heard about this place and understood the circumstances of most locals here. They need our empathy and support to continue living. I hope philanthropists continue to follow and support us on the upcoming journeys. Once again, I wish philanthropists success and good fortune, and I wish them all good health. P/s: Thank you, Mr. Nguyen Son and the organizing committee, for organizing this event for us to participate in, and thank you to all the "senior members" too. I hope this isn’t the last time we meet; we will join you, my friends, in many more programs. And we will build lasting friendships.

I hope we will continue to accompany each other on the path of unity and love. Let's enhance the spirit of "Good leaves shelter, good friends endure." At the same time, understand our duty and responsibility in building our country. Therefore, let each of us cultivate and nurture a boundless love in our hearts. To work well, look no further than right in front of us. I hope to see you all again in future programs. Wishing you all good health. Thank you for the good things!

volunteer travelstudent travelsocial mediaactivities

About the Creator

Phuong Smile

My thoughts on the wonderful things every day!

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Comments (1)

  • Văn Phương Trương5 days ago

    Thank you for trips

Phuong SmileWritten by Phuong Smile

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